Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre

We had a brilliant time yesterday at the Discovery Centre and the children enjoyed pond dipping, habitat trails, and bug hunting.


Arthog Meeting – Friday 22nd June 2:30pm

We will be holding a parents’/guardians’ meeting on Friday afternoon at 2:30 pm, where we will provide further information and answer any questions you have about our forthcoming visit to Arthog.  The kit list will be sent home prior to the meeting. If you have any questions, and are unable to attend, please do not hesitate to speak to me. Thank you.

Class 4 Visit to Secret Hills

The children have all been told but, just in case the message did not reach you, they need to wear their school t-shirt and school sweatshirt/cardigan for their trip on Monday.  They may wear leggings/jogging bottoms/tracksuit bottoms etc.

Thank you

Class 5 weekly update


This week children have written narrative descriptions of Willie’s journey home to London. Their task was to recount the journey using present tense, which was quite a challenge, but their finished work was excellent. They are now desperate to read on to find out what happens once Willie is reunited with his Mum!


We started a new unit on statistics with our main focus this week on line graphs. Children have interpreted line graphs in a range of different contexts and created their own line graphs using given data. We will continue with our work on line graphs next week.


The whole class have now shared their half-term homework on Sir Isaac Newton and we have built on their research by using different-shaped prisms to refract light in and around the classroom.


Whilst the Year 5s were enjoying the Languages Day at The Corbet on Friday, Year 6s continued to work on their Dig For Victory – inspired posters.

Class 5 Visit to the Imperial War Museum

Just a reminder that it is our visit to the Imperial War Museum at Manchester on Wednesday 20th which we are all very excited about!

Have  a lovely weekend.


Weekly Update 16.06.18

Annual parent survey

Next week, we will be sending home the annual parent survey which we would like returned by Friday 29th June please.  Your views of our school are very important to us and will help us plan for the forthcoming year and beyond. Thank you.

Swimming session – 21st June

As part of Drowning Prevention Week, please can Year 3s and Year 6s bring a t-shirt to wear for their swimming session on Thursday 21st.

Main gate – vehicular access only

Please can we remind parents and other adults walking children to school/nursery that the main wooden gate should only be used for vehicular access. We ask that pedestrians use the smaller gate at the crossing. This is for everyone’s safety – both pedestrians and drivers – and we thank you in advance for adhering to these safety procedures.

Sports Day 

Just a reminder that we will be holding our Sports Day on Tuesday 26th June – Classes 3, 4 and 5 in the morning and Classes 1 and 2 after lunch.  A letter will be sent home next week explaining what country your child will be representing and what colour of t-shirt they will need to wear.

Letters out this week

Year 5/6 rounders – group of children involved

September classing arrangements – whole school

Thank you

Class 1 round up

Class 1 have been very busy this last week.

Read Write Inc:

The children have continued to revise all of Set 1 and Set 2 sounds/words  and learn Set 3 sounds/words.  Over the week we have sent home the story words and ditties for you to practise at home.  We have also looked at

are/air  (care and share / That’s not fair)

ow / o-e   (Blow the snow / Phone home)


green words 1


green words 2


green words 3

The children have used their phonics knowledge to write sentences using words with these sounds.  Some children have also made a Wanted poster for one of the characters from their group Story Book  – Black Hat Bob.


We have concentrated on understanding the parts of numbers to 10 and what a teen number is (tens and ones).  The children have used a variety of resources to help them show and explain their reasoning.

Here is a lovely 10 frame activity to play (the fill option)


Image result for rumble in the jungle story

We have enjoyed the story Rumble in the Jungle –

We have moved like the animals in the story and discussed what our favourites are.  Next week we will research and write about our favourite animal/s.

Understanding the World/RE

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about the celebration of Wesak (Budda’s birthday).   The children have talked about how we treat each other and linked this to our whole school theme of Kindness. To find out more:


We have used our P.E. slots to practise for Sports Day, more information will be sent out soon about the team your child is in and colour t- shirt that your child will need.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend  🙂

Tempest – Order deadline

Please can we have all orders in by Thursday, 21st June at the latest.   Tempest will collect them from us at the end the day.

Weekly News 11.06.18

School Photos

Just a reminder that the school photographer is visiting on Tuesday 12th June.  If you would like photos taken of younger/older siblings, who do not attend either Bicton School or Nursery, please arrive at the main office at 8:30.  There is no need to bring your child earlier than normal if they already attend school or nursery, as staff will take them to the Hall to have their photos taken (individual, with siblings and as a class.)  Please ask if you have any questions.

Drink Prices Increasing

Please note that all drinks available from the school kitchen – milk shake and fruit juice – will be increasing to 50p from Monday 11th June.

Class 2 Parents’ Lunch

We are looking forward to Class 2 parents and family members joining us for lunch this week.  There is a special menu being served on Friday and the menu for this week is available from the main office.


Please could the final Arthog payment be made by Friday 15th June at the very latest. Thank you.

Gardening Day

We have our next gardening day coming up next Saturday 16th June from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Refreshments will be served throughout the day and we would love to see you if you are able to spare a couple of hours to come along and help.

Letters out this week

Year 6 leavers hoodies – thank you for the orders received so far

Year 5 Languages Day – please return as soon as possible

Class 4 trip to Discovery Centre – please return as soon as possible

Hope you’ve had a nice weekend.


Get well soon Mrs Thomas

As some of you are already aware, Mrs Thomas has had surgery this week for a broken arm. We all send her our very best wishes and hope that she makes a speedy recovery.