Space topic creations!

Hi all,

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to every single one of you who helped with the incredible space creations. They look amazing! They really have totally transformed the classroom. We are so grateful for your help with these projects as they have helped spark the children’s interest into our new “Space” topic. We also recognise that the creations can take a very long time to make, so thank you very much for your efforts!


I just thought that you might like to see the picture of the finished project.


Thank you once again for your support, it’s greatly appreciated.

Spelling patterns to be tested 31.1.20

The spelling patterns we are learning this week in Class 2 are:

Year 1: The vowel digraph “ar”. E.g car, start, park, arm, garden.

Year 2: Adding “ing” to a word ending in “y”. E.g copying, crying, replying, carrying.

Spelling Patterns 27.01.20

The spelling patterns we are learning this week in Class 5 are:

Year 5: Convert nouns or adjectives into verbs using the suffix -ate e.g. pollinate, captivate, activate, motivate, communicate

Year 6: Words with a ‘soft c’ spelt /ce/ e.g. cemetery, certificate, necessary, sacrifice, nuisance

Class 3 filming letter

Please see below a copy of the letter which was sent out today to those children for whom we have previously been given consent for their photos to be used in the press and on our public website.

I apologise for the typing error in my original letter! It should have said ‘spead of germs’ not ‘thread of germs.’

Class 3 filming letter

Mrs Johnson

Class 1 Update

The children have made a super start to the new term.  This term we are basing most of the children’s learning around ‘The Jolly Postman and Friends’ story.

So far the children have found out about the journey of a letter and have been very busy writing their own.  Every two weeks we focus on a different story from the book.  This week and last week the children have enjoyed a range of activities based around Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  They particularly enjoyed cooking their own porridge!

The Jolly Postman and Friends Class 1 2020

Next week we will be taking a break from the book and will be finding out about Chinese New Year.  On Friday 31st January we would like all the children to come dressed in something red, as we will have a Class 1 Chinese New Year Day, which will include some Dragon Dancing.

Read Write inc update:

Spring Term 1 2020:

ch      qu    x    ng    nk    ay

The children will continue to work on segmenting and blending words made by the sounds covered so far.  Children who are not yet secure with the Set 1 sounds, will take part in small focus groups to revisit and practise those sounds.

All the sounds covered and resources can be found here in Class 1 Spelling:


Reading Cinema

This afternoon class four were invited to the reading cinema. The children were given a choice of books and used their cinema tickets to vote for ’Jumanji’. Class four enjoyed relaxing and eating their popcorn whilst listening to the story.


Dear Class 4 parents,

We’re excited that your child has a Times Tables Rock Stars account!

The children have logged on to their account today and have practised using the website. Click on the link below to practise times tables at home. Their username and password are stuck in the front of their reading record.

Spelling patterns- week commencing 20/01/20

Class 4’s spelling patterns for this week are as follows:

Year 3 (seals)- adding suffixes beginning with a vowel (ed, er, ing) not doubling the consonant. For example- gardener, walking, focused, limiting.

Year 4 (surfers)- phonemes and near phonemes. For example- check, cheque, cereal, serial.

Year 4 (waves)- ‘ir’ phoneme. For example- bird, girl, birthday, dirty.