Live the Adventure – Residential trip

Just to let you know the children are all fine and having a lovely time.  They are having problems getting an internet signal so there will be more pictures of the trip when they return.  Arrival time should be 4.30pm approx.

Year 6 SATs revision


I have given you a range of revision activities for the Easter holidays. It is up to you how much you complete but obviously the more you attempt the more there is for me to look through with you when you return to School. 

If you need adult help for any of the questions, please make a note by the question so that I know what we need to look at again after Easter.

If you want to contact me for any reason, feel free to email me with any questions or queries and I will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Have a good Easter holiday!

Mrs Johnson

SATs week: Monday 12th –Thursday 15th May

Year 5 Easter homework

Year 5 Literacy/Geography Homework

To be given in on Monday 28th April 2014


Imagine you have been on holiday to Brazil.  Use what you have learnt this term to write a postcard to Class 5, describing your visit e.g. where did you stay, what was the weather like, where did you visit, what did you see, etc. I’ve included some key vocabulary to help you in the word bank below but I want you to use your own interesting vocabulary to make Class 5 believe that you had the best holiday ever! You can also draw/design an image on the reverse of the postcard to show the location(s) you visited.












If you need help or are stuck for ideas, email me on the details I gave you and I will reply straightaway. I’m really looking forward to reading everyone’s postcards which will make a fantastic display!

Cross country

Just a reminder that there is no cross country after school this Friday.

Celebration Assembly

Well done to all the children for their fantastic performances this morning in our Easter celebration assembly and to the staff who have worked really hard over the past week preparing children for today. It was wonderful to see so many parents and relatives watching and thank you again for your continued support.
Although we did not video during the assembly, children performed again this afternoon so we are planning to upload the videos next week.
Many thanks.
Mrs Natalie Johnson

Fancy Dress Day Next Monday

As you may already know, the teachers were the winning team in the recent Family Fortunes teachers vs parents evening and in recognition of this children are invited to come to school in fancy dress on Monday 7th April. There is no theme for the event and children (and staff!) may wear any costume of their choice.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher(s.)

Netball Club

There will be no Netball after school next Monday 7th April. Thank you.

Craft Club

Can all the consent forms for the Scrappies Bottletop Competition be returned as soon as possible. Thank you.


Thank you to everyone who came along Friday evening to our Family Fortunes Teachers vs Parents. To say it was a fantastic evening is an understatement and it was really wonderful to see so many families at the event with adults enjoying the proceedings as much as the children!

Thank you to members of FOBs and parents who have given up so much of their time, to Bicton staff for their time (and for winning!), to the children of Bicton School for their hilarious answers and for being so good at not revealing the questions and a HUGE thank you to Doug Williams for making the event so enjoyable and entertaining!

Vernon needs to watch out!

Sport Relief – 21st March – Non Uniform Day

Sport Relief – Friday 21st March

On Friday, 21st March, we are having a non-uniform day to raise money for Sport Relief. We would like all children to come to school wearing sports/outdoor activity/fitness clothing e.g.  football, rugby, tennis, horse-riding attire, etc. Please could all children pay 50p each for wearing non-uniform.