School News 15.03.20


Handwashing As you are hopefully already aware, we introduced additional measures in school and nursery last week. Children must now wash their hands on arrival at school in the morning and also after each playtime. (We have always asked them to wash their hands before eating.)

We ask that any parents/other adults coming into nursery, the other classrooms or visiting the school library, also wash their hands on arrival. We thank you in advance for your co-operation with this.

Coronavirus poster

Pupil absence – We recognise and fully understand that parents may have chosen to self-isolate their child, due to their concerns about Coronavirus. This could be because their child is unwell and showing signs of illness or because they have been advised to by their doctor or other medical professional, due to their child’s health and medical conditions.

We ask that you inform school no later than 9:30 am if your child is absent and the reasons why, so that it can be recorded on our attendance registers.  Thank you.

Home-learning – A letter will be sent out this week with information and guidance on activities for children to do at home, in the event that the government decides to close schools.

Shire Services (School meals provider) – key messages

The cost of a school lunch is increasing from April 20th 2020 to £2.30 per day. 

Please can all dinner money be paid in full by Friday 27th March, in preparation for the end of the financial year. Thank you.

Class 1 and Nursery outdoor play area – reminder

Please can we remind all adults that children should not play on the outdoor play equipment in the Early Years playground after school. We thank you in advance for your co-operation with this.

Mother’s Day gifts

On Thursday 19th and Friday 20th March, children will be able to purchase small gifts for Mother’s Day, during break times and lunch times.

Gifts will range from 50p to £1.50 (20p additional cost for gift wrapping).

If you would like your child to purchase a gift, please can you ensure the money is in an envelope with their name on. Thank you for all the donations of gifts sent in to school.

Thanks – Helen Jones

After-school clubs

Please can all monies owing for before- and after-school club be paid in full by Friday 27th March. Thank you

Letters out this week

Year 6 secondary school transport forms

No heating but school and nursery open

We have an issue with the heat pumps, which the engineer was unable to fix on Friday night, so the heating is not working.  We will still be open as normal on Monday but please ensure your child has their sweatshirt or cardigan on and not just a t shirt. 
We are hopeful that the issue can be fixed on Monday and we will keep you updated.

Thank you.

Class 3 – Public Health England ‘Wash Your Hands’ video

Class 3 were invited to take part in creating a video earlier this term with Public Health England. At that time, it was created with winter illnesses such as Norovirus in mind but now it is obviously much more pertinent.
Please visit

Spelling patterns- 9/3/20

This weeks spelling patterns are as follows:

Surfers (year 4): words with a ‘soft c’ spelt ‘ce’ eg centre, certain, recent

Seals (year 3): homophones and near homophones eg sent, scent

Waves (year 4): ‘ing’ suffix eg playing, walking, talking

Coronavirus information – updated 06.03.20

Please see the latest information below from the Department for Education who are emailing educational settings daily to update us on the government’s response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

The importance of hygiene

Personal hygiene is the most important way we can tackle COVID-19, especially washing hands more; and the catch it, bin it, kill it strategy for those with coughs and sneezes.

Wash your hands more often for 20 seconds with soap and hot water.

In addition to handwashing before eating and after sneezing, both children and staff should also wash hands after using toilets and after travelling on public transport.

Please help us in sharing simple and effective hand hygiene messages:


Public Health England has a dedicated webpage with a range of posters and digital materials at:


Sign up is quick, free and means you will be alerted as more resources are made available.

Educational resources

The e-Bug project is led by Public Health England and has a dedicated webpage for learning resources on hand washing and respiratory hygiene.

Resources are currently available for KS1, KS2 and KS3 and can be used in various settings including schools:


Updated travel advice for travellers returning from Italy

The advice remains the same for travellers returning from the lockdown areas of Italy, that you should self-isolate even if you are not showing symptoms. The advice for other parts of Italy has been expanded to cover the whole country: if you have returned from anywhere else in Italy outside of the lockdown areas, you should self-isolate if you develop symptoms and call NHS 111.

The latest travel guidance can be found here:


Further information on what you should do if you are asked to self-isolate can be found here:


Department for Education coronavirus helpline

The Department for Education coronavirus helpline is now available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline as follows:

Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)

Where to find the latest information

Updates on COVID-19:


Guidance for educational settings:


Travel advice for those travelling and living overseas:


Latest Department for Education information:



Class 3 – World Book Day

Please could you bring the following in for World Book Day on Thursday 5th March:

  • Your favourite book so we can talk about in class
  •  An empty, clear, plastic bottle (500ml or 1 litre size – no bigger).  If you have a few spare that would be great!

Many thanks, Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

New Handwork Club

On Wednesdays, we are now offering a handwork club after school from 3:15 to 4:30. This will initially be for children in Years 3 to 6 who want to learn skills such as knitting. Thank you to Mrs Jeffries for kindly organising and running this club.