Class 5 weekly update

Well done class 5 on a great week!

In Maths we have been focusing on using the grid and column methods to multiply three and four digit numbers by two digit numbers. The children have really worked hard to master both processes and have shown fantastic flexibility with their calculating, presentation and reasoning skills. Next week our focus will switch to division.

In English we have been working on how to describe a scene. The children used evidence from our class novel as well as non-fiction books from the library and their own research to plan out what they were going to include in their description of the front line. We explored how we could use the five senses as a way of describing the trenches and what it would have been like for soldiers during World War One. The children have used an expansive amount of vocabulary to make their work extremely interesting to read as well as creating a flow throughout their writing. Next week we will be re-writing a dream scenario using the events of our class novel as inspiration.

Coach Neil will be in next Monday afternoon so PE kit with trainers would be great.

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mr Sudlow.

Going Going Gone! Auction

Tickets will be on sale on the playground tomorrow morning for our fundraising auction on Friday 5th April. Ticket price £10 per adult.

Easter Disco Friday 29th March

FOBS have arranged an Easter disco on Friday 29th March from 3:15 to 5:00 pm for Nursery and School. As well as the disco, there will be an Easter egg hunt, egg-decorating and design an Easter bonnet competition.  Children are invited to create an Easter bonnet/hat and bring it to the disco where all the entries will be judged. We can’t wait to see the children’s creations!

Class 2 Weekly Update 15/03/2019

Class 2 have done English work this week based on the interests they have brought into the classroom. It has synced brilliantly with our Science topic of Animals and Humans; literacy based work on SHARKS! They have experienced visual literacy from media and simple text sources in the first instance. Then they were reading and retrieving, recording ideas for labelling and describing sharks along with facts about them. In addition to this they have been demonstrating excellent reading and sentence building skills in their RWI groups.
In Maths we have been learning about length and height in our measurement unit. We started off making comparisons and describing lengths and heights using new mathematical language. After sorting ourselves into height order we described and compared three objects at a time using words including longer, longest, shorter and shortest. Towards the end of the week we applied our learning to a maths investigation using non-standard units of measurement. We used metre sticks and toilet paper. Their investigation was to see if we could roughly measure and compare the lengths of four of the world’s best known sharks. We compared their lengths and found out how many of the children one above the other made up the lengths of each of them. By the looks on the children’s faces this was mind blowing and they got the gist of how enormous these creatures are in comparison to them.
In history topic work Class 2 have learned about the awful jobs which children were subjected to during the Victorian era. They focused on chimney sweeps and what the child needed to do and why there was a need for such a role. The children then moved onto their own piece of artwork on a chimney sweep after completing an extended piece of writing about this renowned Victorian job. We finished the week making a start on our Victorian clay tiles using various taught techniques. They have started to look fab before they are painted.
The children did wonderfully well on their weekly spellings again this week. A new list has gone in their books. A big congratulations to Cerys too for getting Star of the Week Trophy for some tenacious work done in her Maths and English lessons and for showing good listening skills in class.
I hope you have a lovely weekend together and I will look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Mr Mavin

Class 5 spellings to be tested on 22/3/19

Yellow and Orange




















Class 5 Weekly Update

Well done this week everyone, it’s been a week full of challenges but you’ve risen to it really well and have made fantastic progress.

In English we’ve focused on play scripts, using a short chapter where two characters were discussing their friendship and school as our theme. The children have used a range of punctuation effectively to convey emotive adjectives, verbs and adverbs in their stage directions, as well as presenting their work in an appropriate fashion and we’ll be setting some time aside next week to see some performances of the scripts that the children have been working on.

In Maths our focus has been on multiplication. We started the week by looking at the grid method which the children mastered really well. Since then we have moved onto looking at other methods of multiplication including the column method. Being fluid between the different processes is really important as questions can be presented in a multitude of ways and achieving this fluidity takes a lot of flexibility in the children’s thinking, but the progress they have made has been great and as we move into next week we’ll be continuing with our focus on improving our fluidity between different methods and presentation styles.

Coach Neil will be in at the start of next week for our ‘Reading the Game’ session so PE kits with trainers on Monday would be great.

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mr Sudlow.

Class 1 round up

Read Write inc

This week the children have looked at the digraph – ‘ou’, Shout it out.


They have continued to do word time activities looked to all the sounds covered so far. Some children have written sentences based on short Dittys that they have read as a group and some children have done sentence writing based on the Green Book story ‘The Spell’.


As a class we are reading ‘Room on a Broom’, the children have enjoyed joining in with the story and spotting the rhyming words.  The home corner has been turned into a potion making area.  We will continue with this story next week and the children will focus on character descriptions and writing potion recipes.


This week the children have looked at ’10’.  At the beginning of the week the children explored how 9 add 1 is 10.  10 ones are the same as one 10 / one 10 is the same as 10 ones.

We linked 10 to our class story and decided that the witch needed 10 ingredients to make a new broom.  The children explored how many more ingredients the witch needed in her cauldron to make 10 –

‘she needs 5 more because 5 add 5 equals 10’ – Benji

‘we can also say double 5 makes 10’ – Theo

‘I know she needs need 4 more because 10 takeaway 6 leaves 4’ – Lorcan

‘She needs one more ingredient because she only has 9, 9 add 1 ,more equals 10’ – Holly


Gardening Day Sunday 17th March 2019

FOBS have organised another sociable day in the garden, 10am to 4pm. We would like to welcome families from the School and Nursery community to come along and help to make the Sensory Garden a success for its third year.

We will be adding compost / soil to the raised beds, planting new spreading / trailing plants, planting seeds in the veg plots, plus lots of general weeding, tidying and feeding of the fruit trees in the orchard. No specific experience required.

We provide tools and delicious refreshments during the day.  Please can you bring gardening gloves for yourself and your child / children if possible and wear suitable shoes.

Any donations of plants / seeds / children’s gloves gratefully received.

If you can come along for an hour or a few hours or even the day please leave your name at Reception.

Looking forward to see you.

Catherine Orrell