Class 5 weekly update

Well done everyone on a great week! You worked so hard and produced such amazing work and this is all down to your focus and effort levels in class.

In English last week we were focusing on newspaper reports. We started the topic by recapping the features of a newspaper report and the children did really well to research, using first news, before identifying what they would need to include in their work later that week. They used peer and self-assessment to establish what they had done really well and what their next steps needed to be before putting that into practice during both the planning and writing phase of the week. Their finished work was informative, detailed, well planned and well presented.

In Maths we focused on factors before progressing onto common factors. The children showed really secure understanding of these topics using their prior knowledge to push themselves on later in the week as they progressed through the topics. They have shown tremendous amounts of resilience and mathematical thinking by extending their work to create their own problems for peers, by questioning concepts and ideas as well as thinking deeply and exploring different possibilities within problems. This has resulted in really high standards of work.

This week we are looking at non-chronological reports in English along with prime numbers and square numbers in Maths before breaking up on Friday ready for Christmas.

Mr Sudlow.

Condover Hall Residential Trip 2019

Condover Hall have been in contact with us today requesting numbers for our visit next year. If you would like your child to take part in the visit, please return the slip and deposit of £20.00 by Monday 17th December at the latest. Thank you.

Christmas Cards

The Christmas Card your child designed will be coming home today. Can we please have all orders returned to the school office by Wednesday 12th December. If paying by cheque, please make the cheque payable to Friends of Bicton School. Thank you.

Outstanding Club Money

Can all outstanding club money be paid by the Friday 14th December. If you are unsure what is due, please speak to the office. Thank you.

Class 2 Weekly Update 07/12/18

What a pleasure it was taking Class 2 to see Mother Goose at Theatre Severn the other day. Not only did the children have a fabulous time, they once again demonstrated impeccable behaviour outside of school.
In our English lessons we have been revisiting phoneme sounds and have applied these when blending them into more unfamiliar words. In RWI we have enjoyed reading our new stories, drawing on their own experiences and talking about what they have just read. Some of the children are being encouraged to use a storyteller voice too. We have also done some detective work whilst spotting alternative graphemes for specific sounds in short comic strip passages. Some have also attempted the initial joining of specific graphemes in their handwriting sessions. Today we have all incorporated Fred talking into our everyday classroom life when asking for certain objects or things during routine. We have also learned how to add the suffix ‘ing’ to make a new words from a root word and then we added the word within our own sentence. We based our words and sentences on our experiences of what happened at the pantomime the day before.
In maths we have looked at the properties of both 2D and 3d shapes and how their shapes correspond to objects in the world around them. We have sorted them based on certain criteria during practical activities and have experimented with pattern linked to clues given on the shapes properties. We aim to link some of this maths work to a whole class piece of artwork next week for our classroom. We have also linked this to design and technology when discussing the shapes used for our Class 2 house model.
Our weekly spellings have gone out today to be tested next Friday. The children are reading to adults throughout the week and we have been so impressed with the enjoyment they are having reading to adults at home.
A big thank you to those who have helped their child learn their lines at home for our Christmas performance. They have remembered them really well when during our practises in Church. Please can we remind you that it would be ideal if your child could have their costumes in by Monday 10th December as stated in the letter which went home. On the letter it stated what your child is and what they would need to wear if they require a costume. Please do not hesitate to come and see me if you have any questions concerning this.
Have a lovely weekend together and I will see you all on Monday.
Mr Mavin


Class 5 weekly update

Well done class 5!

We have had a great week, the children have worked so hard and tried their best throughout assessment week and this is all down to their positive attitude towards their work.

In Maths we have moved on to our new unit of work which is multiplication and division. We have been looking at multiples and the children have excelled in this topic area, working with great confidence and accuracy whilst showing resilience as they tried and tested different methods. They have displayed their table knowledge and this has helped them to succeed and show a good level of understanding.

In English we have continued to read Journey to the River Sea which the children are all completely enthused with as we near the end of the book, making some very sophisticated predictions about what may happen to conclude the story. We worked on wanted posters for one of the characters this week with the children producing some accurate and arty designs. The level of conversation and understanding in class while exploring new words has been really high with the children showing maturity and greater levels of independence driving their own learning by utilising the resources in the classroom.

Well done to everyone for Thursday’s theatre trip. You were a credit to our school, you set a good example for the younger classes and I’m glad you all enjoyed yourselves. A big well done to Martin as well for his air guitar performance onstage!

Have a great weekend everyone and I’ll see you Monday.

Mr Sudlow.

Class 1 update

What a busy week Class 1 have had.  The children have been very busy rehearsing for our EYFS Nativity, we have practised in our costumes this week and all the children look amazing.  Next week we will be performing to the Whole school, a lovely chance for siblings to see the performance.

In between rehearsals the children have revised all the sounds we have covered so far this term and have looked at the digraph ‘th’ – ‘Down the tower, across the tower,
then down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back.’    –   th

Here is some guidance on how we teach handwriting in Class 1, we are at stage 1, as the children become more confident with the letter formations we move onto stage 1b. – stage 1 handwrite         stage 1b handwrite

In Maths we started the week with the Number block – ‘Terrible twos’ –

We focused on describing and making  2 groups of 2 .  e.g. ‘I can see two pairs of socks /  I see two lots of feathers / I see 2 twos’   ‘Four is 2 twos’ ‘2 lots of feathers is 4’ etc.   This is early multiplication and the concept is called ‘unitising’ – handling a quantity (in this case 2) as a single unit, so rather than counting 1,2 , the children have started to count in the unit of 2.

The children enjoyed watching Mother Goose, it was lovely to see them all so engaged and joining in with singing / dancing / booing and cheering.

Class 2 Weekly Update 30/11/18

Class 2 have been practising for their Christmas performance in church this week and have been gearing up for the festive season together. There has been lots of talk about Santa (for November), so we have tried to take their minds off the big day with some almost equally exciting work!

The children are starting to practise reading real and nonsense words using sounds they have had a weekly focus on. This week we identified that the children needed to learn more about and practise using their split digraphs.  They have played phonics games, have done pre-cursive handwriting and have written words and sentences using them.

In RWI they have moved on to their new stories ‘Cluck’ and ‘Tim and Tom.’ Their reading has been delightful and they are taking real pleasure in spotting ‘special friends’ within their words. Special friends for the children are 2 or 3 letters together which make 1 sound in words.

In handwriting, the children have really tried their best to make their lower case letters the same height and size as each other. They have then demonstrated that they can apply this within their written pieces across the curriculum in their exercise books.  

In maths the children have been assessed on what they have consolidated in addition within 20 and have had practical tasks to show their abilities of subtracting using a given models and using resources. We have tried to explain how we have come to get an answer and to double check that we have counted objects or diagrams accurately.

Mr Mavin’s favourite story of the week has been Roald Dahl’s ‘The Magic Finger’ which has made us giggle. We are moving onto ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ next week for some creative letter writing in role as a character.  After all, it will be December!

In geography, we have made a start at comparing our own location of Shrewsbury to that of a Polar region. We have a focus on various geographical features such as hills, buildings and bodies of water to consider and contrast.

Thank you again for practising spellings at home with your children. Please ask your children to show you where the special friends are in the word making the sound in which the spelling list focuses on. For example the special friends in the word fear would be ‘ear.’ There is space beside the weekly spelling list in order for it to be used by the child to look, write and then check their spellings. Thank you for continuing to support your children with this.

We have the pantomime next Thursday which we are all looking forward to. Oh no we’re not! Oh yes we are!

Have a lovely weekend together and see you next week.


Mr Mavin