FOBS Annual General Meeting


Please join us at our AGM, become part of this invaluable team and demonstrate to your child how much you care about Bicton School. We are always looking for new committee members. Also, we would like to replace our Secretary or at least find people willing to share this role with existing volunteers.

Bicton School is dependent on FOBS fundraising to supplement the school budget. Your help can make

Date: Friday, 11th of July

Time: 2.00 pm

Place: Bicton School Staff Room

Thank you!



Class 1 visit to Park Hall Farm

Just a reminder that Class 1 will be visiting Park Hall Farm tomorrow (Friday).  The children will need to be in school at the usual time and the bus will leave at 9.30am.  They will need to wear their uniform and sensible shoes (trainers will be fine as the weather is dry).  They will also need to bring a packed lunch in a disposable bag (no glass bottles please).  The children will not need any spending money as we won’t have time to go to the shop as we’ve got a busy day ahead!  We will arrive back at school before 3.15pm.

We’re looking forward to visiting the farm and learning about what happens there.

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Foster and Miss Bellis

Class 2 Spellings

Dear Parents/Carers,

There will be no spelling test tomorrow (Friday 20th June) so the children will be tested on their current spellings next week instead. Class 2 will be taking part in tennis and yoga lessons tomorrow as part of health and fitness week and there will not be time to fit in spellings aswell.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Chadwick

Class 5 – Residential Trip

Just to let you know they have arrived safely.  Unfortunately there is no network signal so they will not be able to post any pictures on the web site over the weekend.

Kingswood Return Time

Returning from Kingswood on Sunday at 2:30 not 1:30

Dental Spa Logo Competition

We have been asked by the Dental Spa in Shrewsbury to help design a logo for their Dental Spa Super Spa Kids Club. Your child will be coming home with the details. Please return the completed designs to the school office by the Tuesday 17th June.


Permission Slips – Brass Extravaganza – Class 5

Please can I have all permission slips for the Brass Extravaganza back by Monday 9th June.


School Photographer Visit

Tempest Photography will be in school next Tuesday on June 10th to take individual portraits, siblings together and class photos. If you would like photographs taking of your child/children  with younger siblings who are not in school,  please be at school for just after 8:30 a.m.

If you have any questions, please speak to Mrs Jones or Mrs Neal.