Class 3 work for WC 23.3.20

Good morning Class 3!  Hope you’re all ready for the week ahead?

Here is the SPAG activity for the Year 3’s (page 3): SPAG year 3 WC 23.3

Science: Science plan WC 23.3

Year 2 science links: Y2 habitats WC 23.3

Year 3 science links: (Powerpoint) Y3 powerpoint for wc. 23.3

(information table / questions to answer) Y3 work for WC 23.3

If there are any questions please don’t hesitate to email.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran


Home Learning- week commencing 23/3/20

Good morning Class 4!!!

As this is so new to all of us, I have tried to make the activities as manageable as possible and suggested ways of carrying out the lessons, but please change and adapt them to suit you. If you have any questions please contact me on the class email-

Please find attached copies of activities for English and Maths. These activities can be completed throughout the week. On each document there are suggested activities and links to support and some worksheets are included in the home learning pack your child took home on Friday (these can also be downloaded from the website and printed off).

English ENGLISH reading- Stone Age ENGLISH sight and sound pictures ENGLISH Y3 and 4- Writing targets ENGLISH common exception words

 Maths MATHS 4 Times Tables – Question Booklet MATHS 8 times table Booklet

The following projects and activities can be completed throughout the next few weeks. I have attached information about the foundation subjects and the things we have already covered this term. There are some links to websites and programmes we use in school that will require your child’s individual login, these should be in the front of their reading diary.

Geograpghy GEOGRAPHYmap label activity 


Foundation subjects

I hope you all have a good week and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Mrs Erasmus

*Latest news Saturday 21st March*

Firstly, on behalf of all the staff, THANK YOU for all your support this week. The immense challenges we have faced this week have been like nothing we have ever faced before. We are eternally grateful for your support and the way in which our whole school community has come together in these past few days and we cannot thank you enough for the emails and personal messages we have received. It really does mean so much to all of us.

Key worker childcare provision

I have contacted all parents who have identified themselves as key workers and who have requested childcare provision in school next week (Monday 23rd onwards.) Please can the children, who have been confirmed as having a place, wear comfortable clothing and bring an old pair of trainers/outdoor shoes/wellies.  Please can you also email me at to let me know if your child would like a school dinner on Monday.

Please do not bring your child to school next week, unless you have received a confirmation email from me.

Important letters sent out yesterday

key worker provision

Supporting your child at home 

The school office will be contacting parents on Monday to arrange collection of home-learning packs, reading books etc, for children who were not in school yesterday.

Thank you and stay safe and well.

Mrs Johnson



Online, Daily Read Write inc sessions

These lessons mirror the phonics that is taught in Class 1 and 2.

I would like Class 1 to watch the Set 2 lessons  and Mr Taylor would like Class 2 to watch the Set 3 lessons. Each lesson will last 15 minutes.

RWI Phonics lessons at home from Monday 23rd March

We’re scheduling free Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons on Facebook and YouTube for children to watch at home; three short Speed Sound lessons with one of our trainers every day for the next two weeks. Films will only be available at the times below:

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am and again at 1.30 pm

Note: films are streamed live and won’t be available at other times.

Please share with RWI schools and parents.

URGENT – School closure and keyworkers UPDATED 6:40 PM

Please see two important letters below which we ask all parents to read. Schools are still waiting for the Cabinet Office to publish the list of keyworkers so that parents know if their child can attend school from Monday.

In case we do not get chance to get an online survey out this evening, please can you email me asap if you think your role may be a keyworker. Thank you to the parents who have already contacted me this afternoon / evening.

School closure – keyworkers letter

Home-learning letter

Best wishes

Mrs Johnson

School closures – government anouncement

Due to the latest government announcement this evening, we will be closing from the end of the school day on Friday 20th March to all children except those in particular categories and those whose parents are ‘keyworkers’ in dealing with the Coronovirus outbreak. At the moment we have not received any further information on which children will be eligible to attend and we will be seeking further information from Shropshire Council tomorrow morning. We will let you know more details as soon as we get them via the website / email / Twitter / letter (where possible.)

These are very uncertain times for us all and we will update you as soon as we can. Thank you for all your support and take care from everyone at Bicton School and Nursery.

Tuesday evening latest update – suspected case of Coronavirus

Good evening

Further to the earlier post this evening, we have been informed that the family member does not have a confirmed case of Coronavirus.

Thank you again for your understanding.

Mrs Johnson