Home Learning- week commencing 30/3/20

Happy Monday Class 4!

A huge congratulations on making it through the first week. I hope you are getting to grips with the home learning and have been enjoying the lovely weather we have had.

Thank you to all of you who have sent me an update on what you have been doing. It has been wonderful to read about all of the exciting things you have achieved. If you didn’t have time to send an email last week, your child could do this as a writing activity for this week.

Attached are the suggested activities for you to complete this week. All of the activities are set out on the attachment with links to the websites to complete them. Please email me at class4@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk if you have any questions.

Home learning- week 2

Good luck, I hope you have a super week and I look forward to receiving your emails!!

Mrs Erasmus

Class 3 work wc 30.3.20

Good morning Class 3,

We really hope that you are all happy and well and your first week at home has gone well.  We are missing you all so much but hope that you are having lots of fun at home with your family.  It has certainly been a very strange time, but we are one week closer to getting back to normal life.  Hopefully it won’t be too long until we can see you all again.  Thank you for your emails and sharing what some of you have been up to, it’s been lovely to to hear – you have certainly been very busy.  Please do continue to email any work or share what activities you have been doing, they really are wonderful to see.

Here are the links for the learning projects for this week:

YEAR 2   Week-1 WC 30.3.20 -Learning-Project-year 2

YEAR 3   Week-1 WC 30.3.20 -Learning-Project-year 3

Have a good week.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Home Learning, week beginning 30.03.2020

Dear Parents,

Thank you all for the lovely messages, photos and videos added last week onto Tapestry.  I have enjoyed seeing how the children have been doing and how they are getting on.

All the home learning for Class 1 for the week beg. 30.03.2020 can now be viewed viaTapestry, with weblinks and related worksheets.

kind regards,

Mrs Bowes 😊

*LATEST update 29th March*

Hello everyone!

I hope you have had a good weekend and you are all staying safe and well.

If you haven’t already seen it, here’s our school rainbow to spread a bit of hope and cheer.

Please see below a copy of the letter sent out last week, just in case you missed it.  There is also a list of free apps that you or your child might find useful. (A list of 20 useful apps was published in one of the Sunday newspapers but only the free apps are included on the attached list.)

Home learning update 25.03.20

Free apps

On Monday, remember to check the class pages area on the website for this week’s home learning tasks.

If you have any questions, or you just want to share something with us that your child has been doing, just drop us an email – we really do love to hear from you!

Take care

Mrs Johnson and staff


Year 6 photos – last Friday

Sorry for the delay in uploading these from last Friday but I’m sure you’ll agree it was ‘worth the wait!’  I now have a new screen saver so I don’t forget what a lovely afternoon we had! x

*LATEST update 25th March*

Hello everyone,

We hope your first week has gone as well as can be expected and we just wanted you to know we have missed seeing you all in school.

Home learning

Please see further information below on home learning activities and ideas to support you and your child.

Home learning update 25.03.20

Key worker childcare provision

Please remember to follow and adhere to the government’s lastest advice on staying at home. If you are a key worker, you should only book a childcare place at school if you and your partner are unable to work from home.

Scam email warning

We have been made aware that there is a scam email circulating telling parents who are eligible for free school meals to forward their bank details. Please do not provide your bank details, if you are contacted – parents whose children are eligible for free school meals have been contacted by school already.

Stay safe and well.

Mrs Johnson and staff

Hello Class 3

Morning Class 3,

Hope you are all getting on well at home? It certainly is a very strange and uncertain time for us all and we are missing all of you in Class 3.

We just wanted to say that whilst we have set activities for you to do at home, please only do what you can.  It is important during this time to spend quality time with family and do all the things you have never had time to do….and we are lucky that the weather is on our side this week so we can get outside (whilst we still can!).  So whether it’s baking, art, exercising, watching a film…enjoy this together.

It would be lovely to hear what you have been up to, so please send us an email at class3@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk and also if you need any help, advice etc. with work.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Home Learning

Hello Class 5!

It has been a very strange week and I’m so sorry I didn’t get chance to say a proper goodbye to you last week. I’m hoping very much that we will be able to get together again at some point before Year 6 start secondary school.

I hope that you’re all well and enjoying the beautiful weather.  Well done if you’ve managed to start some home learning, but don’t worry if you haven’t. It’s important that you’re spending time outside, enjoying the fresh air, and spending a bit of time relaxing and rejuvenating after everything that has happened in the last week or so.

From next week onwards, Mrs Johnson and I will be setting some home learning tasks and activities for you to complete if you are able to do so. These will be posted on Monday mornings so please check the website/email on Mondays.

We are also available to answer any queries by email at class5@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk during school hours Monday-Friday.

We would absolutely love to hear from you to hear about what you have been doing since school closed and also answer any questions you have about your work so please send us an email!

We are missing our wonderful class already, and school is a very quiet place without all of your lovely chatter.

Take care of yourselves and… WASH YOUR HANDS!

Miss Carr and Mrs Johnson

Home Learning

Dear Parents,

all the home learning for Class 1 has been added onto Tapestry, with weblinks and related worksheets..  If you have forgotten your Tapestry log in, please send me an email  – class1@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk  and I will reset it for you.

kind regards,

Mrs Bowes

Class 2 home learning – WC: 23.3.2020



I hope that you are all well! It has been a crazy few weeks hasn’t it!

I just wanted to use this post as a chance to help explain how each week will work. I would firstly just like to make it clear that I totally appreciate that each of you have totally different situations going on, so if your child is not able to complete the suggested tasks each week, then please do not worry in the slightest. If your child is able to complete the activities, then that would be amazing! The links are posted at the bottom of this post.

All of the tasks for the children to complete at home will be put on the “Class 2” page on the school website. This will be updated each week.

In a purple file I have given each child a blank book for them to complete some of the activities in. Please can your child write the date for each piece of work which they complete in their book? There are also a few reading books which your child has been given to read during the time that we are off. For those children who have not been given a purple folder on Friday, these have been placed in the Reception area of the school and ready for you to collect..

There has been a list sent out to all parents with suggested websites to go on. I will put some website/game links at the very bottom of the documents for further support.

I really do wish you all very good health. It has been fantastic to have the privilege to teach every child in the class. I really am so proud of how much each of them has progressed so much in such a short space of time. I really hope they will be able to be back in the classroom very soon!

If you have any questions then please feel free to contact me. I will reply as quickly as I can. My email address is Class2@Bicton.shropshire.sch.uk

Very best wishes,

Mr Taylor



Activities – Please click on the attachment to view this week’s learning.





