Class Christmas Parties!

Tomorrow afternoon (Thursday 19th December) all classes will be having Christmas parties after lunch.  All children are welcome to bring their own clothes to change into after lunch for the parties.  Children are not required to bring in any food or drink, as teachers are providing this as an end of term treat.

FOBS – Breakfast Baps Sale

Fobs will be selling breakfast baps on Friday 13th December from 8.00am until 9.00am in the ECO room.



Celebration Assembly Remaining Tickets

If you would like additional tickets for the Celebration Assembly on Wednesday 18th December, they are now available from the school office.  (First come first served).

We only have a few available for the 9.30am session.


Fobs Christmas Raffle

Tickets are still on sale from the school office for the Friends of Bicton School Christmas Raffle. Tickets are £1.00 each and there are many fantastic prizes up for grabs including: Christmas Hampers, Wine, Chocolate, and Family Vouchers. The draw will be held on the evening of Tuesday 17th December after the Carol Service at Bicton Church in School where there will be refreshments served.

Class 4 spellings to be tested 13.12.19

These are the spelling patterns that we are learning in Class 4 this week:

Year 3 Seals

Creating adverbs using the suffix -ly (exceptions to the rule)  e.g. truly, duly, wholly,  fully, daily, publicly, dryly, slyly, shyly, coyly.

Year 4 Surfers 

Words from the Year 3/4 statutory word list (and words derived from these root words) e.g. interest, interested, experiment, experimenting, imagine, imagination,  promise, promised, increase, increasing.

Year 4 Waves

Words with the ‘oy’ phoneme  e.g. oyster, royal, loyal, joy, decoy, ahoy, enjoy, annoy, cowboy, toys.

Weekly News 06.12.19

Christmas Fair

Thank you to everyone who came along to enjoy and support our Christmas Fair fundraising event. We had a wonderful  afternoon and raised lots of money to buy resources for school and nursery.

I’d like to say a personal thank you to FOBS, who put a lot of time and effort into the event, and to Santa and his Elf for making everyone’s afternoon!

Christmas Celebration Assembly

We will let you know this week when extra tickets will be available for the Christmas performances on Wednesday 18th December. The remaining tickets can be obtained from the school office on a first-come-first-serve basis and this will be no later than Thursday 12th.

Sickness absence

Please can we remind you that, if children have beeen sick or had diarrhoea, they must not return to school until 48 hours after their last bout of illness. This is to prevent it spreading to other children and staff.

Dogs not permitted on school premises 

Dogs should not be brought onto the school playground at any time and there are signs to remind adults of this rule. We have also had complaints from parents that there is dog excretement on the path alongside the car park at the front of the school, where dogs have been allowed out of cars whilst parents are dropping off/collecting their child. Please ensure that any excretement is picked up and removed from the school car park to avoid it being walked into school. Thank you.

Parent lunch

Please inform the school office as soon as possible if you have booked a parent lunch and you are unable to attend.

Finally…diary dates

Please remember to check the website for news on Christmas events or refer to the letter of diary dates sent out last month. A letter will be going out this week regarding events involving the Choir and KS2 children who will be performing at the Carol Service on Tuesday 17th December.

Many thanks.


We had the most amazing time watching Aladdin at Theatre Severn! It was non-stop laughter from start to finish and the children’s smiles, cheers and even dancing were wonderful to see. Well done to everyone for such fantastic behaviour and audience participation!

Class 4 spellings to be tested 06.12.19

These are the spelling patterns that we are learning in Class 4 this week:

Year 3 Seals

Creating adverbs using the suffix -ly where the root word ends in ‘ic’ or ‘al’ e.g. basically, frantically, dramatically, magically, tragically, comically, actually, accidentally, occasionally, eventually.

Year 4 Surfers 

Words with ‘ough’ to make a long /o/, /oo/ or /or/ sound e.g. though, although, dough, through, breakthrough, thought, bought, brought, fought

Year 4 Waves

Words with the ‘oa’ phoneme e.g. loaded, soaked, foal, foaming, groan, boasting, coast, roasted, toasted, floating.