FOBS – Annual General Meeting – This Friday 2pm

Thanks to you, FOBS has raised a whopping £2,500 during the school year! Please join us at our AGM to hear how this money will be spent and to discuss future fundraising. (By attending the meeting you are not committing to joining FOBS, please come along and give us your input with no strings attached!) We hope to see you there.

Celebration Assembly

I have asked children who want to, to prepare a short fact about the sea creature that they carried out research for in school and at home. It should be no more than a couple of sentences and I would like them to read it out (without bits of paper) in next Friday’s assembly. I would appreciate your help in helping them to prepare this and we will practise on Wednesday and Thursday in school.

Many thanks,

Jude Chadwick

Class 2 Spellings

Children have not been given new spellings today as next Friday is celebration assembly and the following Friday is a PD day. Could you please leave children’s spelling books in their book bags as we will collect these in the last week.

Many thanks,

Jude Chadwick

Message for choir

All choir members –

If you haven’t already done so can you please send your reply slip back into school by tomorrow so I know who will be singing in the choir on Saturday at the village fete.

Many thanks

Mrs Thomas

Transition Day

This Thursday, children will be spending the day in their September classes and the class lists will be on the window of each class from tomorrow. Children will line up as normal outside their existing classes and any children moving to a different classroom will do so after registration; they will return to their current classes before the end of the day.

Thank you for your continued support


Thank you to those children that brought in their shoeboxes last week. If you haven’t already brought one in can you please bring one in tomorrow as we will be doing an art activity with them.

Many thanks

Mrs Thomas

Weekly News


Many thanks to FOBS for organising such a great evening last Friday.  It was lovely to see so many families at School watching or taking part in the football and zumba activities!  With glorious sunshine, it was a perfect end to our Health and Fitness Week.

Sports Day

Thank you to everyone for their support and encouragement at Sports Day yesterday.  The children’s sporting attitude and behaviour was excellent and many of them surprised staff with their energy levels and desire to take part in every event on offer! Again, thank you to FOBS for serving much-needed refreshments throughout the day.

The last few weeks of term seem as busy as ever, so please keep an eye on the website for news or reminders of forthcoming events.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Johnson

Class 5 Trip – London

Please can I have all permission slips/money in by the end of the week.

Sports Day – Yr 6 Bike Race

If the Year 6’s wish to take part in the bike race tomorrow can they please remember to bring their bikes. Thank you.