Class 5 Brass Challenge 3

Hello Class 5,
This week, I have set you a video task using just one tune.
If you want to practise the tune at your own speed, just pause the video below and use the music on screen, but also later try along with the trombone/piano in the video. Try this each day and you will notice it getting better throughout the week.
I hope you all have a great week!
Mr Alldridge

Class 1, Gallery 7

Thank you Class 1 Mums and Dads, as always I have loved seeing what your child has been doing over the week. I hope your children enjoy this week’s photo gallery selection.
Mrs Bowes xx

Home Learning wb 15.06.20

Good morning Class 5!

I hope you’ve all had another super week.  Today is the day when we are able to welcome some Year 6 children back to school so we will be completing lots of the activities I have set for your home learning in school as well.

This weeks theme is ‘Space’ – I hope you enjoy it!

Class 5 Week 9 Learning Project

In maths this week, Year 5 are working on decimal numbers, and Year 6 are working on equations.



Y6-Week-7-Worksheets (1)


If you have any questions or just want to say hello, please do so at  Please bear in mind that we are teaching some children in school so it may take us a little longer to respond than previously.

Miss Carr

Class 3 home learning WC 15.6.20

Good morning Class 3,

We hope you are all keeping well? It was so lovely seeing some of you in school last week.  It’s still so quiet, but hopefully it will be a bit busier next week.

Here are the learning projects and maths links for this week:

Year 2 learning project – WC-15.06.2020-Y2-Learning-Project-SPACE

Year 3 learning project – WC-15.06.2020-Y3-Learning-Project-SPACE


Maths – from White Rose Maths:

Year 2 worksheets and answers (SHAPE) –

Monday – Lesson 1 – Count sides and vertices on 2D shapes           Lesson 1 Answers – Count sides and vertices on 2D shapes

Tuesday – Lesson 2 – Count faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes       Lesson 2 Answers – Count faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes

Wednesday – Lesson 3 – Sort 2D and 3D shapes       Lesson 3 Answers – Sort 2D and 3D shapes

Thursday – Lesson 4 – Shape patterns       Lesson 4 Answers – Make patterns with 2D and 3D shapes

Video links for the week – Video links YEAR 2

Year 3 worksheets and answers (LENGTH / PERIMETER) – 

Monday –  Lesson 1 – Add lengths      Lesson 1 Answers – Add lengths

Tuesday – Lesson 2 – Subtract lengths     Lesson 2 Answers – Subtract lengths

Wednesday – Lesson 3 – Measure perimeter   Lesson 3 Answers – Measure perimeter

Thursday –   Lesson 4 – Calculate perimeter   Lesson 4 Answers – Calculate perimeter

Video links for the week – Video links for YEAR 3

We hope you have a lovely week and as usual please email us if you have any queries or would just like to tell us what you have been doing.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran




Home learning WC: 15.6.20


Good morning Class 2,


Thank you so much to those of you who sent in letters for the children to read in class. They have absolutely loved hearing the stories of the children who are still learning at home. Please feel free to carry on sharing pieces of work with the children who are in the class!


Mrs Tan has provided you some activities for Music:

Long legged teacher

Musical maths


Have a good week!

Mr Taylor



Here is this week’s home learning:

Home Learning



Year 1

Monday: – Video

Make arrays – Worksheet

Make arrays – Answers


Tuesday: – Video

Make doubles – Worksheet

Make doubles – Answers


Wednesday: – Video

Make equal groups sharing – Worksheet

Make equal groups sharing – Answers


Thursday: – Video

Make equal groups grouping – Worksheet

Make equal groups grouping – Answers




Year 2

Monday: – Video

Count sides and vertices on 2D shapes – Worksheet

Count sides and vertices on 2D shapes – Answers


Tuesday: – Video

Count faces edges and vertices on 3D shapes – Worksheet

Count faces edges and vertices on 3D shapes – Answers


Wednesday: – Video

Sort 2D and 3D shapes – Worksheet

Sort 2D and 3D shapes – Answers


Thursday: – Video

Merge 2D and 3D shapes – Worksheet

Merge 2D and 3D shapes – Answers

Home learning ideas, week beginning 15.06.2020 – The Princess and the Wizard

Hi Class 1 Children, Mums and Dads

I hope you have all had a good week and enjoyed doing some of the Snail and the Whale activities.   I have seen some lovely work done at home and in class based around the story.

This week our story is ‘The Princess and the Wizard’, the Learning Plan has been uploaded onto Tapestry.

I look forward to seeing all your posts and photos over the week.



Mrs Bowes x

Zoom meeting – response required

The Year 6’s in school who are attending the Corbet in September will be taking part in a Zoom call with Mrs Millward from the Corbet at 9.30am on Tuesday 16th June.  We would like all Year 6’s who are attending the Corbet to take part, and if you are happy to do so from home, please email me at confirming the email address you would like the Zoom meeting invitation to be sent to.

We will also be having a practice run on Monday 15th June at 11.00am.  This will just be between the Year 6’s in school and at home.  If you are able to take part in this too, please say in the email.

Please respond by tomorrow (Saturday) at 5.00pm so I can get the invitations sent out.

Many thanks,

Miss Carr

Class 5 Brass challenges

Hi everyone

I hope you are all well and staying safe.  Each week I will be sending a new brass challenge for you to do if you would like to. You can see 2 activities below – one for this week and also the one from last week.

Brass Challenge 1

Brass Challenge 2

Take care

From Mr Alldridge