Class 5 Gallery

Here are some photos showing what some of the members of Class 5 have been up to.  Enjoy!

Key worker provision 29.05.20

Hello everyone,

I hope you’ve had a good week and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine!

If you need key worker provision next week, and you haven’t already contacted me, please can you email me by 6:00 pm on Saturday evening so that I can organise staffing. If your child has been attending every day, or if your child is in Year 1 and they have been attending  Wednesday to Friday each week, there is no need to contact me as your child is already booked in.

Key worker children should still be brought to the Hall door next week (from 8:00 am onwards) and the provision is still running until 4:30 pm. Please can we ask that children are collected no later than 4:30 pm, as staff are not available after this time, Thank you.

We have seen an increase in requests for key worker places over the last week. Therefore, if you know you are going to need a key worker place for your child next week onwards, it is vital that you contact me as soon as possible.

Please remember our letter last week set out what our plans may look like and there is every possibility that these may change. We are awaiting our COVID-19 Re-opening Risk Assessment to be approved by the Local Authority and we are not permitted to invite more children back into school until this is in place.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Stay safe

Mrs Johnson x




Hello Class 3…

Hello Class 3,

Hope you are all well and enjoying this wonderful weather?  Just to wish you all a very happy half term – enjoy the rest and a well deserved break from home schooling.  Hopefully we will see you all soon.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

Class 1, Gallery 4

Happy Half Term Class 1.  I hope you enjoy looking at Gallery number 4!   Please do keep adding obseravtions during half term, ready for Gallery number 5!

Keep healthy and Stay Safe.

love Mrs Bowes xx

Important updates – ACTION REQUIRED

Hello to all of our families,

I hope you have all had a good week and are staying safe and keeping well.

Today’s weekly news includes some important updates which I ask you to read carefully please and I thank you in advance for doing so.

Please can all parents read this letter Partial re-opening letter from Bicton

Then it is imperative that all parents with children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 complete the online form (Closed at 5:00 pm on Sunday 24th.)

Please can all parents then read these two updates / letters from Shropshire Council.

Position Statement

KB 1265 Parents and Carers letter

Key worker provision

Thank you for the lovely messages we have received from our key worker parents over the past few weeks and for working in partnership with us to keep your children, your families and our staff safe.

Key workers’ children will continue to be given priority for school places, in line with the government guidance. Please remember to email me directly at if you require a key worker place, so that we know to expect your child and to arrange staffing.

Wishing you all a safe and happy bank holiday weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

Music activities WC: 18.5.20


Good morning,


Mrs Tan has very kindly given us some music activities which can be done at home.


Musical Dice 1 is for pupils who have recorders at home and can play B, A and G.

The Music Bingo Game is for anyone who doesn’t have instruments at home as it involves singing and clapping!
Hope that you are enjoying the sunshine this week!
Take care,
Mr Taylor

Book recommendations

Good afternoon,

A huge thank you to everyone who has sent in their book recommendation. It is lovely  to see your super work and great to hear that so many of you are enjoying reading at home. I have put together all of the recommendations I received back. Why not have a look through them whilst enjoying this beautiful weather.

Class 4 book recommendations

I hope you find them useful and enjoy all of the lovely messages,

Mrs Erasmus

* LATEST UPDATE – May half term *

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all still keeping safe and well.

To allow staff to prepare for a phased return for some year groups, school will not be open over the half term period so there will be no provision for Key Workers’ children. Please see a letter below with more detail.

May half term

We will be sending out more information later this week, explaining our current plans for a phased return, so please keep an eye on the website / your emails.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Johnson

Class 1, Gallery 3

Thank you to all the Mummy and Daddys for uploading some fabulous photos for our 3rd class gallery (It was really difficult to choose just 2 photos for each child!)  I was really pleased to hear how you enjoyed completing activities based aorund last week’s story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.


Home Learning wb 18.05.2020 – UPDATED

Apologies – I had uploaded the wrong week of worksheets.  This has now been updated.

Good morning Class 5!

I hope you’ve all had a super weekend.  Thanks so much for the emails we have received this week.  It has been lovely to see the work you have been doing at home and to hear what you have been up to.  Please email us to say hello or to send us some work if you haven’t yet at

Here is your Learning Project for this week: Class 5 Week 6 Learning Project

White Rose Maths now runs on a subscription basis to which we have subscribed, so the worksheets you will need for the week can be found here.

Year 5:



Year 6:



Please let me know if you have any problems accessing the attachments, and I can email them to you separately.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Miss Carr