Home learning ideas, week beginning 29.06.2020 – The Dinosaur that pooped a planet

Hello Class 1 children, Mums and Dads,
I hope you have all had a loveley week and enjoyed some of the summer weather.

This week’s activities are based around the story – ‘The Dinosaur that pooped a planet’ by Tom Fletcher.

The planning is now uploaded onto Tpestry for you to access.

I hope you all have a super week.

Love Mrs Bowes xx

Yr 6 Registration Forms – The Corbet School

The Corbet School have asked us to send a reminder to parents to complete and return their registration forms to them as soon as possible. These were uploaded to our  website a couple of weeks ago.

If you require a hard copy of the forms, please contact Bicton School office. Thank you.

Class 5 Brass Challenge 23.06.20

Hi Class 5,
I hope you all had a good weekend.
Here is this week’s video below.
This week, I would like you to practise every day. It would be great if you could let Miss Carr and Mrs Johnson know how you get on, to help me plan future activities for you.
I hope you all have a great week and take care.
Mr Alldridge

*Weekly News 22nd June*

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a nice weekend and that you are all keeping well.

Shropshire SEND newsletter

Plese click here to read a special COVID-19 newsletter aimed at supporting parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

First News

Please see the latest edition of First News below

First News 19.06.20

Music Awards

I know that many children who would normally receive private instrumental lessons in school have taken part in online lessons this term instead, and I have received some really good feedback from the Music Service and parents.  Mrs Mew has kindly forwarded me several certificates which she has awarded over the last couple of weeks. Well done to these children and to everyone who has taken part in the Zoom lessons.

Year 6 Corbet pupils

Just a reminder that The Corbet School have created a virtual school tour for parents and Year 6 pupils which can be accessed here or via their website at corbetschool.net

Take care

Mrs Johnson x



Class 3 home learning WC 22.6.20

Good morning Class 3,

Welcome to another week.  We hope you are all well and have had a super weekend?

Here are the learning projects and maths links for this week.  The topic this week is all about transport:

Year 2 learning project – WC-22.06.20-Y2-Learning-Project-TRANSPORT

Year 3 learning project – WC-22.06.20-Y3-Learning-Project-TRANSPORT


Maths – from White Rose Maths:

Year 2 worksheets and answers (POSITION & DIRECTION / MASS) –

Monday – Lesson 1 – Describing movement    Lesson 1 Answers – Describing movement

Tuesday – Lesson 2 – Describing turns    Lesson 2 Answers – Describing turns

Wednesday – Lesson 3 – Describing movement and turns    Lesson 3 Answers – Describing movement and turns

Thursday – Lesson-4-Compare-mass    Lesson-4-Answers-Compare-mass

Video links for the week – Video links for YEAR 2

Year 3 worksheets and answers (SHAPE) – 

Monday – Lesson 1 – Right angles in shapes     Lesson 1 Answers – Right angles in shapes

Tuesday –  Lesson 2 – Compare angles     Lesson 2 Answers – Compare angles

Wednesday –  Lesson 3 – Horizontal and vertical     Lesson 3 Answers – Horizontal and vertical

Thursday –   Lesson 4 – Parallel and perpendicular     Lesson 4 Answers – Parallel and perpendicular

Video links for the week – Year-3-Summer-Week 9

We hope you have a lovely week and as usual please email us if you have any queries or would just like to show/tell us what you have been doing.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran



Home Learning WC: 22.6.20


Hello Class 2,


I hope you are all keeping well.

I just want to say a massive thank you to those of you who have sent work in for the children to see. There have been a few letters which have come in and the children in the class have written letters back to those children now. The children in class have absolutely loved seeing the letters, so thank you very much for sending these in. If your child would like to send a letter to those children in class, please email it to me and I will share it to them.

If you have any questions or would like to share anything, my email is Class2@Bicton.shropshire.sch.uk

I hope you all have a great week!

Mr Taylor



Here is this week’s home learning:

Home Learning


Here is a fun English unit to try:




Here is this week’s Maths work:

Year 1


https://vimeo.com/430299105 – Video

Counting to 100 – Worksheet

Counting to 100 – Answers



https://vimeo.com/430317914 – Video

Partitioning numbers – Worksheet

Partitioning numbers – Answers



https://vimeo.com/430320026 – Video

Comparing numbers – Worksheet

Comparing numbers – Answers



https://vimeo.com/430313386 – Video

Comparing numbers 2 – Worksheet

Comparing numbers 2 – Answers



Year 2


Measure length – Worksheet

Measure length – Answers


https://vimeo.com/430299221 – Video

Compare lengths – Worksheet

Compare lengths – Answers



https://vimeo.com/430299420 – Video

Four operations with lengths – Worksheets

Four operations with lengths – Answers



https://vimeo.com/430109855 – Video

Compare mass – Worksheet

Compare mass – Answers



Home Learning wb 22.06.20

Good morning Class 5!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.

Here is your home learning for this week:Class 5 Week 10 Learning Project

In maths this week, Year 5 will be working on fractions, decimals and percentages, and Year 6 will be working on equations and metric and imperial measures.  Remember to use the videos on the White Rose Maths website to support each lesson.





I hope you all have a great week and hope I will hear from you soon.

Miss Carr

Home Learning ideas, week beginning 22.06.2020 – Zog!

Hi Class 1 Children, Mums and Dads,

I hope you have all had a good week and enjoyed some of the activities based around the story ‘The Princess and the Wizard’.

This week’s story is ‘Zog’ by Julia Donaldson. The  Learning Plan is now loaded onto Tapestry.


I look forward to seeing photos / videos of all your activities.

Take care,

Mrs Bowes xx