Class 5 weekly update

Well done to everyone in Class 5 on a fantastic action-packed week!

Last week in English the children finished their story writing. They have taken the events of our class novel and used them as a base for their work, building on the storyline by adding extra detail or changing small aspects of the plot to incorporate their own ideas, resulting in a more exciting adventure. The children have been challenged to think really creatively, using a wide range of punctuation and vocabulary to make their writing interesting and engaging for the reader.

In Maths we worked on rounding decimals to the nearest whole, tenth, hundredth and thousandth. We recapped the rules of rounding and used this prior knowledge to great effect with the children producing accurate work that was supported by detailed yet concise reasoning, explaining their calculations and the thinking behind their answers.

A big thank you to the children for their excellent participation levels on activity day and sports day. It was a remarkable effort because not only did you take part in lots of different activities that were quite challenging, especially in the hot weather, but you also played a crucial role in running the events by helping the younger children and taking on extra responsibilities to help all of the adults. You set a fantastic example last week and should be proud of your involvement.

This week in English the children are going to be working in pairs on play scripts. They will have a choice of which events in our novel they want to base their work on before planning, writing and performing collaboratively. In Maths we will be finishing off our unit of work on decimals and percentages.

This week we will also be going for our final swimming session and if you have any questions regarding the football tournament at Baschurch Village Hall on Thursday, please do not hesitate to pop in and see me either at the start or end of the school day.

Thanks… Mr Sudlow.

Condover Hall – Year 3 and Year 4

Tomorrow I need to inform Condover our numbers and send the deposits, if your child would like to go, please can you return permission slip and money by tomorrow morning, Friday 5th July.

Weekly News 28.04.19

Condover residential

Just a reminder that the reply slip and deposit for next year’s visit to Condover need to be returned by Monday 1st July, if you would like your child to take part in the visit.

Letters out this week

September classes

Year 6 leavers’ lunch

Sports Day – new date

Class 5 spellings to be tested on 05.07.19






























Class 5 weekly update

Well done Class 5 for a fantastic week!

Our focus in English has been on story writing. The children have used our reading from this week to identify the key events that they needed to get into their writing. From there they have been able to plan changes to those events that they could incorporate into their story in order to make it even more exciting. The children have planned ideas using a wide range of descriptive techniques and vocabulary so they could make their writing detailed and interesting. This is a large piece of work and the children will be carrying on with it next week with our main focus being on proof-reading, analysing and suggesting ways in which the children can edit and improve their first draft.

In Maths we have looked at working with decimals that include thousandths. The children have demonstrated a really secure understanding of place value, working with confidence across a range of question styles. We have looked at equivalent fractions and the relationship between fractions and decimals.

Have a great weekend everyone, I’ll see you on Monday.

Mr Sudlow.

Food on sale

Today there will be a fruit pot and sweet sale after school and on Thursday morning from 8am bacon and sausage baps will be on sale in the hall for £2.00 for adults and children.


Class 2 Weekly Update 21/06/2019

As Sports Day is quickly approaching, the children have been putting in their final preparations around school. There has usually been a race or two to the classroom door in the morning and the field has been a hive of activity in the sunshine.
In English the children have done reading activities linked to topic work. Plants, animals and conservation have been the topics of interest. They have answered comprehension questions by recording and have learned to re-read passages to gain a greater understanding when using non-fiction texts. Some of the groups have done RWI where they have moved onto Non-Fiction texts and have been writing about their own experiences related to what they have read about. The children finished the week off by talking and writing about specific animals and birds in Britain which are on the verge of being extinct and said what might be causing this to happen.
In Maths the children have moved onto the area of Place Value. They have initially counted up to and beyond 100 objects by grouping them into 10’s and 1’s. We then moved onto them partitioning into 10’s and 1’s. At the end of the week we compared numbers containing hundreds, tens and ones.
In Science the children have been focussing on trees and have learned about the deciduous and evergreen trees around them in Bicton. They did some leaf identification, rubbings and then annotated diagrams of their favourite within the school grounds. They have already planted their broad beans and have devised a diary to track its progress. They all look to be growing really well and the children helped to saw a few canes down to support them too!
In Topic the children have collected their natural materials to go towards our conservation work of the school grounds. Animal homes, monitoring screens and hides are next on the agenda. We have also looked at local hills surrounding Shropshire, alongside work done about the River Seven.
I would like to say an enormous well done to all of the children who did the Phonics screening check. They all did very well and it was such a pleasure listening to how much they have all improved.
We would like to also say congratulations to Martha for getting Star of the Week award. Martha has been offering lots of insightful and helpful contributions to whole class and group discussions. She has also been a good friend around school.
I hope that you have a lovely weekend together and I look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Mr Mavin

Class 5 spellings to be tested on 28.06.19

Yellow and Orange


















Class 5 weekly update

Well done Class 5 on a super week!

In English we have been focusing on making predictions. A lot has been revealed in our class novel during our reading sessions this week and the children have been establishing the links between all of the facts they know to make calculated and appropriate predictions about what is going to happen next. The children have produced some fantastic ideas that they have then supported effectively with evidence from the text. Their work has been at a high standard in terms of quality and quantity which has been brilliant to see.

In Maths we have moved onto our decimals, percentages and equivalent fractions unit of work which the children have approached with a huge amount of enthusiasm. The children have demonstrated a high standard of prior knowledge and have produced some fantastic work. They have shown a high level of resilience to work on problem solving questions that require reasoning skills, explaining their methodology and how they’ve arrived at their final answer.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone and I’ll see you on Monday.

Mr Sudlow.