Trip to Cheshire Ice Cream Farm

Just a little reminder we are going to Cheshire Ice Cream Farm tomorrow (Tuesday 15th May).  We are expecting lovely weather so the children will need to have sun cream applied before school and bring a sun hat with them please.

We will carry our bags with us all day so a comfortable rucksack/bag would be helpful to carry their lunch and water bottles. Cheshire Ice cream Farm has advised the children to bring a change of clothes for after the sand and water play but please ensure all children come to school in their school uniform.

We will leave after registration and will be returning before the end of the school day.

Thank you for your support!

Miss Edwards

Weekly News 12.05.18

New Logo

Your child may have already mentioned that we unveiled our new School and Nursery logo last week in whole-school worship.  We are very proud of the new logo which is a combination of the children’s ideas, and which governors and staff agreed summed up everything special about our School and Nursery.  A special well done to Alana, Daisy and Eva whose designs were combined into the final design.

The uniform colour will remain royal blue and School Shop Direct will be changing the uniform over the next few weeks. Children may continue to wear the current school sweatshirts until you need to purchase new, as we do not expect everyone to buy new uniform. We have stressed this to the children in case they tell you otherwise!

Parents’ Lunch

Thank you to Nursery and Class 1 parents and other family members who have been able to join us for lunch over the past couple of weeks. We are looking forward to Class 3 parents joining us next week.

The Kitchen will organise dates for Class 2 and Years 4 and 5 after half-term.  As in previous years, parents and family members of Year 6s will be invited to join us for lunch after the Leavers Assembly on the last day of the summer term.

Next week…

We would like to wish the Year 6s and Year 2s good luck in their SATs next week. They have worked really hard in the run-up to SATs and we know many children are actually looking forward to the tests!

Next Friday is our Royal Wedding celebration day and we are looking forward to seeing everyone wearing something red/white/blue. The Kitchen are also serving a special Royal Wedding lunch.

Reminder to Year 6 Parents

Thank you if you have already returned the application form for secondary school transport. All letters need to be returned by 25th May please.

Letters out this week

Class 3 parents’ lunch

Have a nice weekend.

Read Write inc

This week we have concentrated on the sounds:

oi – spoil the boy

oy – toy for the boy

The children have continued to practise sounds from set 1 and 2.

You will have noticed as well as bringing home a school reading book the children have also brought home words that are linked to their group text.  These are for you to practise with your child and also give your child an opportunity to discuss the ditty or story they are doing in class.

Year 2 Homework

The Year 2 children have been asked to complete pages 30 – 33 of their Reading SATS Booster Book and pages 6, 7, 8 and 9 of their Maths Reasoning SATS Booster Book. 

This is due in on Friday 11th May.

Year 6 Revision activities – Purple Mash

Year 6 children can use the English Grammar online activities on Purple Mash (shown below), in preparation for SATs the week after next.

They can also use the online Maths activities to practise different maths skills including the four  operations of  addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  I have shown a few suggested activities below which are all ready-made games in 2Race and encourage quick recall of number facts. However, children can access any activities, which they find useful. If your child has forgotten their log in details, please let me know. Thank you.

Class 2 Forest School Session

Thank you to the parents that have confirmed they are attending tomorrows Forest School sessions. The children are looking forward to spending the morning sharing their outdoor learning with you.

We are expecting rain tomorrow so waterproof clothing would be advisable!

Parents who have confirmed they are attending the first session should arrive for 9am and parents attending the second session should arrive for 10:30am.

See you tomorrow.

Miss Edwards

Weekly News 27.04.18

Gardening morning

Just a reminder that we have a gardening morning tomorrow – Saturday 28th April – if you are able to spare a couple of hours.  Thank you in advance to FOBs for providing refreshments.

Well done Mr and Mrs Bowes

We would like to say well done to Mr and Mrs Bowes who both ran the London Marathon last weekend in exceptionally warm weather!

‘Show and tell’ session – Thursday 10th May

At the end of the school day on Thursday 10th May, we would like to invite parents/guardians to come into school to look at their child’s/children’s books with them.  This will allow parents to see what their child has been doing since the start of term and give children chance to talk about their work with their parents/guardians – this will be a nice opportunity for children to share their achievements, especially for those who did not come to parents’ evening in March. For children staying to after-school clubs, parents are welcome to pop into class when they collect their child/children at 4:30.

Royal Wedding – Red, white and blue day – Friday 18th May

On Friday 18th May, we would like all children to come to school wearing red, white and blue to celebrate the wedding of Harry and Meghan. The school kitchen are putting on a special Royal Wedding Lunch menu and children will be taking part in royal wedding-inspired activities during the day. We may even have a mock wedding of our own!

Clubs – provision and payments

Our extended-schools provision is excellent value for money in comparison to other settings and caters for a range of children’s interests. This term we will be reviewing the range of clubs provided, as attendance at some clubs has decreased since Christmas and is not sustainable in the long-term.  Please could we ask that clubs are paid for promptly and we are grateful to those parents who always pay for clubs on time.  Letters will be sent out next week where club fees have not been paid for a number of weeks as our school budget cannot meet these costs. Thank you

Special menu – Thursday 3rd May

Next Thursday the kitchen will be serving a special Fun at the Fair menu of:

Hot dogs (including veggie option)


Jacket potatoes

Home-school communication

If your child is unable to take part in PE or go outside to play at break or lunchtime, please ensure that your child’s teacher or the school office have been informed.

Diary dates

Please keep an eye on the calendar for forthcoming events this term.  Next week, a paper newsletter will be sent home detailing important dates and events this term.

Letters out – reminder

If you have not already done so, please can you return the permission slip regarding sun-cream. Thank you

We hope you all have a nice weekend.


Read Write inc

We have continued to revise all sounds taught.  The children are working hard at segmenting and blending and this is improving their confidence when reading.

This week we have focused on:

oo – poo at the zoo and oo – look at the book

ir- whirl and twirl and er – a better letter

ar – start the car

The children have verbally formed sentences using words with these sounds in and many have independently written their own sentences.