Weekly News 4th March 2022

Hello everyone,

Thank you all for the amazing effort that went into the children’s World Book Day outfits and other activities this week. It was wonderful for the children and staff to join together to see everyone’s outfits in our whole-school assembly on Thursday afternoon!

COVID guidance update

We have had several positive COVID cases in school this week so we ask you to take a couple of minutes to read the letter below. Thank you

Covid guidance update March 22

Ukraine Donations – Update

Kinnerley Church (SY10 8DE) is also accepting donations during daylight hours.

Shrewsbury Colour Run 2nd April 2022
Our Shrewsbury Colour Run will be hosted at Sansaw Estate on Saturday 2nd April after a 2-year break. It is a 5K route through the estate where volunteers will be placed at certain points on the route to shower runners with colour powder! It is open to all ages and abilities, and we’d really love it if your pupils were able to join us! There is also the encouragement to raise sponsorship to take part which could provide children with a nice little project (or competition!) during the Easter holidays. 
As you may know, Lingen Davies Cancer Fund is a local cancer charity and raises funds to enhance and improve the cancer services available to people in Shropshire and Mid Wales, to ensure they have access to the best possible care. We are currently in the final few weeks of raising money for a new CT scanner for the Cancer Centre at RSH – this will reduce waiting times, improve the accuracy of treatment plans and offer procedures that would only otherwise be available in Birmingham.  
Your support would be hugely appreciated. 
There is more information about the Colour Run on our website Shrewsbury Colour Run – Lingen Davies
Thanks in advance, and please get in touch if you’d like any further information.
Kind regards

Lizzy Coleman, Events and Fundraising Organiser

Shrewsbury High School Open Day

For parents who are unable to make the open day above, they are happy to arrange tours and meetings with their Headteacher Jo Sharrock at any time during the term.  Parents can get in touch either via email admissions@shr.gdst.net, on the phone 01743 494 038 or register online at https://shrewsburyhigh.gdst.net/explore/admissions/open-days/

Shropshire Star Cash for Schools has started!

The Shropshire Star ‘Cash for Schools’ campaign STARTED YESTERDAY!

  • The ‘Cash for Schools’ 8-page special supplement appeared in the Shropshire Star today, showcasing all the schools taking part and includes the first school token!
  • You can pick up a copy of the Shropshire Star at your local retailer or supermarket.
  • School tokens will be published from Thursday, March 3 until Saturday April 2, 2022 inclusive. You can collect School tokens from any day during the token collect period and as many as you can!
  • The deadline for the School tokens to be submitted to the Shropshire Star is 5pm on Friday, April 8 2022.

Shropshire Athletic Association Under 11’s Y5/6 Cross Country Championships

The 2022 Shropshire Athletic Association Under 11’s Year 5 & 6 Cross Country Championships will take place this year on Saturday 19th March, 2022 at Concord College, Acton Burnell.

Races will begin at 2.30pm and be run in the following order:

2.30pm  – U10/Year 5 Girls approx. 1300m

2.45pm  – U10/Year 5 Boys approx. 1300m

3.00pm  – U11/Year 6 Girls approx. 1600m

3.15pm  – U11/Year 6 Boys approx. 1600m

The competition is open to all Shropshire year 5 and 6 pupils – entry fee is £3.50 per entrant.  The entry form and maps of the approximate courses are attached below. Deadline for entries is Wednesday, 16th March.

In addition, there will be a fun run for year 3 and 4 pupils at 3.30pm – there is no pre-entry required for this – just a charge of 50p per entrant on the day.

Entry form SAA_U11’s champs 2022

Have a lovely weekend x

Midweek news 2nd March 2022

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a good half term. I will be sending out a letter in the coming days regarding our COVID procedures and the latest government guidance. In the meantime, we ask that any children with COVID symptoms or who are unwell do not attend school and we thank you in advance for your support in keeping everyone safe..

Donations for Ukraine

Some of our pupils have asked what they can do to help people in Ukraine.  Please see a poster below with information on collection points. If it is easier for you to bring any donations to school, Hannah Lins has offered to drive donations to the nearest collection point next week.

FREE access to this Friday’s First News

First News – a children’s newspaper which we subscribe to in school for our older pupils – are giving all parents FREE access to this Friday’s full First News edition.

Please use this link, to gain access to the week’s news stories, including the 6 page Ukraine report.

The six-page special report has been written specifically to help teachers, parents and children understand what’s happening, presenting the events in a non-sensationalised and unbiased way. We also showcase some of the positive actions and people that have come out of this terrible event, to show children there are more good people than bad in the world.

News from Severn Loop

March Loop 2022

Dear Friends,

We have all been shocked and saddened by the horror of war in Ukraine, and talking to people around the Loop today, I know that many of us desperately want to show our support for the Ukrainian people in these terrible times.
If you are praying at home, then you might like to look at resources on the CofE website at Churches prepare for National Day of Prayer for Ukraine | The Church of England and also on the 24-7 website at A Prayer for the Crisis in Ukraine – 24-7 Prayer International.
Others have asked whether there are any ways in which we can make donations and/ or provide practical support. Barnabus Church in Shrewsbury have a long-standing relationship with a number of churches across Ukraine, and so that is one option- to find out more, go to Home (breadtrust.com). The Red Cross are also active on the Ukrainian borders, providing mobile phone charge points, toilets, wash facilities and shelter. To make a donation, go to Ukraine Crisis Appeal | British Red Cross.
With love and blessings,
Hannah x

Weekly News 18.02.22

Hi everyone,

Well, we’ve managed to get to the end of half term without having to close due to Covid, storms or snow!


We have seen Covid cases rise significantly in school over the past fortnight.  If your child tests positive on Saturday 19th or Sunday 20th, please notify me ASAP at head@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk so that I can identify and inform close contacts. We also request that all children have a lateral flow before returning to school on Monday 28th February which will help us keep others safe. Thank you in advance for following this request.

Cash for Schools Competition – We need your help!

News from Severn Loop

Dear Friends,

It was a joy to see so many of you at Forest Church on Sunday, in spite of the weather! At the end of this message there is a photo of the jubilee tree-planting. We are also going to upload an album onto our website (Severn Loop Parishes). 
Thinking ahead, our next Forest Church is on 10th April (Palm Sunday), 3pm at Leaton Forest (by kind permission of Charles Bridgeman). We will have a donkey to lead us in a Palm Sunday parade! I’ll email details nearer the time.
We also have all-age services for Mothering Sunday (27th March), around Severn Loop- after two years without the opportunity to celebrate and worship in person, we are so looking forward to being together again on this special day. Service details are below:
Bicton 11am
Bomere Heath 9am
Leaton 10.45am
Montford 11am
Shrawardine 9.30am
WIth love and blessings,
Hannah x
World Book Day
A letter about our plans for World Book Day has been sent home with children this week and it has also been emailed via Class Dojo. If your child’s letter did not make it home, please contact their class teacher and they will send another paper copy home hen we return to school.
ArTee: the Village Water T-shirt competition
Please see an exciting competition below that your child might want to do over half term.
I hope you all have a good half term break.
Take care,
Mrs Johnson and staff x

Weekly News 11.02.22

Thank You Message from Mrs Walton

Dear parents, 
A huge Thank you to you all for the lovely messages. I have been quite overwhelmed by your kindness, good wishes, cards, flowers and gifts. I have loved every minute of working at Bicton Primary School with such wonderful children and staff and I am taking so many beautiful memories with me. 
I am sad to leave but I look forward to my new career and I wish you all the very best. I will miss you. 
Thank you again for everything and much love, 
Mrs Walton

Parking issues

Thsi is a polite request to all drivers coming onto our school site at drop off and pick up. We are very fortunate to have such a huge car park for a primary school but we need everyone to use it responsibly to keep pedestrians and other drivers safe and free from harm.

Please do not park opposite the zig zag lines on Bicton Lane as this is causing a hazard.

Please DO NOT park around the island on our car park, especially when there are empty spaces, as this is preventing other vehicles from entering and exiting spaces.

Thank you for adhering to this request.

Policy updates

Please see below some policy updates for your information and we thank you in advance for taking the time to read these.

Snow and Bad Weather Policy and Procedures February 2022

No Smoking Policy February 2022

Mobile Phones and Cameras Policy (including Smart Devices) February 2022


FOBS sweet sale – Friday 11th February

Fobs are having a sweet sale this Friday 11th February. Please contact Sharron on 07931094878 to place your order.

Bank transfer is preferred at the moment. When paying, please ensure you put your child’s name and class in the reference.
Bank details are: – ME & S Dowey, 41900421, 52-21-00

Alternatively, cash can be paid in at reception in a sealed envelope again with your child’s name and class on the envelope.

Online Safety Parent Workshop 08.02.22

Please see a link below to a parents’ workshop on online safety being held tonight at 7:30 – 8:30pm.

This online webinar will cover the following topics:

● Online safety in school: A discussion on how online safety is taught in school through resources such as Project Evolve and Google Internet Legends

● Safe use of online games and platforms: A look at popular platforms and games such as Roblox, Minecraft and Tiktok

● Managing devices: Looking at how to set up parental controls on devices such as tablets, phones and games consoles.

● Social Media: Top tips and printout guides on TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram

● Educating our children: free software and resources to support parents

Weekly News 04.02.22

Hello everyone,

We have seen an increase in positive COVID cases across the school this week and I thank you for carrying out daily LFD testing where your child has been identified as a close contact.  The symptoms we are seeing are wide ranging and generally not the 3 main symptoms. Common symptoms in our pupils are a runny nose, tummy ache, head ache, sickness and sore throat.

We really do understand how difficult it can be for you to arrange childcare if your child is ill but we ask you not to send your child to school or nursery if they are unwell. Thank you for your support with this.

Mrs Johnson

News from Severn Loop

Dear Friends around Severn Loop,

February Loop 2022

Happy February (almost)! I hope you are all well. Please find attached the February Loop (our monthly newsletter). It is Forest Church this coming Sunday (Albrighton, 3pm)- all are welcome! The instructions are below…

                What to bring

Do wrap up warm and bring wellies/ walking boots. We are really grateful to the Downes family for their hospitality. Joe Downes is going to lead us in a walk/ talk around the farm, where we’ll learn about sheep farming. As always, there will be the opportunity to do some free-range exploring around the church, and a craft or two for those who are so inclined…. if it’s raining we can use the church for those who would rather stay in one place!

Please bring your own picnic. We will eat in the Monkhouse Granary (by kind permission of the family) where there will be a kettle to make a hot drink. I’ll bring tea bags etc, and have ten mugs – so do bring your own if you would like to.

                The Plan

We will be flexible, depending on who comes along, and we also want to keep things fairly informal. Here is an outline of the afternoon:

3pm- Opening prayer and welcome from Hannah, with an introduction from Joe Downes (Albrighton Hall Farm)

3.15-3.45pm- Activities, which will include the option of a farm tour/ walk, some exploring and crafts (both around and in the church)

3.45pm- A worship service in the churchyard, where we will be planting a tree together to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee- Sunday is the day itself!

4pm- Picnic Time in the Monkhouse Granary


Heading out from Shrewsbury take the Ellesmere Road out of town. At the Ellesmere Road Roundabout, take the Wem road (A528- still the Ellesmere Road too!). Continue for a mile or so, and the road enters Albrighton. When you see the church on the right, indicate right, and turn into the lane (signposted Albrighton Hall Farm/ Monkhouse Granary/ Church car park). Turn immediately right again for the church car park. We will meet there!  The postcode is SY4 3HP. 

Caregivers are responsible for their children at all times, I will bring a First-Aid Kit and the Risk Assessment will be available to look at. We do have cover if it’s rainy- so please don’t be put off by the weather!

With love, prayers and blessings,

Hannah x

Autism West Midlands – FREE Webinars:

For parents, carers and professionals throughout the region, watch “live” or via an automated link to watch a replay.  Click on the links to find out more including registration details –

Understanding Autism – Friday 18th February 9.30am-10.30am


Autism and Anxiety – Friday 4th March 9.30am – 10.30am

Bookings open soon – please check the “events” section of our website

How Autistic People Process Information – Friday 18th March 9.30am-10.30am



Attingham Park – Tuesday 22nd February 10am – 12pm


         WEEKLY Zoom Advice slots – every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

For those who would like some face-to-face contact, we are offering this virtually via video appointments. Zoom works well on mobile phones. To book a 45 min advice appointment with a specialist autism advisor please book via our shop


         Virtual Support Group for Parents – Wednesday Mornings 10am-11am & Wednesday Evenings 8pm-9pm – NOW 1st and 3rd Weds of each month

From the New Year, we moved our online support groups to twice a month via the Zoom platform. This is an opportunity to talk with other parents, share ideas, and offer support.

If you would like to join either of the support groups, please email the team at shropshire@autismwestmidlands.org.uk

         Advice and support

We continue to offer advice and support over the phone and via email. Parents/carers and professionals can contact our small team directly to arrange an appointment please call:

Mon, Wed, Fri              – Wendy Cowton            07900784186

Weds, Thu, Fri              – Emma Hegenbarth      07881109480

Tue, Wed, Thu             – Dawn Lewis               07706309382

Email                             shropshire@autismwestmidlands.org.uk

Helpline                          0121 450 7575

Weekly News 28.01.22

Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a good week and are keeping well. There are a few bits of information in this week’s newsletter and I thank you in advance for taking the time to read it.

Online Safety: A Parent’s Workshop

Please see the Microsoft Teams meeting link below:  8th or 15th of February

This online webinar will cover the following topics:

● Online safety in school: A discussion on how online safety is taught in school through resources Project Evolve.

● Safe use of online games and platforms: A look at popular platforms and games such as Roblox, Minecraft and Tiktok

● Managing devices: Looking at how to set up parental controls on devices such as tablets, phones and games consoles

● Social Media: Top tips and printout guides on TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram

● Educating our children: free software and resources to support parents

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer or mobile app

Tuesday 8th February, 7.30pm – 8.30pm. Please find below the meeting link for the live session. 

 The session will be repeated on Tuesday 15th February 4pm – 5pm 

Trading cards in school

Your child may have mentioned that we have talked to them about not bringing trading cards e.g. Pokemon cards, to school. We are still trying to limit the amount of belongings brought in from home, whilst also trying to return to some sort of normality for the children. Children have been told that trading cards can only be brought into school on Fridays and they should only be shared/traded etc during morning and lunchtime breaks and NOT taken into classrooms. Thank you for your support with this.

Ten days until Forest Church!

Dear Friends around Severn Loop,

I hope this finds you well?! Just a quick reminder that our next Forest Church is on Sunday 6th February, 3pm at Albrighton Church and farm. It’s goijg to be a sheep encounter / tree planting mash-up! I’ll send details next week and look forward to seeing you there.

With love and blessings,

Hannah x 

I hope you all have a good weekend.

Take care,

Mrs Johnson x

Weekly News 21.01.22

Hello everyone,

Thank you to everyone who has arranged a PCR test for their child, if they had one of the 3 main COVID symptoms, and for regularly testing using LFD tests  as requested. We have had several positive cases in school over the past fortnight so by carrying out testing you are helping reduce the risk of transmission.

News from Severn Loop

Dear Friends around Severn Loop,

Happy new year (almost)! I hope that you have had a blessed, fun and feast-filled Christmas. On we go…
Below is the January Loop newsletter. You’ll see that the next Forest Church is on the 6th February, 3pm, at Albrighton. We will be encountering sheep!  
With love and blessings,
Hannah x
Love Oswestry Festival
Have a good weekend.
Mrs Johnson x