Weekly News 21.06.19

Sports Day

Please keep an eye on the website on Tuesday afternoon/evening – if the weather forecast for Wednesday changes we may have to cancel the event.

Tempest photos

Tempest are collecting the photograph orders on Monday 24th so please return any further orders to the school office by the start of the school day. Thank you.

Letters out this week

Sports Day

Condover letter – Current Year 2 and 3

Class 1 round up

Read Write inc:

This week the children have revised the trigraph ear – ‘Hear with  your ear’ and looked at the trigraph –  ure – ‘sure it’s pure’

ear            ure

Over the week the class revise words containing sounds from all the sets that we have covered:

green words 1           green words 2         green words 3



The Class have continued to explore teen numbers, this week they have concentrated on 16, 17 and 18.  The children have used a variety of resources to support their learning including: numicon, unifix and 20 frames (plus counters).  The children are getting very good at explaining how they make these numbers and been able to explain to an adult or their friend what they know and how they know.

‘This is 16, because I have one 10 numicon and a 6 numicon.  10 add 6 is 16.’

The children have also displayed their number bond knowledge –  ‘this is 16 because I gave one 10 numicon,  4 numicon and a 2 numicon, 4 and 2 make 6, 10 and 6 is 16!’

One child told me, he had a “ magic crew” and in his crew there are numbers 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 number blocks. “ look what happens when we join them together.”

He added the number 5 and 4 numberblock. “This makes 9”
Then he  added the 3 “ this makes 12”
“ 2 more make 14 and 1 more is 15.”


Friday 21st June Gardening and Painting Event 15.30 onwards

FOBS would like to welcome school and nursery families to this event.  Please come along and help to create and enjoy the lovely Wildlife and Sensory Garden; sensible footwear, painting clothes and gardening gloves are essential, and any spare plants you have would also be very welcome.  Refreshments are provided by FOBS, and we are looking forward to an afternoon / evening in the sunshine.

FOBS – Sweet sale

FOBS will be selling sweets on the playground on the following dates:-

Friday 21st June, Wednesday 26th June, Friday 28th June, 5th and 12th July – 3.15pm




Class 5 weekly update

Well done Class 5 on a brilliant week!

In English, we have focused on persuasive writing. We have talked about some very mature issues that our class novel has brought up and it has been lovely to hear the children’s thoughts and opinions. We have used a debate to get across points of view, countering arguments by using facts and evidence from the book. Everyone has shown fantastic listening skills and the mature approach that the children have taken towards this topic has been extremely impressive.

In Maths we have been multiplying fractions. The children have used their knowledge of times tables to show a high level of understanding, working with the inverse operation of division, identifying the relationships between numbers to simplify multiplied fractions and to convert them into mixed numbers.

We had our first swimming session on Tuesday which was brilliant. Well done to everyone, you were super organised and demonstrated some great swimming technique. Please make sure you remember your kit next Tuesday.

On Wednesday we attended Crucial Crew. Everybody joined in the activities, tried their best and had a great time. Well done Class 5, I’m glad you enjoyed the experience.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone, I’ll see you next week.

Mr Sudlow.

Class 1 weekly roundup

Class 1 have had a busy couple of weeks since they came back from the half term holiday.

Read Write Inc:

The children have looked at:  ew – ‘Chew the Stew’, ire – ‘Fire, Fire’ and ear – :What can you hear?’

ew         ire        ear


Over the last 2 weeks Class 1 have concentrated on two digit numbers and looked closely at tens and ones (early place value).  We have had hands-on lessons using our tens and ones.  The children have used the language of ‘One ten and 3 ones make 13’ and have had to prove how they know this.  Some examples have included :

‘I know it is 13 because because there are 3 ones and one 10. 13 is one more than 12.  I know there are 10 (on the 20 frame) and 3 ones underneath.  It’s not 14 because there are only 3 ones.’   So far we have looked at numbers up to 15.




Class 5 spellings to be tested on 21.06.19



























Gardening evening

As rain is still forecast for Friday, we have postponed the gardening evening until next Friday 21st June when hopefully the weather will be better!

Eczema infomation session

Just a reminder that we have a representative from Eczema Outreach Support visiting Class 4 tomorrow afternoon to talk to the children and any parents who wish to find out more about eczema.  The session starts at 1:15 and will take place in Class 4.

Thank you

Gardening evening

FOBS are holding another gardening evening on Friday 14th June from the end of the school day, if you are able to spare a couple of hours. Refreshments will be served as usual (including sausages and chip butties) and we would be very grateful for any donations of cakes/biscuits. We hope to see you there!