Class 2 spellings to be tested 24.01.20

The spelling patterns we are learning this week in Class 2 are:

Year 1: The trigraph “igh”. E.g right, bright, light, night, fright.

Year 2: Adding ed, er and est to a word ending in “y” with a consonant before it. E.g happier, copied, driest, funnier.

Spelling patterns 20.01.20

The spelling patterns we are learning this week in Class 5 are:

Year 5: Words with an /or/ sound spelt ‘au’ e.g. pause, cause, sauce, fraud, applaud

Year 6: Words with endings which sound like /shuhl/ after a consonant letter e.g. partial, confidential, essential, substantial, torrential

Reading Cinema Launch

As part of our whole-school initiative to encourage reading for pleasure, Miss Carr has introduced a ‘Reading Cinema’ which was launched this week with Class 5.

Year 5 and 6 have been voting all week for which book they would like to listen to. At the end of the day yesterday, they were all invited to enter the ‘cinema’ and, after lots of excitement at being presented with popcorn,  they enjoyed listening to ‘The Lost Thing.’

Next week, Class 4 will be voting for which book they would like to listen to then a different class will take part each week.

Keep an eye out for other classes enjoying this over the next few weeks!

Class 5 Science homework 17.01.20

Class 5 homework Create your own planet

To build on what they have been learning about our solar system this week in Science, Class 5 have been set the above homework task. This asks them to use what they have learnt about other planets to create a new planet, which could fit into our solar system. They can use IT to create their poster/information sheet/leaflet but not PowerPoint.

If you or your child has any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Weekly News 17.01.20

We have had a great start to the spring term and the children have quickly settled back into school and nursery after the Christmas break.

Whole-school Value

Our whole-school worship theme this half term is one of our school values – perseverance – and we have had lots of discussion about our personal goals and aims and how we can achieve these.  The children have been very keen to share what they would like to get better at e.g. neater handwriting, getting more writing done in the lesson, or working more independently in maths, and we have discussed who can help us to achieve our goals and the importance of persevering when things are a bit tricky.

Fundraising News

As you may already be aware, FOBS have arranged a ‘Welcome Back’ disco for Friday 31st January from 3:15  to 5:00, which is open to all children who attend Bicton School or Nursery.

We also have a new idea for fundraising which we hope you will be able to support us with.  We are looking for things which children could buy for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day,so if you have any unwanted gifts e.g. toiletries, etc, that we could sell for 50p/£1 we would be very grateful for any donations.

Reading at Home

We are in the process of putting together a newsletter about reading developments in school and ways to help your child at home. In the meantime, please could we ask that children bring their reading book and reading record book to school every day. Thank you in advance for your support.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson

Taste Testing in Class 3

Class 3 will be taking part in some taste testing on Thursday as part of their DT work.  Please can you let us know if your child has any allergies that we are not already aware of.

Many thanks, Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Spelling patterns 13.01.20

The spelling patterns we are learning this week in Class 5 are:

Year 5: Words with an /or/ sound spelt ‘or’ e.g. forty, absorb, decorate, enormous, scorch

Year 6: Words with endings which sound like /shuhl/ after a vowel letter e.g. social, official, special, artificial, racial

Thank you and merry Christmas!

On behalf of all the Class 5 staff, thank you so much for all of the cards, gifts and well wishes we have received.

We hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

See you in 2020!