Thank you!

On behalf of all the Class 5 staff, I would just like to say a huge and heartfelt thank you for all of the cards, gifts and kind words we have received this week.
It has been a week of mixed emotions; happiness at having such a lovely last week together but sadness as Year 6 come to the end of their primary school journey.
We really do have the best job in the world and have been so privileged to teach your lovely children for the last year or more. They have been a  fantastic cohort and will be a great asset to their secondary school.
We hope you all enjoy the leavers video, we certainly enjoyed making it.
Thanks again and have a wonderful summer together.

Year 6 Leavers Video

Saying goodbye to our Year 6s is always a really sad day and this year more than most.  Their video sums up what an amazing year group they have been and we will miss every one of you!

Thank you to Miss Carr and Mr Andrews for all their hard work (and patience!) putting this together. Enjoy! xx

Year 6 end of year party!

Message from Barbie:-

Hi Year 6 parents,

It’s the last week and it’s nearly time for us all to say our goodbyes. I have arranged an after party at Bicton Village Hall, on the field, after school on Thursday 16th July.

I have asked if we could have access to the toilets, which they are happy for us to use. We will have to clean them after we have used them. We need to follow the guidelines and risk assessment and I will need all names and it will be kept for 21 days. I would need to be contacted if anyone becomes unwell with Coronavirus symptoms during this time.

Bring your own picnic rugs and food for you and your child. If you have any outside games, please bring them along too.

Ladies, maybe we could all have a toast to the kids (bring a bottle and your own glass!)


If you could let me know if you can make it.

I look forward to seeing you all.

Barbie and Ellie xx



Zoom meeting on Wednesday for Class 3

Good afternoon Class 3,

On Wednesday Miss Moran and myself have planned a zoom meeting for you all.  We thought it would be a nice chance to see you all and have a little catch up before the holidays.  The plan is to do a ‘show and tell’ type meeting, so if you are able to join us please could you have a think about something you would like to share/show with the rest of the group which tells us about your time at home during lockdown.  For example, it could be showing something you made, work you have been proud of, an experience you have had, your favourite memories, etc….it’s up to you!

To make it easier we have set up two separate meetings for the Year 2’s and the Year 3’s so you all have the chance to share something as there will only be a 40 minute time limit on the session.  Please find the details below.

We really hope most of you are able to join us and look forward to seeing you then.  If you have any questions please email us at:


Topic: Year 3 meeting
Time: Jul 15, 2020 11:30 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 952 9163 6315
Password: 1XBzTR



Topic: Year 2 meeting
Time: Jul 15, 2020 01:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 977 2772 6913
Password: 4uyFJS

Home learning- week commencing 13/7/20

Good morning,

Welcome to your final week of home learning. This week’s activities are design to prepare you for when you return to school in September. I have also attached the White Rose maths worksheets for this week.

Week 14

WRM Year 3

Lesson 1 – Measure mass (2) Lesson 1 Answers – Measure mass (2)

Lesson 2 – Compare mass Lesson 2 Answers – Compare mass

Lesson 3 – Add and subtract mass Lesson 3 Answers – Add and subtract mass

Lesson 4 – Measure capacity (2) Lesson 4 Answers – Measure capacity (2)

WRM Year 4

Lesson 1 – Identify angles Lesson 1 Answers – Identify angles

Lesson 2 – Compare and order angles Lesson 2 Answers – Compare and order angles

Lesson 3 – Triangles Lesson 3 Answers – Triangles

Lesson 4 – Quadrilaterals Lesson 4 Answers – Quadrilaterals

I hope you all have a super final week! Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything. I look forward to hearing from you all soon.

Mrs Erasmus

Home Learning wb 13.07.20

Good morning Class 5!

Welcome to your last week of home learning of this academic year.  As well as completing the home learning projects, I hope you will join us in the Sock Olympics this week!

Class 5 Week 13 Learning Project Year 5

Class 5 Week 13 Learning Project Year 6

The learning projects this week are a little different to usual as they are focusing on transition activities to prepare you all for the next year at school.  Although Year 5 will be having Mrs Johnson and I teach you again as Year 6s, we will also be welcoming all of the current Year 4s into our new Oak Class.  It has been so long since some of you have been in school that these activities should help bring a close to this year for you and help you concentrate on looking forward to September.

In school, the Year 6s will be completing some transition activities, as well as putting the finishing touches to their leavers’ video.  This has been a very strange ending to primary school for Year 6, and I am sure you will join me in wishing them every success as they go on to secondary school.

I hope you all have a super last week and a wonderful summer holidays.

Miss Carr

Home learning WC: 13.7.20


Good morning Class 2,


I can’t believe quite believe that this is the final week of term! When I joined in January I could never have imagined that the school year would end like this. It is such a shame that I won’t be able to say goodbye to all of the children, but I would just like to say that it really was a massive privilege to have taught Class 2 as a whole for the time that I did. I would like to say a huge thank you to all the parents for the support you have shown during this very unique time. It has been so nice to have been in such frequent contact over email with so many of you. I completely understand that for so many of you it has been tough having to combine work-life with looking after the children at home, but from what I have seen, you have done a brilliant job! It really has been so nice to have seen the work which the children have done but also the pictures and life updates of things which have been achieved, such as learning to ride a bike. The children who have been able to come back to the classroom have really benefited from seeing these updates too. A huge well done must go to the children for how well they have adapted to the new routines and how hard they have worked as well.


Mrs Bowes has set the school the challenge of “Sock Olympics”. The children who are in class will be taking part in this during the week, so please send in any videos to my email address ( and I will share them with the class. Please see the post at the bottom of this message for further details.


I’d just like to thank each of you once again for your support during this time.

I hope to see you at some point in September!


Please take very good care of yourselves and have a fantastic summer holiday!


Mr Taylor


This week’s home learning:

Home learning



Year 1:

Monday: – Video

Time to the hour – Worksheet

Time to the hour – Answers


Tuesday: – Video

Time to the half hour – Worksheet

Time to the half hour – Answers


Wednesday: – Video

Writing time – Worksheet

Writing time – Answers


Thursday: – Video

Comparing time – Worksheet

Comparing time – Answers



Year 2:

Monday: – Video

Telling time to 5 minutes – Worksheet

Telling time to 5 minutes – Answer


Tuesday: – Video

Hours and days – Worksheet

Hours and days – Answers


Wednesday: – Video

Find durations of time – Worksheet

Find durations of time – Answers


Thursday: Video

Compare durations of time – Worksheet

Compare durations of time – Answers



Please see below Mrs Bowes’ post:


Are you ready for ‘Sock Olympics?’  Next week we will be challenging all the children and staff to complete 8 challenges using a ball of socks!  All children who are currently not back at school are invited to join in at home and send their class teacher photos / videos of how they get on.  Parents, you are equally welcome to have a go!

Can we ask that the children who are in school come prepared with a spare pair of socks to use please.

We have set 8 challenges for you to complete:

Watch this video to see how each challenge is done.

Sock Olympics – information and score sheet.

Have fun!

Class 3 home learning WC 13.7.20

Good morning Class 3,

Wow, welcome to your last week as a Year 2 / Year 3 – where has the year gone?  It has been so lovely having you in all in Class 3 for the time we had together (and having some of the Year 3’s for another year!).  It has been a rather strange last few months and we are missing you all and the usual end of year celebrations and transitions with new classes in school.  You have all been super stars coping with the ‘new normal’ and we have really enjoyed reading your emails sharing with us what you have been doing at home and some of the work you have been doing too.

We wish you all the best of luck in your new classes in September and we know that you will continue trying your best and being fantastic – we are going to miss you all.

In the meantime, we hope you have a fantastic summer, whatever you end of doing and we look forward to hearing all about what you have been doing -whether you manage to get away, do lots of lovely things at home, see friends/family that you haven’t seen for a long time, etc.  Enjoy the break and we look forward to welcoming you all back safely in the autumn term.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran


Here are the final learning projects and maths links for this week.  The topic this week is all about ‘Transition’.  We hope you enjoy the activities this week and have fun sharing your memories of the last year and goals for the future.  We would love to see what you have done with this, so please email us any work you would like to share and we can post everyone’s work so the whole class can see.

Year 2 learning project – WC-13.07.20-Y2-Learning-Project-TRANSITION

Year 3 learning project – WC-13.07.20-Y3-Learning-Project-TRANSITION


Maths – from White Rose Maths:

Year 2 worksheets and answers (Time) –

Monday –  Lesson 1 – Telling time to 5 minutes      Lesson 1 Answers – Telling time to 5 minutes

Tuesday –  Lesson 2 – Hours and days  Lesson 2 Answers – Hours and days

Wednesday –   Lesson 3 – Find durations of time   Lesson 3 Answers – Find durations of time

Thursday –   Lesson 4 – Compare durations of time    Lesson 4 Answers – Compare durations of time

Video links for the week –  Year-2-Summer-Week-12

Year 3 worksheets and answers (Measurement: Capacity & Statistics) – 

Monday –  Lesson 1 – Compare capacity     Lesson 1 Answers – Compare capacity

Tuesday –  Lesson 2 – Add and subtract capacity    Lesson 2 Answers – Add and subtract capacity

Wednesday –  Lesson 3 – Pictograms    Lesson 3 Answers – Pictograms

Thursday –    Lesson 4 – Bar charts    Lesson 4 Answers – Bar charts

Video links for the week –  Year-3-Summer-Week-12


Home Learning ideas – 13.07.2020 : ‘The Koala who could’

Hello Class 1 children, Mums and Dads,

I hope you all had a super week and weekend.  Thank you for sending in so many lovely pictures last week, I really enjoyed seeing what the children have done.

This week’s work is based around the story- ‘The Kola who could’ ‘ by Rachel Bright.  The learning plan is now avaiable on Tapestry.

The Koala Who Could

Mrs Bowes xx

Home Learning ideas, week beginning 06.07.2020 – Handa’s Surprise

Hello Class 1 children, Mums and Dads,

I hope you all had a super week and weekend.  Thank you for sending in so many lovely pictures last week, I really enjoyed seeing what the children have done.  I was very impressed with some of the planets and rockets that were made.  Look out for some on this week’s Class Tapestry gallery.

This week’s work is based around the story- ‘Handa’s Surprise’ by Eileen Browne.  The learning plan is now avaiable on Tapestry.

Handa's Surprise Book Power point | Teaching Resources

Take care,,


Mrs Bowes xx