Flu Immunisation Consent Form

We still have a number of Flu forms outstanding, please can these be returned to school by tomorrow. (Friday 25th).   Immunisation Team will be visiting us on Thursday 1st October.


Friends of Messy Church

Dear Friends of Messy Church,
I hope all is well this week? Please find attached our weekly news, readings and reflections. This week on Pyjama Church, you may spot our own Mary-Lou! It’s available to watch from 6pm on Sunday (www.trinitychurches.org), and after three weeks at the new time, the rest of the team and I have finally remembered to say ‘good evening’ rather than ‘good morning’! What an achievement.
With love and blessings,
Hannah x

*NEW* Weekly News 18.09.2020

Hello everyone

I hope you’ve all enjoyed the wonderful sunshine this week. It’s just what we needed and it’s been wonderful to see children running around with their friends on our school field!

Should my child attend School/Nursery?

Thank you to everyone for your support in keeping our children and staff safe by not sending your child in if they are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or if they are not well enough to attend. Please see an important flow chart below which explains what to do if your child is unwell.

Should I send my child to school

Flu immunisation

Children in Reception to Year 6 have been given a flu immunisation letter and form to be completed. Please return these to school no later than Thursday 24th September so that our administrators can collate the responses for the Immunisation Team who will be visiting us on Thursday 1st October.

Clubs booking form

Clubs booking form – week commencing Monday 28th September

Adcote School

Please see below information for Year 6 parents which Adcote School have asked us to share.

New Year 6 Captains and House Captains

Thank you to all the Year 6 children who wrote to me to put themselves forward for the position of house captains or vice captains. Miss Carr and I have spent a lot of time this week discussing which children will take on the roles this year and it was not an easy decision to make. We have stressed to children not selected that there will be opportunity for them to take on other roles over the course of the year.

As we are not able to join together at the moment for whole-school worship, we announced the names today over Teams with the help of several children and staff.  We had several technical difficulties in getting all the classes online (thank you Mr Andrews and Mrs Erasmus for your help) and we apologise for the sound quality, including where we couldn’t hear Maple announce the Darwin captain and vice captain and where Jemima’s prayer was muted! Rather than spend ages editing the video, and making you wait until next week to watch it, the video is attached below in it’s original unedited form.  Please excuse the part where I called Hazel class ‘Jebb’ by mistake – oops!

Worship 18.09.20

I hope you all have a good weekend.

Take care and stay safe

Mrs Johnson x

Flu immunisation – 1st October

Flu immunisation

Children in Reception to Year 6 will be bringing home a flu immunisation letter and form to be completed. Please return these to school no later than Thursday 24th September so that our administrators can collate the responses for the Immunisation Team who will be visiting us on Thursday 1st October.

Childcare provision next week

If you require Breakfast / 8:30 / After-School club provision next week, please complete the online form below no later than 4:30 pm tomorrow (Friday 18th) as we need to confirm staffing for next week.

Clubs booking form week commencing Monday 21st

Any outstanding fees must be paid on Monday 21st and children will not be able to stay for clubs next weeks if monies are owing. Mrs Neal will be contacting parents as necessary on Monday and we thank you in advance for your cooperation with this.

Spelling shed


Good afternoon,


As a school, we have adapted how we will be testing the children on their spellings. This year we will be using the resources on Spelling Shed. This will allow the children to practise their spellings through games and they will have a weekly quiz based on the words they have been practising that week. This quiz will take part each Monday morning.

This morning, the remaining children all received their login details for Spelling shed. These details have been glued into each child’s reading diary. Please do encourage your child to use this site as much as they can throughout the week.

We are still using Times Table Rock Stars and it has been brilliant to hear the stories of the children who have been taking part in this at home. The children should all have their login details for this too. Please let me know if you need another copy.


If you need any help with anything at all, please just let me know and I will get it sorted for you instantly.


Have a good week,

Mr Taylor

Spelling Shed

This year we are using Spelling Shed for spelling practise and assessments. I will set the spellings on a Monday and your child will then be assessed the following Monday. Please allow your child to practise their spellings at home throughout the week. Your child‘s login details are in the front of their reading diary and the link is below.

We have practised using the website in school so your child should know how to login and use the games.

Spelling Shed login

If you have any problems please let me know.

Happy spelling!

Mrs Erasmus