Class 2 Weekly Update 08/03/2019

The children have had another exciting week in Class 2. They have really enjoyed the story work done in their RWI groups and have also been focusing on fun phonics activities too. This week has also brought World Book Day which celebrated all of the wonderful characters and story books which have influenced and captivated our children’s imaginations. This was a day of the utmost priority in the children’s calendars and we were so delighted to see all of the wonderful costumes which they came in to celebrate that day. Their day focussed on the inspirational author Julia Donaldson who is famous for titles such as ‘The Gruffalo’ , ‘Room on a Broom’ and ‘Stick Man.’ The children started the day by both role playing and talking about their favourite books they brought in to show the class. They then learned about the author and had a variety of her stories read to them with interlinked activities throughout the day. These included making forever reader bookmarks, illustrated story maps, Gruffalo Crumble (baking), clay figure making, making potions and then finally eating their crumble. Story telling is big in our class and it was so lovely to hear the experiences the children have outside of school involving literature.
In Maths the children initially explored counting objects in 2’s (pairs) which then led them to comparing totals and looking at odd and even numbers. They then looked at the patterns of counting in 2’s to 50 and what that looked like on number grids and 100 squares. They ended the week doing the same for counting in 5’s and looked at how this might be shown on their own number lines which they then made with Numicon.
In RE the children have looked at what makes an excellent leader and explored leaders within the religion of Judaism. The story of Moses was a catalyst for great discussion
In PE the children really enjoyed their session with Embrace involving ball and invasion games.
A big congratulations to Paige who won class Star Trophy Award. Paige has made great impression on everybody with her willingness to help others, set a great example and also complete her work on time.
It was so nice to see you all on Wednesday for parent consultations. Thank you so very much for your continued support and remember I am always there with an open door if you wish to chat about anything concerning your child in the future.
I hope that you have a lovely weekend together and see you on Monday.

Mr Mavin

Class 5 Spellings to be tested on 15/3/19

Yellow and Orange



















Class 5 weekly update

Well done to everyone on a brilliant week!

In Maths the children have been looking at more formal methods of multiplication. They have persevered really well as they have shown a fantastic understanding of the different processes and methods that they can use when attempting a multiplicative calculation that uses bigger numbers (two digits by two digits and four digits by one digit). They have shown great flexibility in their thinking, calculation and presentation which is impressive as they continue to improve their efficiency and accuracy.

This week in English we have looked at how a character has changed over time in our class novel. We began by discussing the description we attached to the character several weeks ago as well as the techniques we used to achieve that before discussing what has happened to our character since. As we read the next few chapters of our novel, it became apparent that the character has had to grow up very fast since going off to war and we talked about the impact of the war on him. For our extended writing piece, the children have composed a second character description, focusing on the change in personality and appearance that has occurred as a result of the war.

Our reading the game session focused on comprehension skills this week and we used an article on the history on Shrewsbury Town Football Club as the theme for our work. The children showed fantastic comprehension skills throughout the session before heading outside to have a go at learning some new freestyle football skills. The level of effort and perseverance in the practical session was amazing and the children demonstrated some great pieces of football technique. We also had a special visitor during the classroom session as Lenny the Lion took some time out to come into school and look at the children’s work. Our next session with Coach Neil will be on Monday afternoon.   


Class 1 round up

Read Write Inc

This week the children have looked at the trigraph air – ‘That’s not fair’  and the digraph ir – ‘whirl and twirl’

air         ir

Some children have started to read Green, Read Write inc books.  These books reinforce the sounds and words that we have covered so far, the children also use them as a basis for their sentence writing.  The children on Green books will bring home a copy of the book to share and practise reading at home.  I will change the book on a weekly basis.

Some children have read short ditties also based on sounds and words they have covered so far, each ditty will be added into the plastic wallet that is in your child’s book bag, so they can share and practise it at home.

All children have completed word time activities, where they have to build up words using the sounds taught.

Reading and Writing

The children have written shopping lists and recipes to help Mr Wolf make his pancakes!

Lots of children have chosen to write their own stories in their busy books, it is so wonderful to see the children choosing write during child initiated time.


We started the week by watching –

This week the children have concentrated on finding number facts related to the number 9.  They looked at how 8 add 1 more equals 0 and 8 is one less than 9.  The children then explored the parts of 9 practically and used the sentence – 9 is the whole, 8 is a part and 1 is a part, 8 add 1 equals 9 etc.

The children found the addition and subtraction facts for 9 with the help of counting Caterpillar.  Sometimes Counting Caterpillar makes mistakes by having the wrong amounts and the children in class 1 are very good at explaining what he needs to do and why his maths sentence is wrong.


Social Media Use

We are aware that derogatory comments criticising our school are being posted on Facebook by current and ex parents. This is slander and if this persists we will have no choice but to seek legal advice from the Local Authority.

I am always happy and willing to speak to parents about any concerns and would request that you speak to me in person if you are unhappy about something regarding school.

Class 2 Weekly Update 01/03/2019

This week the children have related some of their English work to our science topic animals and humans. We chose to do owls in particular because some of the children had said that they were very interested in that type of Bird of Prey. They wrote some facts about them and also some descriptions using adjectives. In RWI the children have been assessing their partners work and offering suggestions as to how they could improve their reading and writing. This has been a lovely thing to behold as they approached it very tactfully indeed.
In Maths the children have been focusing on place value of numbers up to 50 and beyond. They have been mastering using grids to find 1 more and less than a number and have applied this when reasoning and problem solving. They then went on to comparing groups of objects and then numbers using the correct comparison signs. They then finished the week ordering up to 3 numbers from the smallest to the biggest and then vice versa.
In music the children have been composing songs which have incorporated instruments with Mrs Tan. They have had a very good go at reading and playing musical notes as a collective.
In RE the children have been looking at Judaism and what Jews believe and what is important to them. There have been some very thoughtful discussions and work produced.
In topic we started the week learning all about Queen Victoria and how they named the period in history we are doing after her. We then dedicated a mini junior bake off to this very important historical figure by making Victoria sponges together. The children followed instructions and weighed, mixed and spooned all the ingredients independently in their group. We had our fingers crossed and luckily the sponges rose and were a success! They looked fit for a queen!
May we take this opportunity to say how wonderful all of the children’s Victorian inventions homework is! Thank you ever so much for supporting your children with this project. We hope you had a lovely time doing it together. They have been displayed outside of the classroom and have sparked discussion from all going up and down the corridor. Work and presentations related to the inventions and their inventors are being done next week with the children.
World Book Day is on this Thursday the 7th March. The children are to dress up as their favourite characters and have been told to bring in their favourite story books from home. We are all looking forward to this one!
A big congratulations to Bonnie for getting star of the week trophy. She has made great improvements with her written work and has shown real determination and concentration during every lesson.
I hope you have a lovely weekend and will look forward to seeing you all for parent consultations on Wednesday!

Mr Mavin

Class 5 Spellings


(to be tested on 08.03.19)


(to be tested on 08.03.19)

Yellow and Orange Green













politician mathematician







Class 5 Weekly Update

Well done everyone on a fantastic first week back!

Our focus in English has been persuasive writing. We looked at features by working in pairs to try and persuade for or against before reflecting on the techniques that were used. The children then planned their work by conducting research into the role of animals during World War One. All of the children got the chance to decide what genre of writing they would like to use to get their persuasive argument across and the end result has been absolutely brilliant.

In Maths we have finished off our work on area and perimeter by estimating the area of irregular shapes and by looking at developing our knowledge of converting between different units of measurement even further. The children have shown some great reasoning skills and this is something they have worked extremely hard on in recent weeks. On Monday we will move onto our new block of work which will be focusing on multiplication and division using formal methods and bigger numbers.

We have had our first ‘Reading The Game’ session today which the children thoroughly enjoyed. The classroom session was an introductory lesson where the children got to learn more about the aims of the programme, what we’ll be looking at over the next few weeks and Shrewsbury Town Football Club. Our PE session was based around recognising space and how to use it effectively as well as practising some freestyle tricks and skills before a match at the end. Well done to everyone in Class 5 this afternoon, you worked extremely hard, showing great perseverance during the session outdoors and I’m looking forward to the amazing work you’re all going to produce over the next few weeks. Our second session will be on Monday afternoon so children will need football kit or PE kit along with trainers.

Have a great weekend,

Mr Sudlow.

Momo Challenge – Online Safety

You may be aware of the Momo Challenge which has reportedly been appearing in children’s YouTube videos and we have experienced some of our pupils talking about this today.  Please see a parent guide below which has been published by National Online Safety.  I would like to stress that this is not intended to cause panic or alarm, as there is limited evidence of the scale of Momo, and this is just to make you aware.

1 MOMO-Online-Safety-Guide-for-Parents-FEB-2019

I have spoken to Year 5 and 6 children this morning to reassure them and remind them what to do if they come across anything online which worries them or makes them feel uncomfortable.  I do not intend to speak to younger classes about this specifically, as it may draw unnecessary attention to it, but I have spoken to some younger children individually who have raised concerns with their class teacher about it today.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to me.

Thank you