Christmas Baubles

Following last year’s success, we have been asked by the Co op to decorate some Christmas baubles, which will be displayed at the Co op.  They need to be returned by Monday 10th December,  at the latest.

See the source image


We started the week looking at Numberblocks – ‘The whole of me’

We looked at the whole and parts of a number (early addition and subtraction).The children were encouraged to say ‘If the whole is 3 then 1 is a part and 2 is a part’ etc, as they demonstrated partitioning each number.

Composition of numbers – We looked at how numbers 1 – 5 can split and then recombine – numbers can break and be put back together again.

Conservation of number – a number can be partitioned (split ) in different ways but the whole is always the same.   

The children had to help Counting Caterpillar to make sure he counted correctly and put numbers in the correct place –

Read Write inc phonics

This week the children have continued with word time activities linked to all the sounds we have covered so far.      Word-Time-Book-5

The new sounds this week were ‘w’ and ‘z’.

For ‘w’ we say –  ‘Down, up, down, up the worm’

For ‘z’ we say – ‘Zig-zag-zig, down the zip.’

w    z

Here is a link to the words the children have been segmenting and blending – green words 1   and using to write simple sentences.



Weekly News 24.11.18

Class 4 Parent Lunch

We are looking forward to Class 4 parents and grandparents joining us for lunch this week.

FOBS Movie Night

A big thank you to FOBS for all their hard work in organising the fabulous movie night last Friday which raised much-needed funds for school. The children’s behaviour was exceptional and they all seemed to enjoy the evening!

Swimming Gala

Well done to all the children who took part in the area swimming gala on Wednesday morning. We are very proud of all the children in the team, as this was the first time all but 1 of them had represented the school in a competitive swimming event.

Dinner money

The school kitchen have asked if dinner money can be sent in at the start of the week rather than at the end of the week. Thank you

Letters out this week

Flu vaccination Monday 3rd December – Years 1/2/3/4/5 – please can any outstanding letters be returned as soon as possible. Thank you

Arthog May 2019 – Y5 & 6

Sportshall athletics – group of Y5 & 6 children

Enjoy the rest of the weekend. 😊

Class 2 Weekly Update 23/11/18

Once again, Class 2 have had an ‘I can’ attitude in all aspects of their school work this week.
In English they have moved on to different story texts in their RWI groups and have looked more in depth at improving their sentence structure when recording text related sentences. Talk for writing has been key with the children experimenting with more adventurous vocabulary. In reading we have worked on answering verbal comprehension questions, giving more of an evidential answer as well as a predictive one. The children have also enjoyed our whole class story times where I am sharing some of my favourite stories. Next week….one from Roald Dahl. For their spelling and grammar we have used the conjunction ‘and’ to link sentences and our ideas together in our writing based on their ideal birthday parties.
In maths the children have been looking in greater depth at subtraction and how we can use apparatus to help when working something out independently. We also talked about how subtraction is relevant and used in their everyday lives in the world around them. We then moved on to finding the difference between 2 quantities in practical contexts and have recorded our number sentences from this alongside ways to record findings in models used to help us. The children are also starting their times tables journey again with their 2 times table.
In topic the children have been exploring ‘the Polar Bear Capital of the World’, a little natural haven called Churchill, a town in Canada. They have been in role as tour guides who are trying to persuade people to visit there. They watched a visual tour presentation of the place and learned about the bear’s habitats and habits they have there. They also reminded people what items they were required to bring to such a destination and when was best to visit. They also gained an understanding of why the bears congregate in the town and the devastating affects which are happening to the ice caps and their normal environments in the wild.
In design and technology the children have been up and down ladders, sawing and also….painting, cutting and sticking bits of their class ‘Grand Design’ house. After a mildly heated discussion as to whether to paint the door pink or not, watching the collaboration and sharing of ideas and materials this week was a joy. Some of the children have also worked on smaller structures and shapes in which resembles the skeleton of a house after they were shown some visual 3D animations of houses being planned and built.
In music the children have incorporated different instruments into their performances and songs with Mrs Tann. The timing of the children playing along as groups or a whole class is really developing. It is evident that we have a class full of budding musicians.
In Science we are continuing to monitor the seasonal weather using our measuring tools we designed and made to collect our findings. The children have a more developed understanding of the seasons and the affects they have on lives during different times of year.
New spelling lists have gone in the children’s books today to be tested next Friday.
Please do not hesitate to come and see me if you need anything and have a lovely weekend together.

Mr Mavin

Class 5 weekly update

Well done to everyone in class 5 for an amazing week!

In Maths we have been working on statistics and data. The children have shown a really high level of understanding regarding the features that must be included in a line graph. We have discussed how it shows the progress of something over time and how it is important when working with line graphs to pick out the units of measurement as well as reading and interpreting the data itself. Next week we will move from analysing line graphs to drawing them ourselves.

In English this week we have been looking at report writing. The children did some brilliant research for their homework task and this led us nicely into the topic. As we read on through our class book we looked at the features of both a scientific report and a newspaper report. The children were then able to pick which one they would prefer to focus on, thinking very carefully about the reason behind their decision. They then wrote a small proposal that detailed what direction they wanted to go in and why. We used Ipads and laptops to research the subject of their report, which was a rare butterfly that is discovered in our class book by one of the characters. The children thoroughly enjoyed the freedom of directing their own learning whilst using varied approaches and this has been reflected in their finished work. They have worked extremely hard and with great care on their final writing pieces using the features they identified in their book, along with their research and notes they have made to produce amazing reports.

The homework this week is based on creativity in their writing. The task is to write a letter that captures the first impressions and feelings of one of the characters from our class book, as he has moved back to England. They need to predict how they think it will go before we read on next week, focusing on detailed description along with all of the techniques we have been working on over the last few weeks. These are detailed on the task sheet in their homework books.

Have a great weekend everyone, see you on Monday,

Mr Sudlow.

Read Write Inc phonics

This week the children have looked at ‘v’ and ‘y’.

For ‘v’ we say – ‘down a wing,up a wing’

For ‘y’ we say – ‘Down a horn, up a horn and under the yak’s head.’

v           y

Each day we do word time activities (segmenting / blending / making CVC words) that link to all the sounds we have covered so far.  Here is a fun game that you may wish to print out and play with your child at home:


Here are all the word time activity booklets that match the sounds covered so far:

Word-Time-Book-1 Word-Time-Book-2 Word-Time-Book-3 Word-Time-Book-4 Word-Time-Book-5

Cold Weather

Now that the weather has turned colder, please could you make sure your child brings a coat, hat, scarf and gloves to school to wear at break and lunchtimes. Thank you.