KS2 Football Club – Wednesday

Unfortunately we have had to cancel Football Club this Wednesday, 19th March,  as   Mr Bramley is unwell.

Family Fortunes – Next Week!

There’s been a terrific response to our upcoming Family Fortunes night. Tickets have been selling fast in the first week of sales with lots of people really excited to see the School Teachers up on stage going head-to-head with the Parent Team.

Family FortunesOur survey of the children has now been concluded and all the questions and answers are locked up in readiness for the big night. At this point, FOBS would like to say a massive thank-you to the school and all the parents who returned forms allowing us to survey the children. Special thanks go to Mrs Barker who painstakingly wrote down every single answer to every single question from every single child – It took a surprising amount of time and effort (don’t even think about trying to bribe her for details – she’s sworn an oath of secrecy!)

The children, as we expected, were absolute stars: Charming, smart, witty, cute, funny, clever and sometimes very surprising! We really look forward to sharing some of their responses with the audience on the night.

Don’t forget, in addition to the quiz show itself, on the night you can also enjoy a song by the School Choir, a performance by Caroline Lewis Dance School and a very special appearance from our extremely stealthy Mystery Parent Singer. There will also be a bar and snacks available before the performance and in the interval.

We still have some tickets left for the show, but it looks as if they will sell out before the night, so if you don’t want to miss this one-off event, pay a quick visit to the school office with your cash and grab some of the last few seats!

Family Fortunes Night – Ticket Sales

Tickets for the Family Fortunes night on Friday 21st March will be on sale in the playground after school on Wednesday and Friday of this week.
Adult tickets are £3, children £2
Don’t forget, each ticket sold raises money for the school charity and if you’re lucky, it might win you a spot prize on the night – so keep it safe and bring it with you!
NB. Children who will be singing in the school choir (or dance school) will still need a ticket for a seat for the rest of the show.

Football Club

Just to clarify, Football Club on Wednesday will be open to all children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 including Year 3 children in Class 3.

We will inform you as to when Football Club for children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 will restart, as soon as we know.

Thank you.

Home-link books and letters home

Please could we ask that children who travel home on the bus are clear about whether they are going on the bus or are being collected at the end of the school day. A note can be written in home-link books for children in Classes 1, 2 and 3 which staff can use to check if children are unsure; older children in Classes 4 and 5 should be able to remember how they are travelling home. This will help staff and avoid Mrs Neal or Mrs Jones having to contact you when a child is unsure.

Could we also ask you to check your child’s bag for letters or first aid slips being sent home. This is particularly important for bumped head slips where guidelines have recently changed and request that parents and carers observe their child for 72 hours following a bumped head incident.

Thank you for your support with this and please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff if you have any questions.

Mrs Natalie Johnson

Residential Trip Money

Re – Class 4 – Live the Adventure

Re – Class 5 – Kingswood

We require the final balance by Friday, 21st March, at the latest.

Any queries/questions please contact me.

Thanks Helen Jones


Parents Evenings and Clubs

The booking system for our Spring term parents evenings, on Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March, will open on the website this Friday.  As previously, there will be NO CLUBS on those two evenings.

Book Appointments here:

We are hoping to start football club next Wednesday but this depends on the field having dried out sufficiently. Mrs Jones will update the calendar on the website on Friday, if it is going ahead.

Many thanks.

Mrs Natalie Johnson

New Password for Website

A letter regarding the new password for the Website will be sent home with the children today, the password will be changed on Friday morning.

Thanks Helen


Keyboard Lessons

If there are any children that would like to learn to play the Keyboard, please contact reception. Thank you.

Morning Arrival

We are seeing more and more children arriving late for school at the moment and we would like to remind parents and carers of the procedures we have in place for children coming into school.

The bell for morning registration is rung at 8:55 a.m. and the side gate on to the playground is locked by 9:00 a.m. If children arrive after 8.55 and the gate is still open, children are expected and quite able to go onto the playground and into class on their own without their parents. If the side gate has been locked, children should go to the main entrance where Mrs Jones or Mrs Neal will accompany children into class.

Whilst we appreciate that parents often want to pass a message on to a class teacher, our priority in the morning is to get the children settled and to do attendance and dinner registers.  We strive to develop children’s independence and confidence from when they start school and going into class on their own is part of their development.

Mrs Jones and Mrs Neal are more than happy to pass on messages to staff but if you feel that you need to speak to your child’s class teacher, could we please ask that you try to do so at the end of the school day or leave a message for them to phone you during the day which they are more than happy to do.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to me.

Many thanks for your support.

Mrs Natalie Johnson