Applications for Reception 2022

The closing date for school applications for Reception 2022 is 15th January 2022. If you have not already done so, please apply using the link below as soon as possible.

Covid reminders – updated 05.01.22

Hello everyone,

I hope you are keeping safe and well and that you had a good Christmas and New Year.

Please see below our latest Covid-19 risk assessment and we thank you in advance for taking the time to read this. Please note this was written before the changes to PCR testing were issued today (Wednesday 5th) but our procedures remain the same.

Remember...if a pupil has symptoms they should not attend and must get a test. Also, if a parent or sibling tests positive, pupils should not attend until they have also had a test and received a negative test result. This will reduce the risk of transmission and help us keep Covid out of school and nursery – thank you.

Bicton COVID-19 Risk Assessment V23 04.01.2022

We ask that all children have a lateral flow test before returning to school or nursery this week. This will help us to keep all our pupils, staff and families safe by helping to identify any asymptomatic cases and reducing any risk of transmission.

If you do not have any lateral flow tests at home, we can provide you with a test to carry out at the start of the day on Thursday. Providing your child does not test positive, they can then come into school or nursery and they will not be ‘marked’ as late on this occasion.

We thank you in advance for your support with our safety measures.

Best wishes,

Mrs Johnson and staff x


Weekly News 17.12.21

Hello everyone,

Thank you for all your support over what has been a very busy few weeks. We cannot begin to tell you how grateful we are for all of your efforts in helping us get to the end of term safely!

Christmas Fair update

It was so wonderful to see so many of you at our Christmas Fair on Wednesday and thank you for sending in donations if you were unable to attend. Monies are still coming in to FOBS for sweets and selection boxes but so far it looks as though we raised approximately £1500! This is an AMAZING effort and we would like to thank everyone who bought raffle tickets, sweets, selection boxes and who came along on the day and supported the event.

A huge thank you goes to FOBS who have worked tirelessly over the past few weeks – you are all amazing! Thank you as well to parents who worked hard to source prizes for the raffle, who made gifts to sell at the Fair and who came along and helped on the day.

Governing Body news

Please see below our latest Governing Body newsletter.

governor-newsletter-Dec 2021

Daily testing of close contacts for COVID-19 – updated guidance for schools

Adults who are fully vaccinated and all children and young people aged between 5 to 18 years and 6 months identified as a close contact of someone with COVID-19, are now strongly advised to take a lateral flow device (LFD) test every day for 7 days.

We request that all children take a lateral flow test before returning to school or nursery on Thursday 6th January 2022. All our staff will continue to test at least twice weekly when we return to school.

Grab a jab at the Darwin Shopping Centre

Details of walk-in clinics in Shropshire where you can get booster jabs and vaccinations are here

Darwin Centre jabs

The pop-up vaccination clinic at the Darwin Shopping Centre in Shrewsbury will be open 7 days a week in the run up to Christmas.

Shropshire Council has been working with NHS partners to extend the opening hours of the clinic to support the national COVID-19 booster campaign, and help offer booster jabs and vaccinations to 160,000 people by the end of December.

The clinic will be closed Christmas Day and Boxing Day but will re-open on 27 December.

And finally (and what you’ve been waiting for…!)

Even though we couldn’t invite you into school for a Christmas performance, we hope the children’s Christmas video makes you smile as much as it has us. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE THE VIDEO with anyone outside Bicton School and Nursery and it MUST NOT be uploaded to any social media or messaging platforms. Thank you for adhering to this.

We wish you the most wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year.

Take care and stay safe,

From Mrs Johnson, staff, governors and all of our amazing children! xx

Weekly News 10.03.21

Hello everyone,

Please see this week’s newsletter below. Children have also been given a paper copy today.

Weekly News and Christmas events 10.12.21

If you are coming to the Christmas Fair on Wednesday, please use the car park at the village hall once the school car park is full and avoid parking on Bicton Lane.

Have a good weekend and stay safe x

Greetings from Severn Loop

Dear Friends of Severn Loop,

Welcome to Advent! I hope all is well, and it was lovely to see so many of you at our most recent Forest Church. We hope to hold another one at the end of January- I will be in touch with more information in the new year.
Meanwhile, please find attached our December Loop and a poster with all our Christmas services on. Do take note of the Diorama at Montford Church (details in the Loop) – we would love people to come and have a look!
With love, prayers and blessings this Advent time,
Hannah x

Severn Loop Christmas service 2021

December Loop 2021

Head Lice

We have been made aware of a case of head lice in school. Please can you check your child’s hair and treat as necessary.  We also ask that long hair is tied up/plaited etc and please encourage your child not to take their hair down during the day and to keep their hair up.  Your support with this would be much appreciated. Thank you.

After School Clubs week beginning 13th December

After School Club provision will finish this Friday 10th December. If you require Emergency After School Childcare in the last week of term, please book and pay for the days required on sQuid by Friday 10th December. The cost will be £5.00 per child per day attending.

Weekly News 03.12.2021

Hello everyone,

We have had a very busy week in school and it was so wonderful to be able to visit the pantomime on Wednesday and see the children (and staff!) so excited! We have a few things going on in school next week and we thank you in advance for your support.

Christmas jumper/outfit day and Christmas lunch

On Wednesday 8th December, the kitchen are serving Christmas lunch and we would like all children to come to school wearing a Christmas jumper/sweatshirt. If they don’t have one, please don’t buy one – we are happy if they wear anything festive!

Children’s Christmas gift shop

Next week, from Tuesday onwards, our Christmas gift shop will be open for children to visit to purchase a gift for a family member. They will visit in their classes during school hours. If your child would like to purchase something for 50p – £2, please send the money in with them in a labelled envelope/purse from Tuesday onwards.

Co-op Christmas tree decorations

Thank you for the fabulous response to the Co-op tree decoration competition. They are collecting them from us on Monday afternoon so if your child has not yet brought in their decorated wood slice, please make sure they do so on Monday morning.

Donations for Christmas Fair

Thank you for all the donations sent in for the gift shop and the Christmas Fair. If you still have any bottles or other items you wish to donate for the raffle or tombola, we will happily take them off your hands!

Grab a jab in Shrewsbury

Last weekend’s pop-up vaccination clinic at the Darwin Centre in Shrewsbury was such a success…we’re doing it again!

You can grab a jab on Saturday at the Shropshire Local unit on the top floor of the shopping centre between 9am and 5pm.

You can get the 1st, 2nd or 3rd dose, or the booster if you are eligible. 12-15 year olds can also get a jab but must be accompanied by a parent or carer.

Please be aware that vaccines will be given on a first come, first served basis. The clinic may close early if all vaccine has been used.

Open letter from Shropshire Council

We, alongside our neighbours in Telford & Wrekin and NHS colleagues, have written an open letter to residents.

We’re asking you to play your part in supporting our health and care services ahead of what is set to be an incredibly challenging winter.

The demand already this winter is unprecedented and is expected to get worse before it gets better.

Your actions and decisions can make a big difference.

Click here to read the full letter and find out how you can help.

And finally…

Thank you for all your support over recent weeks, especially if we have contacted you to arrange a PCR test for your child. We know the testing centre has been very busy this week but hopefully by getting children tested, we can keep everyone safe and well leading up to the end of term.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

Christmas Tree Decorations

We have been asked by the Co-op in Bicton to create Christmas decorations for their Christmas Tree. Your child will be bringing home the wood slice to decorate today.
Please ensure all decorations are clearly marked with your child’s name and class as there will be prizes!
Please return to the school office by Monday 6th December at the latest.

Christmas Wooden Snowflake Hanging Tree Decorations By Ginger Ray |