Sweets Sale

Sweets Sale on Friday 27th

As FOBS are unable to run their Friday sweet sales at the moment, to raise much-needed funds for school, they have come up with an alternative. On Friday 27th, children can buy a pre-prepared mixed bag of sweets for 50p. (Vegetarian sweets can also be pre-ordered in advance, by emailing school no later than 12:30 pm on Thursday.) The bags of sweets will be sold in each classroom at the end of the afternoon for children to take home.

Children need to bring the correct money in an envelope or clear bag and the monies collected will be passed to the FOBs treasurer the following week. FOBS have also got a PayPal account, which they set up earlier this year to raise funds for our school library. Parents can pay for sweets directly through this account here, to save children having to bring money into school.


If you have not yet booked before and after school clubs on sQuid for this week, can you please do so as a matter of urgency. If no children are booked in for clubs there may not be staff available to stay in school.

Booking is therefore essential.

Weekly News 20.11.20

Hello everyone

This has been a very challenging week in school but it has been made much easier thanks to your support. I would like to say a very heartfelt thank you on behalf of all the staff and governors.

Friday Worship

It was wonderful to see so many children from Hazel class join our Teams worship today and I’m sorry if I did not mention you by name. We could only see some children on the screen in Maple class but I know next door in Oak class they were able to see many more of you! We had a few technical difficulties connecting so it was a relief just to be able to log in – hopefully next week things will run more smoothly!

I’ll send you an invite for next Friday’s worship and hopefully you will be able to join us again. In the meantime, I hope you all stay well and I can’t wait to see you back in school.

Before and after-school clubs

Please read the following extract below taken from the latest government guidance at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/education-a … ember-2020

‘Where schools are offering extra-curricular activities (that is, before and after school clubs) they should only do so where it is reasonably necessary to support parents to work, search for work, or undertake training or education, or where the provision is being used for the purposes of respite care.’


We have already sent out several reminders about children needing to arrive at their bubble door/gate on time and before it closes. Every day, there are a few children who are arriving late and who then have to enter through the main entrance door. This is putting staff and other children at risk and we need all parents to make sure that their child arrives on time.

We understand there will be odd times where things happen before school but late arrival at school must not happen on a regular basis. Our attendance registers are reviewed by the Local Authority and parents will be contacted by the Education Welfare Officer where concerns arise about punctuality or attendance. Thank you.

We have been asked to share the survey link below with our school community.


WANTED – Decorations / donations for our Christmas Grotto

To try and make things as special as possible for the children in school leading up to Christmas, and also to raise funds, we are going to create a Christmas grotto and we desperately need your help.

If you are changing your Christmas tree or decorations this year, rather than take them to the recycling centre or put them in the bin, we’d love to take them off your hands!

We are looking for donations of:

  • artificial christmas trees
  • Christmas tree decorations – baubles, tinsel, etc – NOT lights please.
  • small unwanted gifts which children can buy as gifts for their family for 50p/£1 e.g. toiletries, stationery, candles, or anything that you think children might like to purchase!

Thank you in advance for your support.

Have a safe weekend and take care.

Mrs Johnson x

REMINDER: Sweets Sale – Friday 20th November

As FOBS are unable to run their Friday sweet sales at the moment, to raise much-needed funds for school. This Friday children can buy a pre-prepared mixed bag of sweets for 50p. The bags of sweets will be sold in each classroom at the end of the afternoon for children to take home.

Children need to bring the correct money in an envelope or clear bag and the monies collected will be passed to the FOBs treasurer the following week. FOBS have also got a PayPal account, which they set up earlier this year to raise funds for our school library. Parents can pay for sweets directly through this account here, to save children having to bring money into school.

Hello Hazel from Mrs Johnson

Hi everyone in Hazel

I’m really missing seeing you all in school but I know you are working really hard at home and it’s lovely to see some of the work you’ve been doing!

So that you don’t miss out this week, I’m sending you all a Teams invite for our Friday afternoon worship. I hope you can join us!

Stay safe

Love Mrs Johnson x


Getting tested for Coronavirus – animated video for children

Hello everyone

Please see an animated video below, which one of our parents has very kindly signposted us to. The video for children explains what happens when you are tested for coronavirus and addresses some of the fears children may have about being tested.

Getting tested for Coronavirus – animated video for children

Thank you

Mrs Johnson

Hazel class meeting 18.11.20

Hello all,

Please find the invitation for a whole class teams meeting tomorrow – Wednesday 18th November at 2 – 2.30pm.  I look  forward to seeing you all then to talk about what work you have been doing and so you can share something with everyone.

Mrs Thomas

Booking and paying for Clubs through sQuid

From Monday 23rd November, Breakfast Club, 8:30 Club and After School Club will need to be booked and paid for through the school’s payment system, sQuid.

All clubs will be available to you to book and pay through the Trips and Offers purse as a Booking. You can access the booking area now but can only book clubs from Monday 23rd November onwards and payment will be needed at the time of booking.

You will be able to select which clubs your child will be attending on which dates and pay the amount that is required. If your child attends the same clubs each week, you can book and pay weekly. monthly or for the whole term if you prefer.

If you have already paid for clubs in advance, you do not need to go in and book/pay again as I am aware of who has already paid and for which clubs. Once you have used all of your credit, you will need to book for future clubs using the booking system. If you are unsure how much in credit you are, please contact the school office.


Important letter – please read 17.11.2020

Hello everyone

Please see an important letter below which is also being sent home today in paper form. A separate letter has been posted on the website for Hazel parents.

Letter to whole school 17.11.20

Thank you for your support and please stay safe.

Mrs Johnson x