Weekly News 10.05.19

Year 6 SATs

Next week the Year 6s will be taking their end of KS2 SATs. They have all worked extremely hard, particularly over the last few weeks, and we would like to wish them all good luck and every success. We’ve told them all to get plenty of early nights over the next week!


If you were unable to attend the Arthog parents’ meeting today, your child will have been given a letter with information about our departure next Friday and a further medical form and letter which may or may not be relevant to your child. An overview sheet of the questions asked and information shared at the meeting will also be sent home on Monday 13th and if you have any other questions please do not hesitate to speak to me.

Letters home this week

Swimming – Year 5 and 6

Arthog – Friday arrangements and medical letter/form

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Class 1 Weekly round up

Read Write Inc

This week the children have looked at the digraphs – ‘ur’ – Nurse with a purse and ‘er’ – a better letter.


The children have completed word time activities and written sentences using words that contains these sounds.


We have continued with our Class Story – ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ .  As a whole class and then in small groups the children have acted like the Wild Things,, sounded like the Wild Things and used words to describe the Wild Things.


This week we have concentrated on adding and subtracting 2 from 1 digit numbers.

The children used the following sentences to describe their calculations –   ‘8 is the whole: 2 is a part and 6 is a part and 8 is the whole’  (with actions)

‘8 minus 2 is 6’ ‘2 taken from 8 is 6’

‘2 add 4 is 6’, ‘4 add 2 is 6’

Class 2 Weekly Update 03/05/2019

We were all delighted to see Class 2’s smiley faces coming into school this week. Full of energy and chocolate ready for their week back at school. We hope that you all had quality time together.
In English, after changing to different phases and Read Write Inc groups, they all settled down well to their new stories and writing practise. The children were set their weekly mini focus which was to re-read texts and check their work to make sure that it both made sense and contained all the ingredients of fab Y1 sentences. Class 2 have also looked at alternative spellings for the phonemes they have been using and have been learning to recognise and learn some of their key words by sight.
In Maths the children have moved onto their next area of learning which is related to multiplication and division. They have been practising counting in 10’s and have been showing this by practically creating number lines with apparatus. They have also been making and describing equal groups of objects and have solved problems involving equal groups. They ended the week by adding equal groups of objects with real life contexts. We would like to say well done to the children for learning their times tables in their homework books over Easter.
In Science the children have begun their new topic of plants. They have initially learned about what a plant needs in order to survive and have looked at a plants vital structural parts.
Class 2 have loved PE this week as they have started their initial sports day training and practise. This term they will be doing this alongside striking and fielding games.
Please may I make you aware that Class 2’s PE slots are now on a Wednesday and Thursday, so could they have their kits along with their trainers for outdoors.
The new spelling lists have gone home today to be tested next Friday. I hope the phonics practise books have been fun to use with your children and are something for you to do as much or as little as you like at home with them in order to refresh and practise their skills.
I have once again been bowled over by the wonderfully creative and well thought out homework projects which have been created. They look amazing and I hope that you had a great time doing them together. You are the cornerstones of your children’s lifelong learning journey and I am so glad I am supported by such engaged and supportive parents and carers.
I hope that you have a lovely bank holiday weekend together and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.
Mr Mavin

‘Guess How Much I Love You’ balloon

Just in case you haven’t managed to get into Shrewsbury to see the amazing balloon created by Class 5 and 6, here it is …


Class 5 spellings to be tested 10.05.19

Yellow and Orange


















Class 5 weekly update

Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a fantastic Easter!

The children have settled into the new term really well this week. They’ve worked incredibly hard, their focus has been brilliant and the work that they’ve produced has been amazing.

Our class novel for this term is ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar and the children have really enjoyed the opening chapters as there is some humour in the book as well as mystery. With the mystery in mind, our focus in English this week has been on newspaper reports. The children began by using a planning sheet as a guide to writing their own extensive plan, they came up with their own theories to explain the mystery and these have been included in their writing. They then completed their first draft and after analysing feedback from me and Mrs Allen, as well as identifying their own next steps using self-assessment, the children then went onto edit their first draft before writing the final version.

In Maths we have carried on with our fractions unit that we started just prior to Easter. This week we have looked at converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and have started to use those conversions to work in number sequences. The children have shown incredible perseverance at times this week, looking at problems from lots of different angles, using trial and error techniques to calculate their answers.

Have a fantastic bank holiday and I will see you all again on Tuesday,

Mr Sudlow.

Class 1 Weekly round up

Read Write inc

This week the children have focussed on ‘u-e’ – You huge brute and  ‘are’ – Care and Share .

u-e           are

The class have revised all the sounds covered so far and have played word time games and written sentences linked to this week’s sounds.


The Class have listened to and acted out parts of the story ‘Where the Wild things are.’  This will be the class focus story over the next few weeks.



This week the children revised doubles  finding half of an amount.  The children used equal sharing to find half of amounts to 10. We then looked at odd and even numbers to and the children found ways to prove whether each number/amount was odd or even.



We will be visiting Attingham Park on the 6th of June, your child should have brought a letter home with all the details on it.

Welcome back 29.04.19

It has been a lovely first day back and the children seem to have enjoyed sharing their holiday news with each other.

A summer newsletter and list of diary dates will be sent out at the end of this week, once a few dates have been finalised, both as an email and in paper format.

In the meantime, just a reminder that Class 4 start their swimming sessions on Tuesday 30th so they will need to bring their swimming costume/trunks and towel to school.

Letters home today

Year 5/6 Arthog visit – meeting letter, kit list and consent forms

Thank you.

Class 5 spellings to be tested on 03/05/19

Yellow and Orange
















