Weekly News 13.07.18

Bicton Summer Fete – Saturday 14th July

We are looking forward to children singing at Bicton Fete tomorrow and all children are welcome to sing even if they are not in choir.  We are expecting to sing at 2:00 pm.

Nursery Open Morning – prospective parents

If you know of any parents looking for nursery places, we would love to see them at our OPEN MORNING on Wednesday 18th July 10:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m. Please contact the School Office to book a visit.

Dinner money

Please can all dinner monies be paid in full before the end of term. Thank you.

Celebration Assembly

We are looking forward to our summer term Celebration Assembly on Thursday 19th July at 9:25 am, where we will celebrate children’s achievements this term and also sadly say goodbye to several members of staff.  We hope you will be able to join us.

Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly

We also hope you will be able to join us at our Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly on Friday 20th July from 10:00 am (start time will be confirmed on Tuesday once they have had a full rehearsal) and for the Year 6 parents/families lunch afterwards.

Have a nice weekend.

Year 6 SATs Results – Tuesday 10th July

There seems to have been some confusion over children receiving their SATs results on Tuesday.  As many of the Year 6s are at The Corbet tomorrow, I very kindly offered to give them their results at the end of the day tomorrow rather than them wait until Wednesday.  This is completely optional and children are welcome to wait until Wednesday morning.

Thank you.

Weekly update 09.07.18

Film Club – Tuesday 10th July – PG film showing

In response to several requests, we will be showing The Greatest Showman in Film Club this week which is rated a PG.

Nursery Open Morning – prospective parents

If you know of any parents looking for nursery places, we would love to see them at our OPEN MORNING on Wednesday 18th July 10:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m. Please contact the School Office to book a visit.

Dinner money

Please can all dinner monies be paid in full before the end of term. Thank you.

Celebration Assembly

We are looking forward to our summer term Celebration Assembly on Thursday 19th July at 9:25 am, where we will celebrate children’s achievements this term and also sadly say goodbye to several members of staff.  We hope you will be able to join us.

Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly

We also hope you will be able to join us at our Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly on Friday 20th July from 10:00 am (start time to be confirmed) and for the Year 6 parents/families lunch afterwards.

Year 6 Science Day – The Corbet School

The Corbet School have asked for Year 6 children to take a snack for break time and a packed lunch for lunch time as the kitchen will not be available on Friday 13th July.

Thank you


Group Photographs –    Please can we have all orders in by Friday, 6th July at the latest.   Tempest will collect them from us at the end the day.

Weekly News 29.06.18

Sports Day – thank you

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who was able to come along and enjoy our Sports Day last Tuesday.  We are all immensely proud of the children’s team spirit and their perseverance during the day.  Thank you also to FOBs who raised a fabulous £200 from the sale of refreshments.

Parent/guardian surveys

Thank you for the surveys already returned and for the comments and suggestions made. If you have not already returned the survey, we would be very grateful if you could do so by Wednesday 4th July and we thank you in advance for your support.

End-of-term BBQ

We are looking forward to our end-of-term World Cup BBQ for families and friends next Friday 6th July from 3:30 until 7:00. Refreshments will include a BBQ and salads, a bar, ice-cream and sweet stalls, as well as face painting and games to entertain the children (and adults!) We are also hoping to have a tombola so if you have any bottles/toiletries/unwanted gifts etc that you are able to donate, please leave them on the table at reception. We hope you will be able to join us.

Diary dates

Please keep an eye on the calendar as the last few weeks of term are quite busy, particularly for Year 6 pupils.

Thread worms

We have been informed of a case of thread worms in school. Please could you treat your child as necessary, if you find that they are affected. Thank you

End-of-term BBQ

We are looking forward to our end-of-year World Cup BBQ for families and friends next Friday 6th July from 3:30 until 7:00.  Refreshments will include a BBQ and salads, a bar, ice-cream and sweet stalls, as well as face painting and games to entertain the children (and adults!)  We are also hoping to have a tombola so if you have any bottles/toiletries/unwanted gifts etc that you are able to donate, please leave them on the table at reception.  We hope you will be able to join us.

And yes…we will be showing the football, if England make it through to the quarter finals!

Sports Day

At Sports Day tomorrow Fobs will be selling sausage and bacon baps in the morning and Pimms with strawberries in the afternoon. Hot beverages and cakes will be available to purchase throughout the day.

Class 5 update 22.06.18


In English this week, children have written newspaper reports focusing on the search for and subsequent rescue of Willie from his home in London.  Next week we will be using Willie’s holiday at the seaside with Mister Tom, as a focus for poetry writing.


We have continued with our work on line graphs. This has included solving problems on graphs with several lines, suggesting contexts for given graphs without labels and titles and also creating our own line graphs to show how food prices have risen over the years.


In science we have started to learn about how the human eye works and the different functions of each part of the eye.  We will continue with this next week and start to discuss colour blindness and also how periscopes work.


We have continued with our research on the role of the Home Guard during World War 2.

Sports Day

Just a reminder that all children will need to bring a hat and drinks bottle for Sports Day on Tuesday. Children may come to school wearing their PE kit and trainers and they do not have to bring uniform to change back into at lunchtime unless they want to.  Please can all children have sun cream applied before coming to school. Thank you.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson, Mrs Foster and Mrs J