Reminder – Parent Meetings Wednesday 6th March

Just a reminder that the Parent meetings appointment booking system is open on the website. Lots of parents have already booked appointments to meet with their child’s teachers, but there are still some that are yet to do so. The booking system will close on Monday 4th March.
Appointments are made by visiting the Parents Area of the website and choosing your child’s class to book an appointment.

As the meetings are in the hall, Multi Sports club will not be on. There will be an after school club on for all children until 4:30pm in Class 1.



Online safety

Just a reminder that you may find this information from the NSPCC useful which details social networking sites that children might use and the risks associated with each.



Year 5 Corbet Languages Day

Year 5s had a fantastic day at The Corbet Languages Day last Friday and learnt lots of new vocabulary.  As well as the activities shown in the photo gallery below, they also did an activity on French colours.  They really got into the spirit of the day and their pronunciation when ordering their pizzas in the Italian restaurant was hilarious especially when some of the customers started moaning at the waiters for getting their orders wrong!

The children’s behaviour was absolutely superb and they were great ambassadors for our school throughout the day.  Hopefully it has given them a useful and reassuring insight into what secondary school is like!

Half-term News

‘Feel the Love for Harry Banks’

Thank you to everyone who went along to support the charity fundraiser ‘Feel the Love for Harry Banks’ on Sunday at Severn Social.  As many of you will be aware, Harry is Miss France’s cousin and it was fantastic to see so many parents and families there, not just parents of children in the choir, but other families who went along to support the event.

The choir sounded amazing and many people stayed until tea-time to watch Miss France perform with her band The Weekenders.  I haven’t heard yet how much they raised on Sunday but the auction alone raised £2,000 which I know Harry’s family were completely blown away by.

We will be holding a non-uniform day in the next few weeks to raise further funds for Harry’s treatment and if you wish to find out more information about Harry and his condition, please visit:

Valentine’s Disco 

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Valentine’s disco and especially to the FOBS mums and other adults for all their hard work in organising the event. It raised an incredible £405!

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March


World Book Day is almost upon us and we would love all children and staff to come to school or nursery dressed as a book character of their choice.  We can’t wait to see everyone’s outfits! Next week, children will be given a £1 World Book Day voucher to spend at a range of retailers including W H Smith and Waterstones.

Enjoy the rest of half term.

Class 2 Weekly Update 15/02/2019

This week some children have been bringing in their favourite fiction and non-fiction books from home to be read and shared with the rest of the class. It has been so nice to see so many tastes and interests when it comes to their preferred literature. We are going to have a comic corner in class too, so if you have any old ones which you don’t mind your child keeping in class we would be very grateful if you could bring them in.
In English the children have read new story books in RWI which have been very appealing to them. Some have been linked to what the children might want to be when they are older, some have read about pirates and fish on the high seas and others have had a story about a scruffy teddy. Something for everybody there! The writing which followed was very thoughtful, inventive and well presented. Towards the end of the week the children have been sending postcards back to a far- away planet where their alien character Beegu came from in their class story. They focused on linking words, descriptions and presentation.
In maths the children have looked at numbers up to 50 when doing place value. They have been identifying, representing and solving problems involving bigger numbers and have looked at in depth what the number is actually made up of. They also looked at how they could represent the number in different ways using. The children have looked at counting in 10’s and 1’s in order to make it easier for themselves when counting and have used apparatus like 10 frames to make the idea more concrete. The children have done some mental maths assessments and have also done some practise with their 10 times tables. They finished off the week looking at 1 more and 1 less than numbers up to 50 and how they could record it.
In science the children did a sorting investigation looking at what animals eat and how we can class them as either herbivore, carnivore or omnivore.
In topic we made a Class 2 museum of all of the Victorian artefacts we had and had a history detective afternoon where we put forward ideas as to what we thought certain artefacts were and what they might have been used for based on what their appearance alongside clues. Then the children were able to handle and use the items in role and then learned more about the artefacts from their museum guide Mr Mavin.
The new spelling lists have gone out today along with Class 2’s new homework project which is in their green homework books.
A massive well done to all of the children in Class 2, especially Jack this week who achieved the star of the week trophy for producing some well thought out work in all of his lessons.
Class 2’s PE slot for next term has changed. It will now be on a Wednesday instead of a Monday and also on a Friday.
I hope that you have a lovely half term break together and I look forward to seeing you all soon!
Mr Mavin

Read Write inc

This week we looked at the digraph – ‘oo’ – Look at a book and the digraph ‘ar’ – start the car.

oo short


We have continued to read Ditties and do Word time activities linked to Set 1 sounds.  Most children have written independent sentences based on the ditties they have read or sentences based on word time words.  We have also looked at tricky red words – of, my, the, I, to

Here are links to all the word time activities to go with Set 1 sounds.










set 1 sounds and words – Set-1-Sounds-PowerPoint       green words 1

set 2 sounds and words – set_2_sounds      green words 2

Red Words (non decodable) – red words


Valentine’s Disco

FOBS will be very grateful for any cake donations for the Valentine’s Disco tomorrow. Donations can be left in Reception.

They are also hoping to do a Tombola, so any unwanted Christmas gifts would be gratefully received.

We look forward to seeing you all there and thank you again for your continued support.

No After School Clubs – Friday 15th February

In view of the Valentine’s Disco this Friday the 15th February, there will be No After School Clubs.