Class 5 update

Well done to everyone in class 5 on a fantastic term!

This week in English we finished reading our book ‘The Skylarks War’ and to round off our topic of World War One, the children wrote a book review that focused on the key events that occurred throughout the novel. The children included their thoughts and opinions on how the book was written as well as the storyline itself.

In Maths we have continued with our work on fractions, looking specifically at improper fractions and how the children can convert them into a mixed number. The children have shown real perseverance, using their multiplication tables knowledge to help them with understanding the process and method before applying it to a range problem solving activities including; proving or disproving mathematical statements, finding and correcting mistakes in calculations and word problems that require picking out the key information and utilising it in the most accurate way.

Our ‘Reading the Game’ programme also came to a close this week. The children’s work on a range of text types has been fantastic throughout this half-term, their knowledge surrounding Shrewsbury Town Football Club has been amazing and they have been able to apply that knowledge to our school setting as well, recognising how the two different environments can be similar. The football skills of everyone has been extremely impressive during our PE sessions with Coach Neil and the standard of play has improved massively each week. This is down to the children’s effort and application which was brilliant in every lesson so well done to everyone.

Have a fantastic Easter holiday and I will see you all in two weeks time.

Mr Sudlow.

Class 1 round up

Read Write inc

This week the children have looked at the spilt digraph ‘o-e’  – Phone home and ‘aw’ – Yawn at Dawn.

o-e       aw


The children have been busy acting out and composing stories based on Jack and the Beanstalk.


This week we have looked at doubles to 5 and halves for numbers to 10.   The children have enjoyed sharing out sets of Easter Eggs between 2 children.

Understanding the World

The children have enjoyed watching their own beanstalks grow.  They have found out that a bean seed without water will not grow, a bean seed with water but no light will grow, but not as well as the bean seed that had water and light.

The children have taken their bean plants home.  We would love to see how well they continue grow, so do please keep us updated by posting on Tapestry.

We hope you all have a lovely Easter break.

Mrs Bowes, Miss SIbley and Mrs Whitfield


Auction News

Thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising auction last Friday. We had the most wonderful evening and raised just over £2400 which is amazing!  Thank you to all the adults who helped set up and clear away the hall, as well as during the evening.


FOBS – Sweet Sale

On Friday, after 3.15pm, we will be selling sweets (from 50p) on the playground.

Class 2 Weekly Update 05/04/2019

I would like to begin by saying an enormous well done to the children of Class 2 for their celebration assembly performance. They all really enjoyed rehearsing for it and did a wonderful job. It was so lovely to see everyone who came to enjoy their assembly.
The children have done lots of reading this week in school and have been using their new phonic knowledge to try to read unfamiliar words and texts. In their Read Write Inc groups they have moved onto their last non-fiction books of their units and have been writing for purpose in different contexts and styles. The children are currently developing ideas for a new reading area in class and are going to create it next week.
In Maths we have had lots of fun learning about and capacity and volume. They have been solving real life problems involving capacity and volume in various contexts. They measured capacity using non-standard and then some progressed to using standard units of measurement in ml. They were given exciting contexts which included creating a new health drink using ml, measuring potions and also measuring capacity using dried materials as opposed to liquid. Class 6 were very impressed when taste testing their health drinks. Class 2 have also been learning number bond rhymes to make 20 and odd and even songs.
In Science the children have started their investigations into which materials they believe may or may not be good for waterproofing. Next week we have some super science experiments lined up.
In History topic the children have been learning about the games and leisure activities which Victorian children enjoyed. We tried and tested a few along the way and made our own thaumatropes.
I hope you have a lovely weekend together and I look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mr Mavin

Class 5 spellings to be tested on 12/04/19



























Class 5 weekly update

Well done to everyone in class 5 for such a brilliant week! I’d like to thank everybody who attended our celebration assembly this morning, it was lovely to see so many of you there. I would also like to say a massive well done to all the children, you read your poem so nicely and the collaboration with class 6 on your song was absolutely amazing.

In English this week the children have widened their knowledge of diary entries. Previously, they had only ever written a single entry but this week they have focused on writing multiple entries that detail a character’s escape from a prison camp and the journey home from the Greek islands to England.

In Maths the children have really got stuck into our unit of work on fractions. The amount of determination and perseverance you have all shown this week has been brilliant! We began the week with an arithmetic test before moving onto looking at equivalent fractions. The children had to approach this with a really open mind, they challenged their own thinking and used multiplication to convert fractions before completing a wide range of problems. We moved onto looking at how pie charts can represent fractions in a more visual context and the children produced some fantastic charts of their own, taking great care with their presentation and ensuring that the key features of a pie chart were all included.

Next week we will be finishing our class novel and the focus will be on reviewing the book. In Maths we will be continuing with our work on fractions.

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mr Sudlow.

Class 1 round up

Read Write inc 

This week the children have looked at split diagraphs – i-e – Nice Smile and o-e – Phone Home.

i-e               o-e


The children have continued to look at measures, they have found all sorts of ways to measure various objects!   They also found out that the tallest children don’t always have the smallest feet.


Midweek News 03.04.19

Fundraising Auction

If you haven’t already bought your tickets for Friday evening’s auction, why not pop along to the office and buy a couple for only £10 each. As well as the delicious food on offer and the great entertainment, we have some amazing lots to bid on, including our star lot of a week’s stay in a villa in Turkey!

Celebration Assembly

Just a reminder that it is our Easter Celebration Assembly this Friday starting at 9:25Please can we ask that adults park at the Village Hall once the school car park is full. Thank you.

Garden Day

FOBS have organised another Garden Day this Sunday 7th April from 10:00 until 4:00. Refreshments will be provided throughout the day and we would love to see family and friends from the Nursery or School community.

We would really welcome any donations of plants or even seeds (runner bean seeds, Californian poppy seeds,  or seed potatoes.) Our next project is to build an irrigation system for the poly tunnel.

This Sunday we are making the Sensory Geo Trail, so if you have any rocks, pebbles, fossils, old crocks / broken pottery / old clay pipes or even painted pebbles, to add to our Bicton Rocks collection, we would be very grateful.

Thank you


Class 5 spellings to be tested on 05/04/19


























