Read Write inc – Phonics

This week the children have looked at ‘f’ and ‘l’

For ‘f’ we say – ‘down the stem and draw the leaves.’

For ‘l’ we say – ‘down the leg.’

f        l

Here are all the Set 1 sounds that we have covered so far and wiull continue to look at after the half term:   Set-1-Sounds

Here are words for your child to practise segmenting and blending:  Set-1-Sounds-PowerPoint



Weekly update

Well done to all the children in class 5 for a fantastic half-term you’ve been amazing! Everybody has worked so hard and achieved so much, you should be really proud of yourselves.

Last week was our assessment week and the children did really well, the week highlighted just how much progress everyone has made over the first half-term. Our focus in English was a formal written report and to aid them with this the children gathered their own notes from our class book so that they could refer to them during their independent writing. We looked at examples of formal written reports and the children used highlighters to pick out the key features and points showing an exceptional depth of knowledge and understanding.

In Maths we looked at multi-step problems and how we could use the RUCSAC method to work through questions in a logical and accurate fashion. With so much to concentrate on and so many decisions to make for each problem the children worked efficiently and effectively to show deep understanding of the four operations. We finished the week with a consolidation task that was set out as an investigation in a sweet factory which the pupils loved and really applied themselves to. From this task it was clear to see that everyone’s confidence has improved since the start of term as there was some great mathematical thinking and reasoning going on.

This week in English we have focused on letter writing. We identified the features and their purpose at the start of the week before moving onto persuasive devices and writing persuasively to try and capture a reader’s attention. On Wednesday our focus was modal verbs which indicate certainty or possibility. The children were really enthused and produced some extremely persuasive sentences that they have then utilised today when writing their letter.

We have made a brief start to our third block of Maths this week as we looked at timetables. It was only an introduction session but all the children took a great deal of time to work efficiently and effectively, producing some great discussion and attention to detail. We will be carrying on with this block after half-term. The children participated in their fourth arithmetic test of the term at the start of this week. Everybody is doing so well in these tests, me and Mrs Allen are extremely proud of the way the children approach each test and the determination they show to succeed. This is certainly reflected in the scores they have attained so far.

There is no homework for half-term because the children may want to have a go at the writing competition.

Thank you to all the children and parents in class 5 for welcoming me into the school this term, enjoy your break and I’ll see you after the holidays ready to get back into it.

Thanks, Mr Sudlow.

Class 2 Weekly Update 19.10.18

We have all been full of the joys of autumn this week in Class 2.
In our English lessons we have continued with sharing lovely reading with our story books and non-fiction texts in Read Write Inc (RWI) and have written more accomplished sentences towards the end of the week. The children have been doing some reading and writing assessments this week which they have done very indeed!
As we are approaching Halloween, the children had the opportunity to write independently about a spooky setting…. Dracula’s castle. The children watched some digital literacy animation to spark their imaginations with a 3D tour of the castle. This was set on a murky, blustery night in Whitby. They were encouraged to use lots of adjectives in their sentences to make their writing interesting. Their talk for writing was delightful to listen to yet again, with some really vivid accounts being given when in role of somebody walking around the ruins of his home.
In maths the children have been trying to master their number bonds within 10.They have been working systematically to try and solve missing number problems and have gone on to identifying the bonds and using them to solve a simple problem. This has been supported by leaning number bond songs, rhymes and lots of practical contexts. They have been using 10 frames to help them make number bonds to 10/20 and learned how to count on from a given number to add. Additionally, we looked at patterns to help solve the addition sentences they were given. We have decided as a class that it is easier starting with the bigger number and adding on the smallest number.
In PE the children have all shown they are budding dancers in their lessons and have worked well both on an individual level and in a partnership. Their ball, balance and co-ordination skills have been put to the test in their Monday sessions too.
New spelling lists have gone out today and the children will be tested on Thursday. We are so proud of the children with how they have taken to learning them every week.
Have a lovely weekend together and I look forward to seeing you next week during parent consultation day.

Mr Mavin

Read Write inc phonics

This week the children have looked at ‘b’ and ‘e’

For ‘b’ we say ‘Down the laces, over the toe and touch the heel’

For ‘e’ we say ‘Slice into the egg, go over the top, then under the egg.’

Practise sheets :  b         e

Overwrite practise sheets:  Overwrite masdt                  Overwrite ckubf

All through the week the children have revisited the other sounds covered so far and practised segmenting and blending words containing these sounds:

Word-Time-Book-1                   Word-Time-Book-2       Word-Time-Book-3

green words 1

Many of the children have used their phonics knowledge to help them write about the Little Red Hen and to write a bread recipe!

Class 2 Weekly Update 12.10.18

It has been all smiles in Class 2 this week!
In English the children have continued to read our story books through our Read Write Inc scheme. Some of the children have also focused on non-fiction texts about animals that swim and have produced some excellent sentences about things that are factual. We have also used and practised the personal pronoun ‘I’ in our work and have looked in greater depth at using capital letters for names of people and places. Each child also had a focus on particular aspects of their handwriting which they needed to show an improvement with in their work. The children did this brilliantly.
The children have had problem solving lessons in maths involving addition and partitioning numbers and relating this to number bonds within 20. The children have used lots of equipment in order to help and support them with their learning for addition. The children have now started writing complete number sentences for addition and have related them to number bonds within and to 10. In Class 2 we have started some rhymes to go with our number bonds to 10. Maybe the children can share a few with you at home!
The children have had a wonderful music lesson yet again with Mrs Tan playing their instruments to a song in complete unison. It was very easy on the ears this week and is coming together really well for them.
In other subjects the children have had the project of starting a 3D map of Antarctica from various materials. We are going to include animals on it next week when we investigate the ones which inhabit such a place and how they survive there. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent learning about the Northern Lights and why they occur as a natural phenomenon in that part of the world. We then did a step by step chalk drawing in an art lesson.
The new spelling list is in their books. The children have done wonderfully well yet again with learning them this week.
Have a lovely time together over the weekend and see you Monday!
Mr Mavin

Class 5 weekly update

Well done to everyone in class 5 this week, it has been a bit topsy-turvy with the bikeability course as pupils have been in and out of class depending on their group. But everyone has worked really hard and we have achieved plenty, both in the classroom and on the bikeability programme.

In English this week we have looked at the features of formal reports with an aspiration that we will write our own next week using notes we have made on the investigation that two characters are carrying out in our class book. The children have worked really hard to identify the chronological order of the investigation and to recount all of the key details so that they can take their knowledge into their extended piece of writing .

Our main focus in Maths this week has been using the inverse operation. This is a tricky concept as sometimes problems have to be looked at from a completely different angle. However the children have really put a lot of effort into understanding the topic in depth and have used it to flip problems round in order to solve them, to make choices about what operation and method they need to use through detailed mathematical thinking and they have grown in confidence enormously over the past week. The children completed their third arithmetic test of this term earlier this week and we are so pleased with how everybody is showing progress, this is down to their hard work and the way they apply themselves in Maths so well done class 5!

Have a brilliant weekend, see you Monday.

Mr Sudlow.

Weekly News 12.10.18

Village Water Non-Uniform Day

Further to the letter sent home earlier this week, just a reminder that we are having a non-uniform day on Tuesday 16th October to raise money for Village Water. We would like all children to wear something blue and make a donation of £1 each towards the charity. They may bring their wellies if they want to!

Parent Meetings

The booking system is now open for our autumn term parent meetings on Tuesday 23rd October. If you are unable to make an appointment on that day, please speak to your child’s class teacher(s.)

Pantomime Visit

Thank you for the fabulous response to our visit to watch the pantomime in December.  Please can all outstanding monies be paid by next Friday 19th October, as we need to send payment to the theatre. Thank you.

Nut allergies

We have children in school with very severe nut allergies so no packets of nuts or products containing nuts should be brought into school for children’s snack or lunch. Thank you.

Class 3 Parents Lunch

We are looking forward to Class 3 parents and family members joining us for lunch next week.

FOBS Spooky Movie Night – CANCELLED

We have decided to defer the FOBS movie night which was due to be held next Friday. It will be rearranged for an evening in November and details will be sent out once the date has been finalised.

Letters Home  

Co-op Halloween colouring competition – please return entries by Friday 19th October

Chester Zoo visit 08.11.18

Village Water dressing up day 16.10.18

Have a nice weekend.

Mrs Johnson


This week we have covered – ‘c’,  ‘k’ and ‘u’

For ‘c’ we say ‘Curl around the caterpillar’

For ‘k’ we ‘Down the kangaroos body, tail and leg’

For ‘u’ we say ‘Down and under the umbrella, up to the top and down to the puddle’

Here are some sheets that you could use to support your child at home:

c             k              u

Overwrite ckubf    Overwrite masdt
