Rising stars reading planet books

Good afternoon Class 3,

We hope you are all having a good week so far?

Thank you to those that have created an account with the Reading Planet.  Just to let you know that we have now assigned you with your first ebook.  If you haven’t yet done this, we will do this once you sign up.

Please let us know via email if you are unable to access it or you feel the book assigned needs to be changed if your child is finding it too easy / too hard.

Many thanks.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

*Latest news update 29th April*

Nursery email now available!


We are pleased to inform you that nursery parents can now email Miss Stone on the email address above. She is really looking forward to hearing from you all and will be looking out for your emails about how you are getting on and what your child has been doing during the school closure. (Please note the emails are checked Monday to Friday between 9 and 3 only.) If you haven’t seen it yet, have a look on the website to see Miss Stone reading Owl Babies.

Reading Planet Online

We are pleased to see so many children signed up to Reading Planet Online. If you haven’t already signed your child up, to enable them to access reading books online, please click the link here. Please make sure you enter your child’s name and not the parent name. If you are having any difficulties accessing the website, please email your child’s class teacher.

Updates from Shropshire Council

Please see a range of information below, which Shropshire Council have asked us to share with you.

DfE information  for parents and carers

Parenting team support


Take care and stay safe

Mrs Johnson x

Reading Planet Online

Good morning Class 5,

I have now assigned each of you (who have created an account) your first ebook on Reading Planet.  If you haven’t yet created an account, please do so as soon as you are able.

Please let me know if you are unable to access it and I will rectify this for you.

Miss Carr

Home Learning wb 27.04.2020

Good morning everyone!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend and have found plenty to keep you busy.  Thank you for all the emails we’ve received over the last week – it has been lovely to hear from so many of you.  If you haven’t emailed us yet, please do!

We now have access to Rising Stars ‘Reading Planet Online’.

Please follow the link Reading Planet Online to set up your account.

Here is your home learning for this week:

Class 5 Week 3 Learning Project

I look forward to hearing from you.  Have a super week!

Miss Carr

Home learning WC: 27.4.2020


Good morning Class 2!

I hope that you are all well. Myself and Mrs Allen are missing you all very much! It is very strange to not have seen most of you for so long. If you have not got in touch with me yet, then please do! It would be amazing to hear from you and to see how you’re coping during this time. Thank you to those of you who emailed last week. It looks as if you are doing incredibly well. We are incredibly proud of you! Keep up the good work!


Thank you to those of you who have contacted me regarding Rising Stars last week. Just as a reminder, this provides every child in the class, apart from free readers, with an e-book which directly follows on from the books we use in school. So, if your child has read all of the books they were given before schools shut, I can provide you with the books which follow on. If you are interested, please send me the name of the last book your child read and will give you a link for you to read the subsequent books.


Here is the home learning for this week. As always, these are a selection of activities which you can choose from.

Home learning


Looking forward to hearing from you. My email is: Class2@Bicton.Shropshire.sch.uk

Take care of yourselves!

Mr Taylor


Home Learning- week commencing 27/4/20

Good morning, I hope you have had a successful first week of the summer term!

This week’s home learning is attached bellow. The school has subscribed to Rising Stars online which is a reading scheme we us in school. This allows access to a range of texts online which your child can read and then complete a comprehension task about. Please follow the link to the Rising Star website to make an account. Please let me know once you have made an account so I can assign a text for your child.

Week 4-Home Learning

Please contact me if there is anything else I can support you with. I hope to hear from you and your child soon.

Have a lovely week,

Mrs Erasmus

Class 3 home learning WC 27.4.20

Good morning Class 3,

We hope you have had a good week/weekend and have been enjoying all this wonderful sunshine?  Not sure where it has gone this morning, but hopefully it will come out again soon!

Here is the home learning for this week.  Please do continue to share any work you have done at home as we love to see it.  Any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Week-3-WC 27.4.20 Learning-project-YEAR 2

Write a set of instructions checklist

Week-3-WC 27.4.20 Learning-Project-YEAR 3

Have a lovely week.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Nursery Home learning week beginning 27.04.2020

Hi Nursery Children,

I hope you enjoyed listening to ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ last week, and having a go at some of the activities.

This week our story is ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell.    Watch the story then take a look at some Owlish activities you can have a go at with your adult.

Literacy / Listening

Watch an animated version of the story here, don’t forget to join in with the story!

video thumbnail


Owl Babies –  Handprint Owl

  • Blue card or paper and scraps of brown, orange, yellow and red paper
  • White paint
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Brown paint or pen
  • Shapes to glue on

Make a bird feeder for your garden

observe birds homemade bird feeder

Sensory play – washing those muddy animals!

Farm animals in the mud edible sensory play!


Make a nest for Sarah, Percy and Bill – to keep them warm whilst they wait for their Mummy to come home.  Make it cosy so that they feel safe.

Make a nest/den where you feel safe in your bedroom or garden.

Outdoor Learning - Outdoor Woodland Learning School OWLSMake a human-sized bird nest using recycled materials | Spring ...

PD /  Maths

Make some Healthy,  Yummy Owl Biscuits!

fun food for kids idea- owl rice cakes, preparation, bananas and blueberries and fruit

You will need:

  • 4 each rice cakes, brown rice, plain
  • 1 medium banana
  • 4 tablespoon peanut butter, all-natural
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 medium apple
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 cup cereal, Cheerios


    • Lay out rice cakes on a baking sheet (this will keep the mess in one area).
    • Slice banana and set aside.
    • Spread peanut butter over each rice cake and then place 2 slices of banana towards the upper part of each of the rice cakes. This will serve as your owl’s eyes. Dab a small amount of peanut butter on the center of the owls eyes and add a blueberry for the pupil of the eye.
    • Slice apple in half and then slice the halves into very thin wedges (1/8 inch thick). Place 2 onto each rice cake, (peel side outward) to serve as the owl’s wings.
      Peel the carrot and slice thinly. Using 4 slices, cut into triangles for the nose.
      Finally, add some cheerios for feathers between the wings.

As you bake, count with your child – how many rice cakes?  How many slices of carrot? etc

What shape is the rice cake? What shape have we cut the carrots into? etc

Owl Yoga

Join Tallulah the Owlett on a Cosmic Yoga adventure

video thumbnail

I hope you enjoy the story and doing some of these activities with your adults.

Ms Stone

Home Learning Activities for week beginning 27.04.2020 – Supertato

Hi Class 1 Children and Adults,

I hope you are all well and have been able to enjoy the sunshine. I am really missing you all not been in school and doing all these lovely activities with you.
I am really enjoying all your posts, I think we will have some expert bakers and gardeners when we get back to school!

The activities this week are based around the story of Supertato. The Plan has been loaded onto your Tapestry page.  Do what bits you can and don’t worry about what you can’t do. Have fun and don’t forget to post up what you have been doing. Check out Supertato: Veggies Assemble! - Fun Kids - the UK's ...

If you have any questions please drop me an email – class1@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk

Have a wonderful week,

Mrs Bowes

* Weekly News 24.04.20*

Dear families,

I hope you are still keeping safe and well and that you have had a good week in this first week of the summer term.

Key worker childcare provision

If you require key workers’ childcare provision next week, and you have not already let staff know, please can you email me by Saturday evening so that I can arrange the necessary staffing. Please remember, if you are able to work from home, your child should not be attending the provision at school which must only be used where there is nobody at home – we cannot stress enough that home is the safest place for your child.

Our priority is to protect the children and Bicton staff on site and and we thank you for your cooperation with this.

The 2.6 Challenge

You may have already come across the 2.6 Challenge but if not why not visit their website below for challenge ideas and information on how to get involved. http://www.twopointsixchallenge.co.uk/inspiration.html

Good luck to Sophie in Class 5 who is doing a charity bike ride today – knowing Sophie, she won’t just stop at 2.6 miles!

News from School Games

School Games have launched their very own Active Championships Challenge which can be completed through the TopYa! App for FREE. This is available from the public page on www.yourschoolgames.com  All details can be found via the link below which has details on how to register and an invite code which you will need to use https://www.yourschoolgames.com/coronavirus-support/school-games-active-championships/

Shropshire Community Health

Please see below a poster regarding Health Visitors, School Nurses and Family Nurses.

We are still here for you

Take care and stay safe

Mrs Johnson x