Christmas Cards

Please can I have all Christmas card orders in at the start of the day tomorrow morning.   (Friday – 15th November)

NEW! Weekly News 08.11.19

I am aware that my Weekly News did not email out to parents for some reason on Saturday so I have reissued  it – apologies if you receive it twice!

Spooky disco – thank you! (Updated)

Thank you to everyone who came along to the disco and to FOBS and other adults who gave up their time to organise the event and help with the tidying up. It was lovely to see so many people there!

We raised a staggering £497! Added to the income from the sale of sweets, and the costumes for the spooky disco, FOBS have raised £707 this term alone which is greatly appreciated and will be put towards buying classroom resources and learning materials.

Children in Need dressing up day – Friday 15th November

On Friday 15th we would like all children (and staff!) to come to school and nursery wearing either pyjamas or something spotty – the choice is yours! We ask that children pay £1 each and all of the money raised will be donated to Children in Need.

We would also welcome donations of cakes and biscuits to sell at breaktime – please do not send anything containing nuts and we thank you in advance for your support.

Christmas card orders

Please can all Christmas card orders be returned by Monday 11th, as we need to place the order by Wednesday 13th so that the cards are back in plenty of time.

Arthog residential

If you have not yet returned your deposit for your child to go to Arthog next June, please can you do so by Wednesday as we need to give Arthog our final numbers at the end of the week.

SAVE THE DATE: Christmas Celebration Assembly – morning of Wednesday 18th December 

This year, we are combining our Christmas performance with an end-of-term Celebration Assembly. Each class will perform part of The Christmas Story and we will also be presenting shields/cups for reading, writing, maths, PE and citizenship. The event has not yet been added to the calendar but it will start at 9:25 and we will provide an estimated end time once the children have started rehearsing their class performance.

Website password

The password has now been removed from the website, making it much quicker for you to access information and news. We are still awaiting a number of consent forms so, if you have not yet returned it, please can you do so as soon as possible. Thank you.

Cross country 

A huge well done to all of the children who took part in the second cross country event at The Corbet School, and really persevered in the awful weather! Good luck to everyone who is taking part in the third race on Wednesday 13th. The fourth and final race will be held on Wednesday 20th November.


EYFS play area – polite reminder 

Please can we ask that children do not use the Early Years play area after school, even if children are supervised. The facility is there for use during the school day only. Thank you.

Aldi Kit for Schools

Thank you to everyone who brought in Aldi stickers for our poster. We managed to complete it at the disco so it can now be sent off. We will then be in with the chance of winning £20,000 so we will be keeping everything crossed!


Please can children make sure they wear a coat to school now that the weather is starting to turn a bit chilly.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Class 4 spellings to be tested 15.11.19

These are the spelling patterns that we are learning in Class 4 this week:

Year 3 Seals

Adverbs created by adding the suffix –ly to adjectives where the root word is not changed e.g. kindly, quickly, safely, rudely, sweetly, strongly, bravely, secretly, finally, usually.

Year 4 Surfers

Words with a /shuhn/ sound spelt with ‘ssion’ (if the root word ends in ‘ss’ or ‘mit’) e.g. expression, discussion, confession, permission, admission, transmission, possession, profession, depression, impression.

Year 4 Waves

Words with the ‘z’ sound spelt ‘zz’ e.g. jazz, jazzy, buzz, buzzed, dizzy, fizz, fizzy, fizzed, fizzing, fuzzy.

Children In Need – Friday 18th November

Get your pyjamas or spotty outfit at the ready for Children In Need next Friday! We’d also welcome donations of cakes or biscuits for our cake sale.

Weekly news 08.11.19

Spooky disco – thank you!

Thank you to everyone who came along to the disco and to FOBS and other adults who gave up their time to organise the event and help with the tidying up. It was lovely to see so many people there!

Children in Need dressing up day – Friday 15th November

Next Friday we would like all children (and staff!) to come to school and nursery wearing either pyjamas or something spotty – the choice is yours! We ask that children pay £1 each and all of the money raised will be donated to Children in Need.

We would also welcome donations of cakes and biscuits to sell at breaktime – please do not send anything containing nuts and we thank you in advance for your support.

Christmas card orders

Please can all Christmas card orders be returned by Monday, as we need to place the order by Wednesday 13th so that the cards are back in plenty of time.

Arthog residential

If you have not yet returned your deposit for your child to go to Arthog next June, please can you do so by next Wednesday as we need to give Arthog our final numbers at the end of next week.

SAVE THE DATE: Christmas Celebration Assembly – morning of Wednesday 18th December 

This year, we are combining our Christmas performance with an end-of-term Celebration Assembly. Each class will perform part of The Christmas Story and we will also be presenting shields/cups for reading, writing, maths, PE and citizenship. The event has not yet been added to the calendar but it will start at 9:25 and we will provide an estimated end time once the children have started rehearsing their class performance.

Website password

The password has now been removed from the website, making it much quicker for you to access information and news. We are still awaiting a number of consent forms so, if you have not yet returned it, please can you do so as soon as possible. Thank you.

Cross country 

A huge well done to all of the children who took part in the second cross country event at The Corbet School, and really persevered in the awful weather! Good luck to everyone who is taking part in the third race next Wednesday. The fourth and final race will be held on Wednesday 20th November.

Bicton quiz trail

There is still time for you to take part in the fabulous Shrewsbury town quiz trail, organised by Sian Tiplady. Priced at only £5,  it’s a great way to spend a few hours solving the clues with family and friends whilst raising much-needed funds for Bicton school. Please speak to Sian or the school office, if you would like to buy a quiz trail booklet. There are some great prices to be won!

EYFS play area – polite reminder 

Please can we ask that children do not use the Early Years play area after school, even if children are supervised. The facility is there for use during the school day only. Thank you.

Aldi Kit for Schools

Thank you to everyone who brought in Aldi stickers for our poster. We managed to complete it at the disco so it will be sent off next week. We will then be in with the chance of winning £20,000 so we will be keeping everything crossed!


Please can children make sure they wear a coat to school now that the weather is starting to turn a bit chilly.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Spooky Disco Friday 8th November

FOBS will be very grateful for any cake donations for the ‘Spooky Disco’ on Friday. Donations can be left on Reception.

We look forward to seeing you all there and thank you again for your continued support.

Read, Write Inc update

These are the letters we have covered so far this term.  Please feel free to save and print them out for home use.

There is also plenty of information for parents and a link to buy a set 1 pack which includes the letter flash cards.

Spring Term 1 2020:

ch      qu    x    ng    nk    ay  ee    igh  ow   oo long    oo short   ar    or



The children will continue to work on segmenting and blending words made by the sounds covered so far.  Children who are not yet secure with the Set 1 sounds, will take part in small focus groups to revisit those sounds.

Autumn term 2:

f    e   l    h   sh    r    j      

v   y   w     th    z

Autumn Term 1:

m   a    s    t    d    i    n   p    g    o    c    k     u    b


As we work through the letters the children segment and blend  CVC words using the sounds covered –

green words 1

and play word time games – Word-Time-Book-1




There are plenty of interactive phonics online that can support your child with their learning:

Teach your Monster to read is free for laptops and we are beginning to use it in class:


New! Class 4 spellings for 08.11.19

Class 4 children impressed us with how they tried to learn their new spelling words in the last week of term but we have decided to revisit these spelling patterns and words when we return after the half-term holiday and we will retest children on Friday 8th November.

Here’s a reminder below of their spelling patterns / words.

Year 3 – Seals: Year 3 and 4 statutory words. The words chosen are a sample of these 100 words which we are using frequently in Class 4 this term. (See link below for the full list of words.) although, appear, decide, describe, different, difficult, group, material, notice, through.

Year 3 and 4 statutory spellings

Year 4 – Surfers: More words with /shun/ endings spelt with ‘sion’ (if root word ends in ‘se’, ‘de’ or ‘d’) e.g. expansion, extension, comprehension, tension, corrosion,  supervision, fusion,  conclusion, persuasion, suspension.

Year 4 – Waves: Words with the ‘igh’ phoneme e.g. bright, fight, high, light, might, night
sigh, sight, thigh, tight.

New! Class 5 half-term homework

Class 5 children have been asked to complete a piece of science homework over the half-term holiday. Their task is to research Sir Isaac Newton’s work on light and colour and they can present their research in a format of their choice. We are looking forward to creating a display of what they produce!

The homework needs to be in school by Thursday 7th October and is entirely optional but house points will be awarded to any children completing the task.