Home learning: WC 18.5.20


Good morning Class 2,


I hope that you are all keeping safe and well. Once again, thank you so much to those who have emailed me in the past week. It has been brilliant to keep in touch with you and to see all of the different activities that some of you have been getting up to. If you have not yet been in contact with me then please feel free to – it would be great to hear from you!


I have been so impressed with how well some of you have been getting on with Rising Stars. I have been following the progress you have been making in your books and the tests very closely and have been so impressed. Keep up the good work!


Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help you. My email is: Class2@Bicton.shropshire.sch.uk


Take care and enjoy your week!

Mr Taylor


Here is the Home learning for this week:

Home Learning



Please find below the White Rose Maths activities for this week. Please copy the video link into your search bar for the videos.


Year 1:


https://vimeo.com/417728439 – Video

Compare lengths and heights – Worksheet

Compare lengths and heights – Answers




https://vimeo.com/417729928 – video

Measure length 1 – Worksheet

Measure length 1 – Answers




https://vimeo.com/417730894 – video

Measure length 2 – Worksheet

Measure length 2 – Answers




https://vimeo.com/417731358 – video

Introduce weight and mass – Worksheet

Introduce weight and mass – Answers




Year 2:


https://vimeo.com/418150502 – video

Multiplication sentences using the x symbol – Worksheet

Multiplication sentences using the x symbol – Answers




https://vimeo.com/417922235 – video

Use arrays – Worksheet

Use arrays – Answers




https://vimeo.com/417922431 – video

The 2 times table – Worksheet

The 2 times table – Answers




https://vimeo.com/417922557 – video

The 5 times table – Worksheet

The 5 times table – Answers

Home Learning- week commencing 18/5/20

Happy Monday Class 4!

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. Home learning for this week is attached. From this week, access to the White Rose Maths is restricted. As a school we have subscribed to the worksheets, the videos can still be accessed on the White Rose Maths website. Please watch the videos from week 4- 11/5/18 as we are a week behind.

Week 7- Home Learning

Year 3 White Rose Maths

Monday worksheet Monday answers

Tuesday worksheet Tuesday answers

Wednesday worksheet Wednesday answers

Thursday worksheet Thursday answers

Year 4 White Rose Maths

Monday worksheet Monday answers

Tuesday worksheet Tuesday answers

Wednesday worksheet Wednesday answers

Thursday worksheet Thursday answers

Thank you to everyone who has been keeping me updated with what you have been doing each week. I hope you find everything you need to support your child’s learning this week. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

Mrs Erasmus

Class 3 home learning WC 18.5.20

Good morning Class 3,

We hope you are all keeping well?  Thank you for all your emails and pictures showing all the lovely work and activities you have been doing at home, we really enjoy hearing from you.

Here are the learning projects for this week – the theme for this week is ‘Famous and significant people’:



White Rose Maths – Summer term, week 5:                                                         Please find the attached worksheets, answers and video links for each year group below.

Year 2 Worksheets:                                                                                               Monday –  Lesson-1-Multiplication-sentences-using-the-x-symbol                        Tuesday – Lesson-2-Use-arrays                                                                       Wednesday – Lesson-3-2-times-table                                                                   Thursday – Lesson-4-5-times-table

Answers: Lesson 1 Answers – Multiplication sentences using the x symbol 2019  Lesson 2 Answers – Use arrays 2019  Lesson 3 Answers – The 2 times-table 2019  Lesson 4 Answers – The 5 times-table 2019

Video links: video links

Year 3 Worksheets:                                                                                               Monday –  Lesson 1 – Add and subtract 2-digit and 3-digit numbers – not crossing 10 or 100 2019                                                                                                                Tuesday – Lesson 2 – Add 2-digit and 3-digit numbers – crossing 10 or 100 2019  Wednesday – Lesson 3 – Subtract 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers – crossing 10 or 100 2019                                                                                                               Thursday – Lesson 4 – Add two 3-digit numbers – not crossing 10 or 100 2019

Answers: Lesson 1 Answers – Add and subtract 2-digit and 3-digit numbers – not crossing 10 or 100 2019  Lesson 2 Answers – Add 2-digit and 3-digit numbers – crossing 10 or 100 2019  Lesson 3 Answers – Subtract 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers – crossing 10 or 100 2019  Lesson 4 Answers – Add two 3-digit numbers – not crossing 10 or 100 2019

Video links: Video links for YEAR 3

Please do not get stressed over the amount of work you complete, we understand everyone’s circumstances are different and you are all doing an amazing job.  In this normally very busy world of juggling being parents, work commitments and social engagements- this is an opportunity we don’t get very often so please make the most of the family time together. If it works that you are getting through the work we set or your child is helping out at home and playing they are still learning either way! If you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Home learning activities week beginning 18.05.2020 – The Very Busy Spider / Aaaarrgghh Spider

Hello Class 1 Children and Adults,

I hope you all enjoyed some of last weeks activities based around The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Once again thank you Mums and Dads for all those lovely photos and videos. The Class 1 Gallery 3, will be ‘live’ on Tapestry and on here at midday today.

This week’s activities are based around the stories – The Very Busy Spider / Aaaarrgghh Spider, the activity sheets have been uploaded onto Tapestry.

The Very Busy Spider 

Aaaarrgghh Spider 

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Bowes x

Home learning activities, week beginning 18.05.2020

Hello Nursery Children and adults, I hope you enjoyed some of the Dear Zoo activities from last week.

This week we will look at the song ‘5 Little Ducks’.  Mrs Ryan has also recorded a message for you and she needs your help to find Ted!

Have fun,

Ms Stone – Nursery@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk

5 Little Ducks went swimming one day

EAD : Sing the song with your child, encouraging them to join in with finger and arm actions.


PSED: Talk about how mother duck felt when she was losing her ducklings.  What do you think haopened to the Ducklings?


Maths:  Number names to five, more, fewer, duck, duckling, pond, far, away, over

Ask questions –

* There are two ducklings on the pond and three far away. How many are there all together?

* There are only four ducklings on the pond. How many are lost?

Use these counting cards – -Five-Little-Ducks-Countinig-Cards .



Make your own props to retell the story –

Our Crafts ~N~ Things » Blog Archive » Duck Pond  The Lion is a Bookworm: Storytime: Ducks   Five Little Ducks Craft - Messy Little Monster


Hello and find the Teddy from Mrs Ryan

Have a go at hiding you own Teddy (toys).  Give clues how to find him.  Send photos of where your Teddy was hiding to Mrs Ryan – Nursery@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk

Ted begins with ‘t’.  Have a look around your home and see what other things you can find that begin with the sound ‘t’.

*Update 15th May 2020*

Dear families

Firstly, I just want to say thank you for the swift response to our parent survey for those with children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6.  We appreciate and fully understand the comments and concerns raised and these will be considered as part of our planning for a phased re-opening.

At present, we are awaiting further information from the Local Authority who in turn are awaiting clarification on a range of issues from the Department for Education.  As soon as we have more information, we will let you know which groups of children we are able to invite back into school first and when this will start to take place. In the meantime, we thank you for your patience and understanding.

Department For Education information for parents

Please click here to read the latest information for parents and carers from the Department for Education.  Please note the information for schools is being constantly updated so the information for parents may also change.

First News

Please click below to read the latest edition of First News.

First News 15.05.20

Finally, thank you for all the photos you have been sending through to class teachers. It is so lovely to see what children are doing and know that you are all safe. I’ve got a photo to share with you this week. Yesterday morning Coco starting barking crazily outside and, when we looked through the window, this is what we saw…how beautiful!

We have no idea how they got into our garden or where they came from!

Take care

Mrs Johnson x

Photo request

Please email any photos you would like to be included in the Class 5 gallery to class5@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk before the end of today.

Have a lovely weekend!

URGENT SURVEY for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6

We now have more guidance about what we will be expected to do from June 1st to enable a phased return for pupils to school. We know that we have been asked to open the school for Nursery, Reception, Year one and Year 6 to begin with but these year groups will not all start together on 1st June – these children may well have to attend some days and not others to allow us to keep numbers low.
As you can imagine, we have significant work to do regarding logistics, timetabling, staffing and risk assessments. Some of these measures will include: small numbers of children in classes, staggered start and finish times, using different members of staff and classrooms to space the children out.  Children of key workers will still be cared for in school alongside these year groups.

We urgently need to know whether parents of Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 intend to send their children back to school from 1st June or whether they feel it is unsafe to do so due to circumstances at home or school. Please complete the survey below to help us in our planning.

Phased reopening survey

Your responses, and the guidance we are awaiting from Shropshire Council, will support us in making a firmer plan and we will share this with you as soon as we can. Thank you for your support.

*Important News – 11.05.20*

Good afternoon everyone,
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday evening, we are sure that you have many questions, as we do, that you would like clarifying.
We have not yet received any information to support us with this new plan to start a phased return for children in some year groups.   We expect to receive guidance from the Department for Education and the Local Authority very soon.
Please be assured that the safety of our children, staff and school community is our key priority. We will only begin a phased return when we feel it is safe to do so and following an extensive risk assessment process.
As always, we will keep you updated but, for now, please do not worry. We will continue to provide home learning for our children, keep in contact with you and continue to support each other during these difficult and uncertain times.
In the meantime, we will continue to provide childcare provision for our key workers at Bicton.
Take care
Mrs Johnson and staff