Class 2 Weekly Update 21.09.18

We have had another lovely week together in Class 2 where everybody in class has been sharing their learning journey beautifully together.
In English during Read Write Inc the children have been focusing on the sounds ll, th, ng, nk, tt, ch. We have continued to learn about the importance of capital letters and full stops in sentences. The children have proofread simple sentences and have checked them extremely well.
In maths, Class 2 have had lots of practical lessons in which they have been mastering their key understandings of place value and number recognition. The children have been representing numbers in a range of different ways and I have been so pleased to hear them using their mathematical language such as more than, less than or equal to in order to show their reasoning in different scenarios.
In topic, after Penguin left us some maps for locations, we boarded our airplane at the airport and we flew thousands of miles together across the world to Antarctica. We explored what it is like there looking at landmarks, people, wildlife and weather conditions and then compared it to Shrewsbury.
We wrapped the week up today by getting messy in art using our fingers to paint. There were some very arty autumnal scenes of a Bicton school tree we decided to show moving through the season of autumn, linked to our Science topic of Seasonal Changes.
Spellings have gone home today and we are starting with the Year 1 Common Exception Words which are essentials. I would like to thank you in advance for helping your child with these. The spellings are to be learnt for a test next Friday (28.9.18). You will be able to see their tests in the back of their spelling books.
Homework- The children have been given their homework today on capital letters and full stops to link to our work in class. Please could this be completed and returned by Friday 28th September. Please feel free to write notes on the homework or in reading records to allow me to see how much support your child needed in completing their homework or reading books.
Have a lovely weekend together and see you all on Monday.
Mr Mavin

Class 5 weekly update 21.9.18

Well done to everyone in class 5 for an amazing week.

The pupils have worked hard on diary entries in English identifying the key features of this particular genre of writing, whilst also identifying the emotions the main character has experienced during chapter three. We have discussed the key events of the chapter as we have read through, highlighting how those events would make the character feel. We have also focused on using alternative words as a synonym, helping the pupils to make their writing more exciting by replacing less interesting adjectives with engaging description words.

In Maths we have worked on place value moving onto using six digit numbers and the pupils have progressed immensely throughout the week. The homework this week is an extension of the problem solving and reasoning activities we have been exploring in class. Some pupils may have already looked at the first part of the homework in class as we have made great strides in our topic today, if this is the case please don’t feel like they have to complete those questions again, just carry on from wherever they got to during today’s lesson. The homework is due in on Wednesday so if the pupils have any questions regarding the task, I can answer those at the beginning of next week before the hand in date.

Have a good weekend everyone, see you all on Monday.

Mr Sudlow.


This week we have revised all the sounds covered so far – m a s d t and looked at i this week.

When we write ‘i’ we say down the insects body and a dot for his head.  Here is a revision sheet – i

The children have enjoyed finding the sounds hidden around the classroom and having a go at writing them.

We have played word time games – making CVC from the sounds covered so far e.g. sat, sit, sad, Sam, Sid, mad, mat, dad, did, dot, etc.

Parent guidance can be found here:

Read Write inc phonics

In Class 1 we follow the Read Write inc phonics program.  Here is a link to parent help :

So far we have covered  m a s d and t.  See  pdf links below for each letter – m      a      s      d        t

We are also singing the Jolly Phonics songs that go with each sound –


Class 2 Weekly Update 14.09.18

Upon entering school, Class 2 had a very exciting surprise when they discovered that something had left footprints both inside and outside of their classroom.
After registration they heard a knock at their door….only to find a suitcase outside. The children then worked together to make sense of what it was doing there and who or what it belonged to. Another knock at the door revealed all. It was a lost penguin! The penguin shared its story ‘Lost and Found’ which prompted the children to ask questions concerning its journey and where it had come from and how it got lost.
This sparked the children into action where they created ‘FOUND’ posters to alert anybody looking for Penguin. The children recorded their questions concerning the penguins’ journey, homeland and feelings. They also planned and wrote about what they would have in their own suitcase if they were to take Penguin back to the South Pole. Penguin was then taken to our Class 2 airport where it had its destination found on a map, luggage weighed and in-flight meal of ‘fishy meat’ and a drink of ‘ice buy lorazepam uk water’ submitted on a form. Penguin was then seen off at terminal 2 for its flight back to the South Pole. At the end of the week we went penguin crazy writing down facts we learnt about our new favourite bird from Antarctica.
In maths the children have focused on place value and have really enjoyed all of the practical activities they have done. They have been learning about number sequences both using counting forwards and backwards verbally and with objects and have identified resources in class which can help them check their work in the future. They have been counting 1 more and 1 less than numbers from 0-20 and beyond and have compared groups of objects in various scenarios. Their group and individual work has been superb as a collective.
In other news, Class 2 now have another PE slot. So our days for PE will now be on a Monday & Thursday. Please make sure that your child has their kit in school on those days.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you all next week!
Mr Mavin

Class 6 update 14.09.18

Year 5/6 English

This week the children have been writing a ship’s journal based on Maia’s journey to the Amazon in ‘Journey to the River Sea.’  We focused on making our writing quite formal as a record of the journey.


We have worked on negative numbers this week and then focused on addition and subtraction using the column method.  Some children were working with numbers up to 6 digits to solve some tricky problems.

Year 5/6 Geography

We revised the water cycle this week and made sure we understood the terms ‘evaporation’, ‘condensation’ and ‘precipitation.’  The children watched video animations of the water cycle and looked at one we made in class using a bowl of hot water.  They then drew their own water cycles labelling the features they had learnt about.

Year 5/6 Science

The children enjoyed sharing their homework on plastic and we discussed how plastic pollution is affecting ocean wildlife. We shared our views on plans to use a giant floating barrier to collect plastic and how it could actually be detrimental to animals that are surface feeders.   Children then used their existing knowledge of properties of different materials to plan how they are going to test these known properties in the next lesson.

Have a good weekend.

Weekly News 14.09.18

Gardening day

We hope to see you at our gardening day tomorrow, if you are able to spare a couple of hours. We will be here from 10:00 onwards and refreshments will be served throughout the day. Thank you in advance for your support.

Parent lunches

We are looking forward to Nursery parents and family members joining us for lunch next week, followed by Class 1 the week after.  Dates for Classes 2 to 6 will then follow.

FOBS wine and cheese evening

Tickets will be on sale at the school office next week for the wine and cheese evening on Friday 5th October.  Details will be on the website next week.

Car park safety

Please could we remind parents and other adults to drive slowly into and out of the school car park, particularly when dropping off at Breakfast and 8:30 Clubs.

Letters out this week

Class 1 parents’ lunch

Year 5 and 6 Bikeability – please return as soon as possible.

Have a nice weekend!

Mrs Johnson

Year 5 and 6 weekly update 07.09.18

Class 5 and 6 have settled back into school quickly and have worked really hard this week, both during their separate lessons for Maths and English in the mornings as well as joint lessons in the afternoons for other subjects.

Year 6 English

This week we have started our new class novel, Journey to the River Sea, which children seem to be enjoying.  We have focused on the main character Maia and used evidence from Chapter 1 to help write character descriptions/fact files to show what we know about her so far.  Next week we will be creating journals, in role as Maia, describing her voyage to Manaus in Brazil.

Year 6 Maths

Our work on place value this week has focused on numbers up to ten million. We have looked at comparing and ordering numbers and next week we will look at rounding and negative numbers before starting a new unit on the four operations.


In science we worked in groups to share what we already know about the characteristics, properties and uses of different materials. At the end of the lesson each group was given just ten minutes to plan how to persuade the rest of class in only 60 seconds why their material was better than all the other materials. We were really pleased that every single child in the class was able to take part verbally in the presentation which was quite a daunting task for some children with such little warning!  Well done everyone.


The homework task this week is following on from our science lesson on Tuesday. We would like children to research plastic as there were quite a few misconceptions about how plastic is made and what resources are needed.  This piece of homework needs to be given in by Tuesday please and all children have been given instructions in their homework books. They will be sharing their work with other children in their group.


We were absolutely amazed at children’s summer holiday homework on rivers and mountains and they seemed to enjoy sharing their research this week. Their work looks wonderful on the displays outside Class 6 (the old Class 5) so please feel free to come in and have a look.



We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson, Mrs Foster and Mr Sudlow