School and nursery open on Tuesday 26th and THANK YOU

Hello everyone

Firstly, I just want to confirm that school and nursery will be open on Tuesday 26th.  A snow day always brings challenges and none more so than today.

I would like to say a big thank you to the staff who have done whatever they can to provide remote learning today. Even though the technology seemed to be doing everything it could to prevent people joining Teams meetings from home (including me!), I’m very grateful for how our staff have kept things as normal as possible today for the children.

I’d also like to say a big well done and thank you to the children – not just for today but for the last 3 weeks. They never cease to amaze me with their creativity, independence, resilience, perseverance, the list is endless. I’ve observed them practising new sounds at home that they’ve learnt on a phonics video, retelling fairy tales whilst rearranging their lounge furniture in doing so, messaging their teachers over Teams when they get stuck on a question and giving each other advice on how to deal with IT issues, building a very unique snowman or snow cave, and even standing in flood water (supervised!) to test out water resistance of home-made boats! Bicton families you really are the best!

And last, but not least, thank you to Helen and Lisa (Mrs Jones and Mrs Neal AND their husbands) who spent a couple of hours trying to clear the school car park this afternoon. As fast as we were clearing one area, another one was freezing over so please take care tomorrow morning – it is due to freeze this evening so may be slippy in the morning.

Take care and stay safe x

P.S. If you haven’t already done so, please feel free to email photos of you in the snow to class teachers so we can put a gallery together on the website.

Weekly News 22.01.21

Hello everyone,

I hope your week has been ok and that you are looking after ourselves.

Thank you for all your support with your child’s remote learning and please continue to email your child’s class teacher with any queries/problems or just to share how well your child is doing. Next week we will be emailing out a link to a survey on our remote learning provision so please keep an eye out for it.

In our Teams worship today, we talked about what kind of week the children have had and how it’s important for them to take a break from their learning at home when they need to. I stressed to them that it doesn’t matter if they don’t get everything done each day and how they should not feel upset or worried about it as we know they are working so hard at home. We are so proud of all our children at home and in school, as we know you are.

If you haven’t read the emails sent out earlier this week, please can I ask that you read them today as they should be included at the end of my weekly news. Can I ask parents whose children are currently attending school and nursery, to pay particular attention to yesterday’s email regarding critical worker and vulnerable children provision. If you can keep your safely child at home it is vital that you do so, and let us know that you no longer require a place. The transmission rates are still far too high for us not to take this seriously and we need to keep everyone safe.

First news latest edition

Click below to access the latest edition of First News. (password FNLOCKDOWN3)

First News 22.01.21

Blue Peter on YouTube

Blue Peter are uploading videos to YouTube that are suitable for 5-11 year olds: world record breaking challenges, arts and crafts, environmental videos, cooking and baking how tos, inspirational films, gaming, celebrity appearances, dance routines and music performances. It also features ways of getting a Blue Peter badge, behind the scenes footage and extra content about their incredible presenters Adam, Lindsey, Mwaksy, Richie and Henry the Blue Peter dog.

Visit – (it’s completely free to subscribe) and don’t forget to watch the live programme on CBBC at 5.00pm every Thursday, or on BBC iPlayer.

Free parental resource from SSS Learning

Please click on the link below to watch their video and read top tips / advice on how parents can safeguard their child/ren’s mental health and promote their wellbeing.

Parent resource for supporting children’s wellbeing

Shropshire Music Service ‘Showcase’

After their hugely successful online Summer and Winter Gala Concerts, Shropshire Music Service are pleased to announce their forthcoming Showcase 21. The Open day is for all students, friends and supporters of Shropshire Music Service and all the details are on the poster below.

News from Messy Church

I hope this finds you well, and lockdown is being endured with as much grace as can be mustered! These times are so very challenging in so many ways. It’s been a real privilege to be back producing worship films for our schools this week, and as ever we have weekly online worship on offer. The link to Sunday’s service is  , and Pyjama Church is at 9.30am on Sunday (then available afterwards) at Trinity Churches Shrewsbury – Home | Facebook. In Pyjama Church we are exploring bible journeys, and this week we are focusing on the time when Moses and God’s people were wandering in the desert, and VERY fed-up- sound familiar?! Do join us if you’d like to.
With love, prayers and blessings,
Hannah x
And finally, I hope that you all continue to stay well. To our families who have been affected by the dreadful flooding this week, please stay safe and please let us know if there is any support you need.
Take care
Mrs Johnson x

Attendance of vulnerable children and children of critical workers

Please can we ask that you only send your child/children to school/nursery if you really cannot keep them at home. We currently have 36% (50) of our children attending and if there is any way this number can be reduced it will help us keep all of our children, staff and families safe.

Limiting attendance at schools and colleges helps to support the reduction in the overall number of social contacts in our communities, which is a vital intervention in the context of current very high transmission rates.                                          DfE, 21 January 2020

If you are able to keep your child at home and you no longer need them to attend school/nursery, please let the school office know as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Mrs Johnson and staff



Weather warning Wednesday evening

With snow falling quite heavily in places this evening and many roads around the county and beyond flooded, it may affect our staff being able to travel to work safely on Thursday morning.  If school is closed because we do not have enough staff to be able to open safely, we will make you aware by 7:30 am and all children will move to remote learning.
Please stay safe and, if you can, avoid making any unnecessary journeys.  Thank you

Wi-Fi access at home

If you are struggling for your child to access the internet at home, while they are not attending school, please contact me at

We have secured a small number of Vodafone SIM cards / BT Wi-Fi vouchers which enable a laptop or iPad to connect to the internet using a personal hotspot.

The Three Little Pigs

Good Morning Acorns and Willow Class.  Ms Stone, myself and staff hope you have all had a super weekend.

Thank you for all the lovely feedback from last week’s story, we especially enjoyed seeing videos of the children retelling the story.

This week our story is The 3 Little Pigs, once again presented by Ms Stone.  Enjoy, we hope you have a good week.

Mrs Bowes & Ms Stone


Weekly news 15.01.21

Hello everyone

I hope this weekly email finds you well and thank you for all your support over this past week.

Please read an update below on our remote learning provision for KS1 and KS2.

remote learning 15.1.21

Letter from Vicky Ford MP – Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children and Families

Attendance at education settings
In the face of the rapidly rising numbers of cases of COVID-19 across the country and intense pressure on the NHS, it is essential that we reduce opportunities for mixing and transmission. For this reason, only vulnerable children and young people (including those with EHC plans) and children of critical workers should attend their school or college.

The above is an extract from her letter which can be read in full here.

First News digital edition

First News are making their digital version of their children’s newspaper available again, during the current lockdown. The difference this time is that you need to click on the link here and enter this code FNLOCKDOWN3 to view the latest issue.

Have a safe weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

Important information 14.01.21 – PLEASE READ

Hello everyone

If you did not see my message earlier on Tapestry / Class Dojo, please can I ask you to read it. The information from Shropshire Council is shown in the poster below.

If you have one or more of these other symptoms shown in the poster, visit the GOV.UK website to book a COVID-19 test.

Please note when completing the form, in the section “Why are you getting tested?“, please select:

As we said in our letter last week, children MUST NOT be brought to school or nursery if they have been given Calpol and are feeling unwell. This is vital to keep everyone safe – children, staff and their families at home.

Despite what some in the public domain may be saying, schools are not closed. We have up to 50 children attending every day, (which includes over 35% of our primary-aged children), along with all of our staff who are working incredibly hard to provide education for the children learning remotely at home and those in school.

We fully understand how difficult it can be, if your child is not attending school at this time.  We are extremely grateful for all the support you are giving your child/children at home and we will be sending out an update on home learning tomorrow.
Thank you and stay safe.