Class 2 Weekly Update 07.09.18

Welcome back everybody! It has been lovely to meet most of you at the door in the morning. I hope that your children have been looking forward to coming to school in the morning as much as I have.
We have had a wonderful week together settling in. We have been getting used to the new routine and have shown that we are all more than ready to enter KS1.
If you have not received our curriculum newsletter, here it is below.

If you need me for anything, please call in any time for a chat.

Mr Mavin

Autumn Curriculum Letter

School Lunches – first week back

When we return to school, we are on Week 3 of the school menu.  On Tuesday 4th, the school kitchen will be serving a special lunch of:

  • Sausages (Red)
  • Cheese parcels (Blue)
  • Veggie fingers/bake (Green)

served with mash/pasta and beans/sweetcorn.

We look forward to seeing all the children tomorrow!


After-school provision

The after-school clubs will be updated on the website when we return to school. Film Club is running as normal on Tuesday and there will be after-school provision every day this week for all classes.

Thank you

Year 5 and 6 summer holiday homework

We hope you are all enjoying the holidays and the beautiful weather!

Just in case anyone has mislaid it, we’ve attached the summer holiday homework below. We are really looking forward to seeing the children’s homework when we return to school and we have even cleared a couple of display boards today ready to showcase their hard work.

Summer holiday homework

Enjoy the rest of the holidays!

Summer holiday news

Thank you

On behalf of all the staff, thank you all for your support, kind words, cards and gifts at the end of term. 2017-2018 has been a very busy and, at times, challenging year for us at Bicton but the parental support and community spirit makes every day so worthwhile and sums up what is so special about our school and nursery.

It was sad to say goodbye to some of our staff and pupils but we wish them all the very best of luck for the future and are sure that many will stay in touch.  We are now looking forward to the next school year and the exciting opportunities that 2018-2019 will bring.

Online safety

Just a reminder that if you have any concerns during the holidays about your child’s safety online, please visit more advice and information on how to keep your child safe online.

Enjoy the rest of the holidays!

Mrs Johnson 🙂


Plastic Bag/Bag for life

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please can you ensure your child brings a plastic bag/bag for life to school tomorrow and keeps it in their locker ready for when we start sending books home. Thank you to those parents who have already brought them in.

Miss Barratt


Celebration assembly

Thank you to those that have brought in costumes for the celebration assembly on Thursday. If you haven’t already brought a costume in can you please bring it it tomorrow.

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas

FOBs Annual General Meeting – Tuesday 17th July – 7pm

Message from FOBs –

Please join us at our AGM to discuss how money raised will be spent and help us to come up with fundraising ideas for 2018/19. Should you be able to spare some time, we always welcome new volunteers.

By attending the meeting you are not committing to joining FOBs, please feel free to come along and give us your input with no strings attached!

Date: Tuesday 17th July

Time: 7:00pm

Place: Bicton Primary School

We hope to see you there!




Dinner Money

Please can all dinner monies for this week be paid in full before Wednesday. Thank you.

Class 4 weekly update

English: The children have completed assessments in english (writing and reading) this week.  They have worked hard on these – well done!

Maths: They have been converting units of time (years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes) and looking at timetables. They have also completed a maths assessment.

DT/Art: They have been making Greek head dresses for the celebration assembly next week which look great!  In DT they have been looking at Greek food and what they ate in Ancient Greek times.  Next week the children will be tasting some Greek food and designing and making their own flatbread with a twist.

Science: They have been doing work on light and how it travels.  The children had lots of interesting discussion about this.

There will be no spellings or homework for next week.

Please could all children keep practising the song and dance for celebration assembly next week.  I have been really impressed by how quickly they have learnt all the lines by heart and they all sound wonderful!  Thank you for all your hard work so far with this.

Please could you bring in Greek toga style costumes by Monday for the assembly.  As mentioned in the letter a white sheet with something to tie around the waist will be perfect, or even a large white shirt/tshirt. 

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Thomas