PLEASE READ 07.09.2020

Car Park Safety

With immediate effect, the car park at the side of the school is now only for staff use and parents can only park in the spaces at the front of the school. This is to keep everyone safe and to avoid cars from driving past children exiting the Hall door at the end of the day. Please do not use the disabled spaces at the front of the school unless you are a badge holder. Thank you for your cooperation in this.

If the school car park is full, please use the car park at Bicton Village Hall.

If you are collecting from After-School Club, it is ok to drive down the side of the school as there will be minimal pedestrians on site.

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

Welcome back Hazel class

Hello and welcome back!

We have had a fantastic first week in Hazel class and it has been lovely getting to know you all.  We have been so proud of how well the children have settled into their new class and new routines.  The children have been super keen to do some work and have listened very carefully, as well as come up with their own rules for the classroom.



Our PE sessions will be on Tuesday and Thursday this term. Please can you make sure that your child comes to school wearing their PE kits on these days.


Reading book

We are working through listening to the children read and they will all be receiving a new book within the next week (unless they have been given a new one already).

We hope you have had a good rest this weekend ready for the new week.

Mrs Thomas & Miss Moran

*New Online form for booking clubs *

Hi everyone

I’m aware that some parents have had trouble booking multiple days for clubs for the week commencing 14th September.  I’ve amended the form and uploaded it again below but please let me know if you still have difficulties and I will book it for you.


Mrs Johnson

Breakfast Club and After-school Club online form

First Week!

Oak Class have had a fantastic first week back at school.  It has been wonderful to have the classroom full of children again, and watching them reconnect with each other has been lovely.

They have already risen to the responsibility of being our oldest children in school and role models to the younger children, and have been busy applying for various roles of responsibility within school.  Further details about these will be released in due course!

Curriculum information will be sent out next week, but in the meantime P.E will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Please send children to school wearing their P.E kit on these days – there are no changing facilities available in school.

Have a lovely weekend, and I look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Miss Carr

Weekly News 04.09.2020

Hello everyone

We have had a wonderful first week back but I think everyone is glad that the weekend has arrived!

Staffing news 

We are delighted to inform you that Miss Carr has been appointed as Deputy Head for Thursdays and Fridays from September and is working as part of the Senior Leadership Team with myself and Miss Moran. I’m sure you will all join me in congratulating Miss Carr and wishing her good luck in her new role.

Hazel Class – NEW START TIME

Thanks to everyone’s support in following our measures in place, we are able to bring the time forward for Hazel class to come into school. Children in Hazel can now arrive between 8:55 and 9:00 and we hope that you will find this helpful.

Breakfast and After-school Club

The link to book Breakfast Club and After-School Club for Monday 14th to Friday 18th is below. If you only require 8:30 Club, please tick Breakfast Club but add ‘8:30 Club’ next to your child’s name so that we know they are only attending from 8:30.

Breakfast and After-School online booking form

Please can you remember to send in payment on Monday for clubs attended this week and thank you if you have already done so.

Keyboard lessons

Keyboard lessons will start on Monday for the children whose parents have already signed up and paid for lessons. The tuition NYGoodHealth will be delivered online via Microsoft Teams and children will be supervised by an adult. If your child was having keyboard lessons up until March, and you wish their lessons to restart, please let me know and I can forward your details to the keyboard teacher Mrs Mew so she can contact you.

Please note Shropshire Music Service are dealing with all payments for lessons at this time (not school) and payment is required in advance.

School dinners

In case you did not see the previous posts on the website, the price of a school dinner has increased to £2.30 per day. The menu for next week is shown below.

Monday: Fish fillet with mash and beans / Mac ‘n’ cheese

Tuesday: Sausages / vegetarian sausage

Wednesday: Roast chicken and gravy / Quorn fillet / Jacket potato with cheese & beans

Thursday: Selection of fish / Vegetarian bake

Friday: Beef bolognaise with pasta / Vegetable and lentil bolognaise / Pizza and wedges

Your child can also purchase a carton of fruit juice or milk shake to have with their lunch for 50p each.

Please send in cash/cheque for school dinner or drinks in an envelope clearly labelled with your child’s name, class and what the payment is for.

i hope you all have a good weekend.

Take care

Mrs Johnson

Welcome back!


Good afternoon,

We have had a brilliant first week in Rowan class! I have been so proud of how the children have adapted to the new routines and how motivated they have been to work. It has been a thoroughly enjoyable first week.

I just wanted to share with you a few pieces of information for the following weeks.



The children will be having PE on Monday and Friday during this term. Please can you make sure that the children come to school wearing their PE kits on these days?


Reading book

All of the children have now been given a reading book from the school library. The children will be allowed into the library on Thursday afternoons and will have the opportunity to swap their book if they are finished with them.


Timestables Rockstars

The children have been given their logins for Timestables Rockstars and Numbots. The children have all practised these games this week and it would be brilliant if they could play these games from time to time whilst they are at home too.


I hope that you all have a brilliant weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Mr Taylor

Welcome back!

Hello to all our Nursery children and parents,

It has  been very exciting to welcome all the children back into Nursery and meet our new children.

We are very proud of all the children, coming into Nursery happily with big smiles. We have had lots of fun playing inside and outside.

Please can we remind you to bring a labelled water bottle, spare clothes, any  toiletry needs, and a coat for your child.

We will be sending a copy of the 3 week menu home, please can you choose your child’s preferred options of food, circle this on the sheet provided and return to Nursery.  This will help us with your child’s selection of lunch in the mornings.

This does not apply if your child is having sandwiches.  You still have an option to alternate as you choose between school lunches and sandwiches.

We will continue to observe the children playing and encourage learning and development following the Early Years Foundation guidance.  We will share these observations with you and ask for you to share your child’s interests and development with us, later in the term.

We appreciate communication between home and Nursery is now more difficult, as drop off and collection has changed in order to follow Goverment guidelines and to keep us all safe.

If you have any questions regarding your child’s time in Nursery, please email me

First week back

Children in Willow Class have had a super start to the new school year.  You should all be very proud of your son/daughter.

We have all been so impressed with how quickly the children have started to learn the new routines and how independent they are already!

This week we have concentrated on the story of The Colour Monster

We will continue to explore the story and emotions next week.

Next week we will have our first P.E. lesson on Thursday.  Can you please send your child to school ready, they will stay in these clothes all day.

Tapestry – if you have not done so yet, can you please read this Tapestry letter. Then send an email to   to confirm you have read the letter and agree to the guidelines, once this is done, I will be able to set up your child’s account.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Bowes x


Welcome back!

Good afternoon,

I hope you all had a lovely summer!

We have had a super first few days in Maple class. We have spent lots of time practising hand washing and getting back into our school routine.


Time Tables Rockstars

This week we have practised using TTRS to help us with our times tables. Each child has a username and password that they can use to login and practise at home. Follow the link to the website



As you are aware, on PE days children will come to school in their PE kits. At the moment our PE days are Monday and Friday. Maple class know we are doing PE tomorrow so will hopefully remind you! If the days change we will let you know.


Reading books

Maple class have all taken a book out of the school library. This is for them to enjoy reading in school and at home. It is really important for children to read at home whenever possible. It doesn’t have to be the book they have taken from school, just whatever suits you! Please fill in their ready diaries when you have read.

If your child has a library book at home from last term, please bring it back ASAP!


It has been a pleasure welcoming back your children! They have been amazing considering the amount of time most of them have been away from school. I look forward to seeing them all tomorrow, in their PE kits!!

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Erasmus