Class 2 Weekly Update 16/11/18

It has been another lovely week with my Class 2 Superheroes.
In English we have been reading new stories together in our RWI groups. Every child is taking a lot of pleasure from their own reading as well as that of their peers. They have probably made this evident to you when reading their stories at home.
The children have been trying to improve their writing with adjectives and simple conjunctions. They wrote for purpose about their Chester Zoo trip as a diary entry and used talk for writing beforehand in order to compose their sentences from their very vivid memories of the day. Towards the end of the week our spelling and grammar focus was using exclamation marks. They then went onto using them in a comic strip format involving their favourite superhero’s dialogue.
In maths, we have started chanting and singing our two times tables. We have been learning how to record subtraction number stories as number sentences after using practical scenarios to help us. We have also had a focus on working through both addition and subtraction number sentences systematically explaining their reasoning along the way. All of the children have contributed so well during lesson starters involving mental maths and problems solving with real life contexts with their maths partners.
In Design and Technology the children are in the initial stages of building their class house made from various pieces of cardboard. They have taken real ownership of it in their small groups and have really thought hard about its structure, and which shaped boxes would complement other parts best. We can’t wait to see what they come up with next for it!
The children did wonderfully well again with their spellings today. The new lists have gone into their books today for next Friday. Thank you for supporting your children at home with them.
An enormous congratulations to Cerys for being Class 2’s winner of Bicton’s creative writing competition. Well done also to everybody who entered. We are so proud of you and your entries.
Thank you so much for your continued support and have a lovely weekend together.
Mr Mavin

Read Write inc

This week the children have continued to consolidate their knowledge of the sounds covered so far and use them to make and write words in our Word time sessions.   The new sounds covered were – ‘r’ and ‘j’.

For ‘r’ we say – ‘ Down the robot’s buy modafinil 2013 back, then up and curl. ‘

For ‘j’ we say – ‘Down his body, curl and dot.’

r           j

Here are some word time activities linked to what we do in class –   Word-Time-Book-4

For ‘j                      


Class 2 Weekly Update 09.11.18

First and foremost I would like to say a massive “WELL DONE” to everybody in Class 2 for their lovely performance in their Celebration Assembly before we broke up for half term.
In English this week the children in Purple Group have been reading the RWI book ‘Ken’s Cap’ and have been answering questions and writing exciting sentences which have built up to writing a letter of apology concerning a lost item linked to both the text and their own experiences. Red Group have been reading ‘The Big Match’ and have focused on the ‘ck’ speed sound in particular when reading and writing writing this week. The children have also used their literacy skills in their topic work when devising interesting questions to ask a current scientist working in the Arctic.
During maths this week the children have continued the mastery process for addition. They have used lots of equipment and scenarios to aid their understanding of the concept. The children are also becoming very confident with recording their number sentences neatly in their books on squared paper. Today they have moved onto finding one less than a given number through subtraction, something which we will look at in greater depth next week. Another one of our next steps is to start counting confidently in two’s. I can feel a song and rhyme coming on…..
In Science we have learned how the different seasons affect animals. We looked at the Robin garden bird and how it adapts to each season. We also discussed how some animals, such as hedgehogs, hibernate in the winter months and what this means.
New spellings have gone out today to be tested next Friday 16th November. Your children are doing so wonderfully well with them and they relish their Friday challenge every time.
Our trip to Chester Zoo was a very memorable one indeed. The children were wonderfully behaved and we all thoroughly enjoyed the amazing animals we encountered. Mind you, Class 2 had the penguins at the top of their agenda.
Have a great weekend together and see you on Monday.
Mr Mavin

Class 5 update

Welcome back everyone I hope you all had a great half-term!

The children have really thrown themselves into the week working ever so hard, picking up where they left off before the holidays so well done.

A massive well done to everyone regarding the school trip to Chester Zoo as well, your behaviour was exemplary setting a good example for the younger children and drawing some nice comments from zoo staff. I hope you all enjoyed the trip and learnt some cool new facts about the animals we saw.

This week in English we have turned our attention back towards diary entries and the children have been looking at fronted adverbials and relative clauses. They have produced some fantastic work using great creativity to generate some really interesting pieces of writing which has resulted in some very effective diary entries.

In Maths we have been focusing on two-way tables and using them to pick out key information as well as coming up with our own questions to put to others, reasoning by using the information to decide whether they agree or disagree with statements and why they have reached that conclusion as well as completing tables that have missing pieces of information by using the data that they have been provided with. It has required some really deep mathematical thinking with lots of trial and error, the children have shown great perseverance and have done some brilliant work throughout the week.

The homework this week revisits letter writing. This is something we focused on just before half-term, with the pupils producing some amazing work. This time they need to apply it to their Chester Zoo trip as opposed to our class book.

Have a fantastic weekend and I’ll see you all on Monday,

Mr Sudlow.

Read Write inc phonics

This week the children in Class 1 have revised all the sounds covered so far and used them to make words in word time sessions.  Our new sounds were ‘h’ and the digraph ‘sh’

For ‘h’ we say ‘ down the horses head to his hooves, then over his back.’

    h practise sheet.

Overwrite elhshr

For ‘sh’ we say ‘Slither down the snake, then down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back.’

The books below are linked to some of the word time activities that we do in Class.




Half-term news

Harvest Assembly – Thank You

On behalf of all the staff and children, thank you to everyone who was able to join us at our Harvest Celebration Assembly last Thursday. We are sure you will agree, the children performed fantastically and it was a wonderful end to a very busy half-term.  Thank you for all of your Harvest donations which will benefit many people in the Shrewsbury area.

Chester Zoo Trip

If you have not already done so, please can all outstanding permission letters and monies be returned on Monday 5th November. Thank you.  A reminder will be sent home next week regarding our visit but, in the meantime, all children must wear school uniform with sensible footwear and they will need to bring their packed lunch and drink(s) in a rucksack or bag which they can wear on their back/across them.  We will return at 4:30 pm and we have arranged for the bus companies who normally transport children home after school to collect from school at this later time on our return.  (A separate letter will be sent home on Monday to those children concerned.)

FOBS Christmas Cards

Please can any remaining Christmas card designs be returned to the school office on Monday 5th November. Thank you.


Poppies and other British Legion merchandise (pencils, rulers, rubbers, etc.) will be on sale at the school office when we return to school next week.

Special Bonanza Menu – Friday 9th November

Next Friday, the school kitchen will be serving a special Bonfire Night menu of:

  • Hot dogs
  • Baked potatoes
  • BBQ chicken wraps

Letters out last week

FOBS writing competition letter and entry forms