Request for Art Materials

Dear Parents/Carers,

Next half term the children will be making papier-mache Roman helmets for their art project. Please could your child bring in a cardboard box (the size of a cereal box) on the first day back after half term.

If you happen to have any newspapers you do not want we will happily receive those as well!

Thank you,

Miss Barratt


Class 3 Homework – Due in Monday 11th June

Apologies – in the mad rush at the end of the day I have forgotten to give out the homework! I will give it to the children on the first Monday back and the children can hand it in on Monday 11th June instead alternatively, year 3 parents, feel free to print the homework below.

Year 2 – The Year 2 children have been asked to complete pages 18 and 19 from their SATS Booster Reasoning Maths Book. I realise SATS are now over but there are still some valuable activities for the children to complete in order to help reinforce work we are doing in class.

Year 3 – The Year 3 children have been given some multiplication homework linked to work we have been doing in class.

y3 x hw1

y3 x hw2



Class 3 Weekly Update

English: This week the children have created a new character for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They came up with a new child who had won a ticket and then wrote a story about their visit to the factory and what happened to them. We have also spent some time looking at the poems/songs the oompa loompa’s sing about the different children and then had a go at writing our own about our new character.

Maths: We have been focusing on multiplication this week. The Year 2 children have been revising multiplication as repeated addition and have been matching images to multiplication number sentences. The Year 3 children have been multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. We have done this with images in a place value grid and have been learning the column method for doing this.

Science: We have been describing the properties of different rocks this week and have been identifying their uses.

History: The children have been learning about what life was like for a Roman Soldier and have written a diary entry as though they are a Soldier.

PE: We have begun practising for sports day this week!

RE: The children have concluded their work on ‘What do Christians believe about God?’ bringing together all their ideas from previous sessions.

After half term our PE days will change to a Thursday and Friday. 

Year 2 children will have games on a Thursday and tennis on a Friday.

Year 3 children will have swimming on a Thursday and tennis on a Friday. 

Thank you for your continued support this half term, I hope you all have a lovely break!


Stay in Touch

Dear Parents and Guardians

As you are undoubtedly aware, data protection laws are changing on Friday 25th May.

We hope that you will choose to stay connected but if you no longer wish to receive emails directly from our website, please click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email.  You can also update your subscription preferences e.g. which classes you receive emails from.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to myself or the School Office staff.

Mrs Johnson

Class 5 half-term homework

To be brought into School for Tuesday 5th June 2018

Your homework task for half-term is to research Sir Isaac Newton’s work on light. Newton was known for his work in several areas of science but I just want you to focus on his theories and findings about light.

You can present your information in any format of your choice e.g. written, using ICT, practical demonstration, etc.  You will be sharing your research with the rest of the class.

Booster Club

Dear Parents/Carers,

Unfortunately booster club has had to be cancelled tonight, children are able to attend fitness club instead if they are unable to be collected.

Booster Club will also not be running after half term.

Thank you,

Miss Barratt

E Safety Evening for Year 6 Parents at The Corbet

The Corbet School are hosting an E Safety Parents’ Information Evening on 20th June with PC Crump. Please see attachments below for more information and also a message from The Corbet School.


“We are aware that many year 6 pupils ask their parents for a mobile phone once they start secondary school because of the bus journeys.  Therefore, we think it would be really good to encourage as many year 6 parents as possible to attend this evening in order to encourage safe practice from the outset.”

E-safety Parents’ Evening Poster The Corbet School

E safety Parents Information Evening 20.06.18

In Memory Of Jenna

We had some very sad news yesterday when we heard that one of our former pupils, Jenna Byrne, passed away earlier this week. Many of us at Bicton still remember Jenna’s bubbly personality and her lovely smile. We all send our love and thoughts to her parents, Cara and Mark, and their family at this very sad time.


Read Write inc

This week the children have continued to revise and use the sounds taught over the year.

Our focus sounds were:

i-e – a nice smile

igh – fly high

Thank you for feeding back on how your child is getting on with reading their ditties and group book words.  We have enjoyed reading some of the sentences children have written at home and shared on Tapestry.

Class 5 update 18.05.18

Firstly, we would like to say a huge well done to all the Year 6s for their hard work this week and the way they approached the SATs.  Their positive attitude was wonderful to see and they should feel very proud of themselves – we certainly are!

Well done to the Year 5s for the independence they showed in their project work this week. They seem to have really enjoyed researching buy cialis in mexico their chosen topics and preparing their presentations to share with the Year 6s.

Please can children ensure that they have their PE kit in school all week from now on, as we will be starting to prepare for Sports Day and may be able to fit in extra PE sessions after the half term break.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Foster, Mrs Johnson and Mrs Pat Johnson