Fobs sweet sale – Friday 26th November

Fobs are having a sweet sale this Friday 26th November. Please see below how to order yours!
Bank transfer is preferred at the moment. When paying, please ensure you put your child’s name and class in the reference.
Bank details are: – ME & S Dowey, 41900421, 52-21-00

Sharron’s number is: 07931094878

Alternatively, cash can be paid in at reception in a sealed envelope again with your child’s name and class on the envelope.

Orders to be made by Thursday morning at the latest please.

Weekly News 26.11.21

Hello everyone,

Christmas Fair – Wednesday 15th December

We are excited to be able to hold a Christmas Fair in the last week of term and we thank you in advance for any donations you are able to make – see poster below.Thank you for all the donations received so far.

Christmas poster

As we are receiving things for the FOBS raffle and for the children’s Christmas gift shop as well, it would be helpful if you could let let us know what the donations are for when sending things into school.

Nearer the time, we will be sending out more information on the COVID-19 measures in place on the 15th. This will include adults wearing a face covering (unless you are exempt) and a request for adults to do a lateral flow test before arriving – this is so we can keep everyone safe and well.

Dinner money

Please can you check your catering purse on sQuid, as there are a large number of catering purses which are low or have a negative balance. Some infants are also ordering a carton of juice/milkshake with their lunch and teachers do not have access to children’s accounts so cannot check if parents have paid for a drink. We ask that negative balances are cleared by the end of this term and we thank you in advance for doing so.

Grab a jab this weekend

If you’re out Christmas shopping in Shrewsbury trying to grab a Black Friday deal on Saturday, you can also grab a jab.

There is a national focus on getting as many people vaccinated this weekend ahead of the festive period, whether it’s the 1st or 2nd dose, or booster if you are eligible.

The Shropshire Local unit on the top floor of the shopping centre will be hosting a pop-up vaccination clinic between 1pm and 5pm.

12 to 15 year olds can get the 1st dose if they are accompanied by a parent or carer.

The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt hospital near Oswestry is also offering the vaccine. Click here for more details.

Information about Rock Project

Rock Project School Newsletter

Have a good weekend x

Weekly News 19.11.21

Hello everyone,

There is a quite a bit of information in this week’s newsletter so I thank you in advance for taking the time to read it.

Children In Need

Thank you for your support with our fundraising efforts for Children In Need and it has been wonderful seeing the children and staff in PJs or spots today! We received a fantastic total of £140 in donations which will be sent off to the charity next week.

Pantomime – packed lunch orders

If you haven’t already done so, please return your child’s packed lunch order form for the pantomime, on Monday at the latest. We must have the new form signed and returned so even if you have already returned the old form we need the new one signing and returning as well. Thank you.

Get your booster for extra protection – information from Shropshire Council

More than 28,000 COVID-19 booster jabs have already been given in Shropshire – this is about 63% of those who are eligible.

If you are eligible but haven’t yet had it, please give yourself the best level of protection this winter.

You can book online via the National Booking Service, call 119 or head to one of the county’s walk-in sites.

This week the government announced that all over 40s can have the booster, but it must still be 6 months or 182 days after the second primary dose.

Place2Be: Parenting Smart

Please see a link below to the Parenting Smart online resource that may be of interest:

  • Created by Place2Be’s parenting experts
  • Based on evidence and their experience of working with children and families
  • Designed with busy parents in mind, with short videos and articles
  • Topics from meltdowns to friendship difficulties, from anxiety to the transition to secondary school

Parenting Smart

News from Forest Church

Dear Friends,

We are really looking forward to Forest Church this coming Sunday (3pm, 1403/ Battlefield Church, SY4 3DB). We are hoping that people of all ages will come along- for the majority we will park and meet at 1403, and then walk across the fields to the church, but to make it accessible for everyone, there is also the option of parking at the church itself. 
Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King, and just a week before Advent begins, so both of those themes will be woven into our activities and worship. Our worship service will be particularly special this time because we will go into the church choir stalls to learn and sing Christus Vincit together- a medieval chant that the canons who once prayed in the church may well have sung. 
If you are hoping to join us, below are the instructions about timings, what to bring and how to get there….
What to bring

Please bring your own picnic. We don’t yet feel confident sharing food, so we are asking people to cater for themselves. We will eat in the Exhibition Room where there will be an urn to make tea and coffee. Do also wrap up warm and bring a blanket to sit on if you’d like to, and bring a torch (most phones have a torch on anyway). It’ll be beginning to get dark as we head back for our picnic. When you arrive, just bring the blanket initially, and then we can nip back to our cars to pick up the picnic when the time comes. It would also be a good idea to wear strong shoes and trousers- there are some nettles about, and the ground is uneven in places.

The Plan

We will be flexible, depending on who comes along, and we also want to keep things fairly informal. Here is an outline of the afternoon:

3pm- Introduction, welcome and a short talk from James Reynolds (Albrighton Estate Manager)

3.15-3.45pm- Activities, which may include some drawing, gathering, listening, exploring, walking… both around and in the church

3.45pm- A worship service in church (with singing!)

4pm- Picnic Time in the 1403 Exhibition Room


1403 is well signposted from the A49 heading north out of Shrewsbury- after taking the A49 (north) from Battlefield Roundabout, you quickly come to a mini roundabout- turn left here. After going under the bridge, turn right for 1403, or keep straight ahead for the church.

Caregivers are responsible for their children at all times, I will bring a First-Aid Kit and the Risk Assessment will be available to look at. We do have cover if it’s rainy- so please don’t be put off by the weather!

With thanks and blessings,

Hannah x

 I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

Weekly News 05.11.21

Hello everyone,

On behalf of all our staff and governors, thank you for all the emails and messages we have received regarding our Ofsted inspection report.  As we said in our accompanying letter, whilst we were disappointed with the overall judgement, it is wonderful that the many strengths of our school have been recognised.

Be safe this Bonfire Night – Message from NHS

We want everyone to enjoy this year’s fireworks displays as safely as possible – and that does mean making small changes to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

There are lots of places you can watch fireworks this weekend and avoid big crowds, but if you are attending an event, please consider wearing a face covering in busy areas and stand back from the crowds where possible.

Reminder of COVID-19 symptoms to look out for

The classic main three symptoms of COVID-19 are a new, continuous cough, a high temperature and a loss or change to your sense of taste or smell.

However, those infected with the virus – especially children, do not always show the typical symptoms.

Anyone with the following precautionary symptoms is recommended to get a PCR test but do not have to self-isolate when they are waiting on their results. Thank you to everyone who has arranged a PCR test for their child this week, as requested.

Precautionary symptoms may include:

  • Headaches
  • Aches and pains
  • Feeling tired without any good reason
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Stomach pain in children

Well done (again) to our Year 5/6 tag rugby team!

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

The Royal British Legion fundraising merchandise will be on sale throughout the rest of next week, if your child would like to purchase anything.

Flu immunisation reminder

If you haven’t already done so, please return your child’s flu immunisation form next week in readiness for the school nurses visiting on Monday 15th November.

News from Severn Loop

November Loop 2021

WANTED – Christmas ‘gift shop’ items

We are planning on holding our Christmas gift shop again this year, where children can buy small gifts for their parents/family members in the last week of term. If you have any unwanted items suitable for children to buy e.g. toiletries or stationery, we would be very grateful for donations.

Items can be left in the plastic box outside the office from next week.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Johnson x

FOBS Winter Draw winners

Hi everyone,

We’d like to say a huge thank you to FOBS for organising the free-to-enter Winter Draw and putting together such amazing goodie bags of treats! Two names from each class were drawn at random today in school and the lucky winners will be bringing their goodie bags home this evening.

Thank you for the donations received to date and for all your support of their fundraising efforts this term. Don’t forget the bacon and sausage bap sale tomorrow morning!


The Royal British Legion – Poppy Sale

Available to purchase from tomorrow.  (children’s classrooms)

Image result for poppy appeal 2021

Bacon and Sausage Bap Sale – Friday 5th November

Fobs are selling breakfast baps this Friday morning the 5th November by the entrance to Reception. Please text orders in advance to Sharron on 07931094878 to avoid disappointment.

Pantomime – 1st December 2021


We need to let Theatre Severn know by Thursday how many tickets we need for our visit to the pantomime on 1st December. If you do not wish your child to attend, please return the reply slip by Thursday at the latest. If you have mislaid the letter, please email the school office instead to let them know.   Payment is to be made through the school’s online payment system sQuid.


Thank you

Weekly News 15th October 2021

Hello everyone,

I hope you’ve had a good week and I’m sure you are all looking forward to half term as much as we are! Just a reminder that we break up next Thursday 21st October.


Please see the letter below which was sent home with your child last week. Please pay close attention and adhere to the highlighted section on page 1. If you have a confirmed case in your household, children MUST NOT attend school or nursery until they receive a negative PCR result

Letter to Parents from DPH REMINDER


We need to let Theatre Severn know by next Thursday how many tickets we need for our visit to the pantomime on 1st December. If you do not wish your child to attend, please return the reply slip by next Thursday at the latest. If you have mislaid the letter, please email the school office instead to let them know. Thank you

Flu immunisation

All children will be eligible to have their flu immunisation in school later this term. Consent letters will be sent out after half term.


Well done to our Year 5 / 6 pupils who won the area tag rugby tournament at The Corbet School this morning. We are SO proud of them!

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Johnson x