*Latest News 20th April*

Hello to all of our families,

I hope that you had a lovely Easter and that you are all keeping well.

It has been so nice to hear from lots of you and also to see what you have been up to, especially seeing new hair colours for some of you!

I was in school all of last week and, together with the other staff who were in, we have started to create a huge display in the Hall.

Over  time, the tree is going to blossom with all of our school values. We are going to start with ‘acts of kindness’ to celebrate how everyone is going out of their way to look out for each other in these difficult times. We already have several acts of kindness from last week ready to hang on the tree: some of the younger children in school helped each other learn to tie knots, one of our parents brought chocolate in for the staff, and another parent brought Frazzles in for me – my favourite!

Update on school closures 

As I’m sure many of you are aware, there has been lots of speculation in the press and on social media about possible dates for schools reopening. I just want to reassure you that when guidance is provided on how schools can reopen safely, you will be kept fully informed.

Our priority will always be the safety of our children and staff, whilst also trying to support parents in returning to work. I thank you in advance for your understanding and for your continued support over these past few weeks.

Home learning FAQs

Where can I find the home learning activities for my child?

Each week, your child’s class teachers (s) are uploading the weekly activities for their class.  Details of these can be found in the ‘Classes’ area of the website (and on Tapestry for Class 1.) This week’s Learning Projects are: Nursery – The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Class 1 – What the Ladybird Heard, and Classes 2 to 5 – The area you live in.

We will be continuing with the Learning Projects for this half term.

How much time should my child spend on school work each day?

2 to 3 hours of school work a day is plenty. Doing short tasks and breaking down longer tasks can help children complete them.

Do I need to email the work completed to my child’s teacher?

There is no expectation for parents or older children to send completed tasks to teachers for marking. However, you can send photos of the work if you wish – we love to see and hear what the children have been doing!

Where can I access other resources, if my child is keen to do more?

You may have heard that BBC Bitesize have launched daily lessons from today, which may be of interest to your child. In addition to other links uploaded over the past couple of weeks, Shropshire Council have put together the overview below which details some of the vast range of home learning resources currently available.

Resources for home learning by subject

Are there any children’s books about Coronavirus?

If you haven’t already come across it, you might want to read Coronavirus – a book for children with your child.

And finally…

As I have said before, the health and wellbeing of our families is what is most important to all of us at Bicton. Staff are grateful for any support that parents can give to their child and we want to say a huge thank you to everyone – you are all doing an amazing job!

Stay safe and look after yourselves.

Mrs Johnson x





Home learning WC: 20.04.2020


Good morning Class 2,


Welcome to your third official week of home learning! I really do hope that you were all able to have as nice an Easter holiday as possible in the circumstances. I hope you had a cracking time with your Easter eggs! The weather has been really nice over the past few weeks, so I hope you had the chance to be able to make the most of it!


Please find attached the home learning for this week:

Home learning

Just finally, I wanted to let you know that I have been able to find books online which follow on from the books which were given to the children prior to the lockdown. This is a resource for “Rising Stars” books. So, if your child has a book which has been published by “Rising Stars”, and you would like me to give you access to books specific for your child, please email me and I will get that all sorted for you. The e-books will be books which are in the range we have in school. There may be a couple of children who may have gone past this stage, but I am hoping that the vast majority of the children will now have this resource available for them.

My email is: Class2@Bicton.Shropshire.sch.uk


I hope that you are all well. As always, please email me if you ever need any help or advice and I will get back to you as soon as I can!


Mr Taylor

Home Learning- week commencing 20/04/20

Good morning Class 4 and welcome to the summer term! I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break and have enjoyed the beautiful weather we have been so lucky to have.

For this week please see the attached document for some suggested activities. As it is a new term we would have started looking at new topics. I have included these in some of the foundation subjects projects.

Week 3- Home Learning

As usual please email me if you require any support. I will be looking forward to hearing about some of the exciting things you have been doing.

Have fun and keep safe!

Mrs Erasmus

Home Learning wb 20.04.2020

Hello everyone!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter.

It’s been wonderful to hear from so many of you over the last few weeks and hear about what you have been up to.

If you haven’t yet got in touch, please send us an email to class5@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk – we would love to hear from you.  If you would like to send us any of the work you have completed (i.e as a picture attachment or a document attachment) please do, we would really like to see it.

Here is your home learning for this week.


Please remember that these are choices of activities you could do.  You don’t have to complete all of them, and we don’t expect you to be doing school work all day every day.  A few half hour slots or a morning of hard working will be plenty, though again, please don’t worry if you aren’t able to manage this.  We know lots of parents are trying to do their own jobs from home at the same time so do whatever works in your family.

Hope to hear from you soon, and please email if you have any questions.

Miss Carr

Class 3 home learning – WC 20.4.20

Good morning Class 3,

We hope you are all keeping well and safe during these strange times, it looks like another few weeks of staying at home for now.

We hope you have all had a lovely Easter and enjoyed plenty of chocolate eggs!  We certainly had far too many here!  We have been so lucky with the sunny weather the last couple of weeks and it’s been lovely to be able to be outside to enjoy it.

Here are the learning projects for this week…

Year 2 Week-2-WC 20.4.20 – Learning project Year 2 

Shape mat for Year 2 2D shape mat   3D shape mat

Year 3 Week-2-WC 20.4.20 – Learning-Project-Y3

Again, please only do what you can at home and make sure you have plenty of time for relaxation and play together.  We would love to hear what you have been up to aswell, so please continue emailing us.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Nursery Activities for week beginning 20.04.2020

Hello Nursery Children, I hope you all had a lovely Easter and enjoyed some of the activities based on the ‘We’re Going on an Egg Hunt’ book.

This week I have planned activities around the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’  All copyright © Eric Carle


You can also watch an animated version of the story here – The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Activities to do at home

UTW / CLL- Look for caterpillars in the garden. 

Can you go outside on a nature walk and explore the outdoors while looking for insects and animals. Here are some good words to describe caterpillars:


EAD – There are many ways to make your own 3d Hungry Caterpillar – 

Make a Hungry Caterpillar

Best The Very Hungry Caterpillar Activities for the Classroom and ...       How to Make an Easy and Fun Wiggling Caterpillar Craft 15 Very Hungry Caterpillar Crafts for Kids   15 Very Hungry Caterpillar Crafts for Kids

Make Your Own Very Hungry Caterpillar - Spikymouse.com  Crafts for Kids: Caterpillar Necklace Craft

Make a home for The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The caterpillar is very full.
Can you make a place for him to rest?

Gather together leaves, wool, paper pieces and other materials, and stick
them down in the space below the caterpillar to make a cosy place
for him to sleep.

Make a tree

This leaf is part of a tree.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar was born on a leaf.

Create a 3D tree!

Collect twigs or a small branch that has fallen from a tree. If there are no twigs nearby, you could use straws. Stick the twig to some clay or plasticine for a secure base. Make leaves by tearing or cutting paper or tissue paper, and attach them to the tree with string or twine.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar collage making

You can use lots of different materials to make your Very Hungry Caterpillar, including coloured crayons, tissue paper and coloured card.  This will give your picture lots of different colours and textures.


Maths – Make some Hungry Caterpillar Smoothies;


PD – After all that hard work, why not try some yoga for kids?

Cosmic Yoga – The Very Hungry Caterpillar

video thumbnail

See you all next week.


Ms Stone

Class 1 update for week beginning 20.04.2020

Hello Class 1 children and adults,

I hope you have had a lovely Easter Holiday and enjoyed completing some of the activities that were set for the Easter Holidays. I have enjoyed seeing what you have all been up to – lots of Spring Walks, baking (some very yummy looking cakes), drawing, creating, planting and growing – do make sure you keep popping photos of how your plants are doing. One of our class friends has even incubated eggs and now has 4 very cute chicks!

It is wonderful to see that every parent has been logging in since we have had to communicate this way and most of you have added posts.

This week’s activities are based around the Story  ‘What the Ladybird Heard’.  The learning plan has been uploaded as an observation onto your Child’s Tapestry page.  If you have any issues with access please email me at – class1@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk

The Read Write inc phonics will now also have word time and spelling videos (these all match what we would be doing in school).

Have fun, I look forward to hearing all your news and seeing your photos and videos.

Mrs Bowes

*Latest News 9th April 2020*

Hello everyone

I hope you have enjoyed the glorious sunshine this week and made the most of being able to get outside and enjoy the fresh air – whether it be in your garden or going for a walk or bike ride with your family.

I was supposed to be away skiing this week so the sunshine has definitely made it a bit more bearable not being able to go away! I’m not officially in school this week but I’ve popped in a couple of times to catch up with the staff and children who have been in. Other than that, I’ve been busy gardening and taking Coco for walks – she is definitely enjoying me being at home this week!

Thank you to the families who have left these beautiful rainbows and messages on our school gate!

Key worker childcare provision

If you have not yet let me know what days you need childcare next week, either by emailing me or verbally telling staff in school this week, please can you email me by Monday evening. Please note, we are not opening for critical workers’ children on Easter Monday. In the meantime, this is just a little thank you to all of our key workers from the children and staff who were in school this week…

Activity ideas and resources

Arthog have been in touch to say their instructors are sharing ideas for things to do at home. Click on this link Message from Arthog to see details of their latest videos.

The Department for Education email schools at least twice a day (often more!) and they have recently published a list of all the resources available (see below)  to support home learning. You will already be aware of some of these but there may be others that you and your child may be interested in. Some of these are aimed at secondary school pupils which those of you with older children may find useful.

Online education resources for home education

Click here First News 03.04.20 to read the latest edition of First News and here First News Special Edition – Fake News to read a special edition of the newspaper.

I hope you all have a good Easter weekend and remember…

Mrs Johnson x




Easter Activity ideas

Hi Nursery Children,

I hope you enjoyed ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ last week.  Over the Easter Holiday I would like you to listen to the Story ‘We’re going on an Egg Hunt.’ 


Here are activities linked to this story for you to do :

PD and EAD: Ask a grown up to draw some big and small egg shapes. Can YOU use scissors and cut them out?  You could decorate the eggs with different colours and patterns.  Put them around your house and do an Easter egg hunt or you could even stick them onto card and send someone an Easter card!

Can you do some junk modelling? Maybe you could make an Easter basket, bonnet, or bunny!

Another day have a go at making a bunch of spring flowers to brighten up your home.

Literacy:   Egg starts with an ‘e’ sound. Can you think of any other words or names that have an ‘e’ sound at the beginning?   What sound is at the beginning of your name? Can you think of any other words that have that sound at the beginning? What about the names of family and friends?

Re watch the video of ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’.   Which parts of the story are the same and which parts are different to the Egg Hunt story?

Maths – Sing or say the rhyme 5 Easter Eggs. Practice addition and subtraction by using real or pretend coins to pay for the eggs. Use bigger numbers in the song if you can.

5 Easter eggs in the sweet shop,

Round and fat with a ribbon on the top,

Along came_____with a penny one day,

Brought an Easter egg and took it away!

Why not set up your own shop? Make price labels, count or add up totals, ask politely for the money, and check the coins.

Listening Skills – Open a window or go outside and lie on the grass. Close your eyes and your lips and listen.

What different sounds can you hear? Maybe you could draw a picture of the things you could hear.   Try this at different times of the day. Are the sounds the same?

UTW:   Find out more about Easter https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/watch/lets-celebrate-easter

People eat chocolate and treats at Easter. Can you make any Easter treats to share with the people in your house?

Have fun and enjoy Easter.

Ms Stone

Class 3 home learning – WC 6.4.20

Good morning Class 3 and a happy Easter holiday to you all!

A very different one this year, but hopefully the good weather will continue so we can all get outside (whilst we still can), do lots of fun activities and enjoy lots of Easter eggs when the day arrives!  Thank you for all the work which you have shared with us over the last week, it has been lovely to see.  Please do continue to email us and share what you have done as we love to hear what you have been up to.

As you may have seen we have set some optional Easter activities as a school which you may wish to have a go at.  We have also attached some Easter maths problems which you may wish to have a go at as a family (answers included).  Again, these are optional activities and don’t feel as though you have to do them.  The main thing is to enjoy this time with your family, do things which you enjoy and stay safe.

Easter mystery Year 3

Easter mystery Year 2

Easter mystery answers for Year 2

Hope you all have a lovely Easter and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran