Weekly News 27.05.14

P.D. Day change

Our calendar has been updated to show a change to our planned P.D. days in order to fall in line with a change made by The Corbet School. The original date of Friday 24th October 2014 has now been changed to Monday 3rd November.

Home-link books

As mentioned previously, please could you remember to write a note in your child’s home-link book regarding clubs and the bus. We are still having to ring home to find out if children are staying to clubs and if they are travelling home on the bus or being collected.

Dental appointments

Unless it is for emergency treatment, please could children’s dental appointments be made for outside of the school day to prevent children from missing time in school.

YEAR 6s – Bikeability

Year 6s please remember your bikes and helmets for the first day back on Monday 2nd June.  If the sun decides to make a reappearance, please also remember to apply sun cream before coming to school and wear suitable clothing as explained in your previous letter. Due to your session times, it might be easier for you to bring a packed lunch on Monday and Tuesday but a school lunch will still be provided if you wish.

Thanks for your support and I hope you enjoy the half term break!

Mrs Natalie Johnson

Mr Fone

It is with sadness that we inform you that Mr Fone has passed away who was head teacher at Bicton CE Primary School many years ago.  His funeral will be held at Bicton Church on Friday 6th June at 11.00 a.m.

Sainsburys Vouchers

Sainsbury's Active Kids Vouchers
We will be sending the Sainsburys order off this Friday so, if you still have any Sainsburys vouchers, please could you send them in by Friday morning.

Many thanks for all the vouchers sent in so far.


An early morning reminder for children in class 2 to bring in their jigsaws for maths this morning.

Many thanks

Weekly News 16th May 2014

Monies in envelopes

Please could we remind you to send in any dinner, trip or swimming money in an envelope marked clearly with the child’s name and class. Dinner money can be paid by cheque made payable to Shrophire Council with the child’s name written on the reverse.

Picking up times

The Office is staffed until 4:30 p.m. but in the past couple of weeks some children have not been collected until almost 5:00 from clubs that finished at 4:30. Please could we ask that children are collected promptly, at the end of after-school clubs. If you are going to be late, please phone school to let staff know.

Medical Forms

We have now uploaded the medicine form to the website for you to download, print off and complete.  Please ensure that the form is signed before sending it in with your child and also that the dosage and length of time for which the medicine/prescription needs administering are made clear.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Neal or Mrs Jones at the Office.

Football Clubs

Football Club for Years 3-6 has now finished for the summer and will be replaced with rounders club which will start next Wednesday 21st May.

Football Club for Reception to Year 2 finishes on Tuesday 20th May and will restart in the autumn term.

Many thanks.

Class 5 – Residential Trip

Please can I have all Kingswood Under 18’s medical consent form back by Friday 9th May at the latest. Thanks

Pet photos

Can all children in class 1 please bring in a photo of their pet for this Friday please? If they don’t have a pet they can draw a picture of what pet they would like.

Many thanks

Mrs Thomas

Welcome back

It was lovely to see the children back after the Easter holidays today and they enjoyed sharing their news in assembly this morning, particularly on how helpful they have been to you over the past two weeks!

Lost Property

We have a growing pile of clothing and other objects in our lost property outside Class 1. If your child has mislaid something, please could you pop into school when you get chance just to check if anything belongs to your child.


A reminder that Class 4 and Year 3 children in Class 3 will be starting their swimming sessions this Wednesday. Please could you ensure that your child brings their swimming costume/trunks/shorts and a towel to school on Wednesday morning and, if rain is forecast, please send them with a coat as they will be walking through the Quarry from the bus.

Many thanks.

Mrs Natalie Johnson

Class 2 – Year 2 Holiday Homework

In the excitement of finishing for Easter, I forgot to hand out holiday homework! Apologies. I have copied and pasted it below and will ask Miss Edwards to hand out the paper copies on the first Monday back. Hope you all have a lovely Easter break.


We have been doing lots of work in class on character descriptions. We have looked at a characters appearance, personality and likes and dislikes.

I would like the children to read as many Horrid Henry stories as they can and then use the information they have learnt to write a character description of him under the sub-headings appearance, personality and likes and dislikes.

They can include illustrations and present the character description as a booklet, poster or piece of writing. Please let me know if you need any resources such as paper etc.

Miss Moran would also like the children to carry out some research about nocturnal animals (foxes, bats, badgers and owls). It is up to the children how they choose to present the information (poster, leaflet, report)

The homework will be due in on the first Friday back after the Easter holidays (Friday 2nd May.)

There will be no spellings to learn over the Easter holidays. New spellings will be given on the first Friday back after Easter.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.


Class 2 – Year 1 Holiday Homework

In the excitement of finishing for Easter, I forgot to hand out holiday homework! Apologies. I have copied and pasted it below and will ask Miss Edwards to hand out the paper copies on the first Monday back. Hope you all have a lovely Easter break.


We have been doing lots of work in class on character descriptions. We have looked at a characters appearance, personality and likes and dislikes.

I would like the children to choose a character from one of their favourite stories and write some sentences under the sub-headings appearance, personality and likes and dislikes.

They can include illustrations and present the character description as a booklet, poster or piece of writing. Please let me know if you need any resources such as paper etc.

The homework will be due in on the first Friday back after the Easter holidays (Friday 2nd May.)

There will be no spellings to learn over the Easter holidays. New spellings will be given on the first Friday back after Easter.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.