Class 5 weekly update

Well done to everyone in class 5 for a great week last week.

In English our focus was on narrative description and we looked at expanded noun phrases, similes, metaphors and personification. The children have been so creative with their thinking and their writing, using the techniques we had been working on during the week to make their narrative description both interesting and engaging. This week we will be focusing on journalism as we look at writing a critic’s review of the play that the main character goes to see in the book.

In Maths last week the children completed their second arithmetic test of the term which we then looked at all together, working on areas of the paper that the children felt they needed extra revision on. We then moved onto rounding using larger numbers and everyone worked really well showing a high level of understanding. On Friday the children began working with negative numbers and this will run into the start of this week.

The homework this week is an English piece and is centred around writing from Maia’s perspective as the children’s task is to write a postcard back to her friends in England.

Fantastic start to the week today, well done everyone.

Mr Sudlow.


Apologies but the Bag2School collection is next Thursday morning not Tuesday as I wrote in the weekly newsletter!

Class 2 Weekly Update 28.09.18

Class 2 have asked some amazing questions this week such as, ‘If God created the world, how did he create himself?’, ‘Are there Polar Bears in Wales?’ and ‘Did you know that local people in Antarctica love ice lollies?’ We have certainly had lots of smiles this week!
In English they have been collaborating so well with their perfect partners in Read Write Inc lessons. The focus has been on improving sentence structure and using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces more independently. Furthermore, they have been experimenting with using pre cursive letters which some children have started to include within their work during writing exercises. We had an independent write at the end of the week where the children decided they wanted to use their special writing powers by describing their favourite Superhero for 15 minutes.
The children’s reading to one another has been heart-warming to watch and listen to. They have had regular opportunities to read either to a teacher or partner. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you so much for reading with your children at home. The children really appreciate it and they look forward to telling me about what they have read every day.
During maths we have been doing lots of practical lessons involving identifying and representing numbers. We have used counting objects and number lines to help us and have used new mathematical vocabulary along the way such as ‘greatest’ and ‘smallest when ordering and comparing our numbers.
Spellings-new spellings have gone out today ready for next Friday’s session. The children have done ever so well learning their previous ones and have achieved super results today. You can find out how your child got on in the back of their spelling book.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend together and see you on Monday.
Mr Mavin

Class 5 and 6 postcard homework

Children have been told that they can either use the paper postcard template to handwrite their postcard or download the Word version below and type it. If you are unable to print it at home, please email it to the school office on and Mrs Jones or Mrs Neal will print it.

postcard homework template




Weekly News 28.09.18

Macmillan Cake Sale

Thank you for your wonderful support for our Macmillan cake sale today. The amount raised will be announced next week once all monies have been counted.


The Bag2School collection will take place on Tuesday morning, if you have any old clothing, shoes, household linen etc. that you want to get rid of. Please leave bags outside the main office on Tuesday morning. Thank you.

Head lice

We have had a few reports of head lice in school this week.  Please could you check your child’s hair this weekend and treat as necessary?  It would also be helpful if long hair could be tied up/plaited etc and please encourage your child not to take their hair down during the day and keep their hair up.  Your support with this would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Big Breakfast Special Menu Thursday 4th October

Next Thursday the school kitchen will be serving a special Big Breakfast themed menu.  This is always very popular with the children!

Pantomime Visit

If you have not yet done so, please can you return the reply slip and money for our visit to Theatre Severn to watch Mother Goose? We need to provide the theatre with our final numbers next week.

Letters out this week

Reception and year 6 height and weight check

FOBs Wine and cheese tasting evening


I hope you have a nice weekend!


This week the children have looked at ‘n’ and ‘p’, as well as revising all the other sounds covered so far.  They have practised segmenting and blending words with these sounds in.

For ‘n’ we say  – down Nobby and over his net.  For ‘p’ we say –  Down the plait, up and over the pirates face.

See below for links to resources that will help you support your child at home.


Handwriting sheets – n      p

Word book  – Word-Time-Book-1

Parents area:

Macmillan Cake Sale 28.09.18

Just a reminder that we are having a cake sale at break time on Friday to coincide with Macmillan’s ‘World’s Biggest Coffee Morning.   If you are able to donate any cakes or biscuits, to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support, we would be very grateful.

Please can we request that nothing containing nuts is sent into school because of children and adults with nut allergies. School and Nursery children will be able to buy cakes etc at break-time with prices starting from 20p and any remaining will be sold on the playground at the end of the day. Thank you.