Mrs Foster’s New Arrival

We thought you would be pleased to hear about Mrs Foster’s new arrival Benjamin David born on Friday 25th July weighing 6lbs 15ozs.

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Foster and big sister Phoebe!

Welcome Back

Welcome back to all the children and their families;  it was lovely to catch up with several parents this morning.

Staff have been really impressed and pleasantly surprised with how children in all classes have settled into school today. Children were all keen to catch up with and make new friends, as well as share their news and scrapbooks from the summer holidays.


The after-school clubs are currently being updated on the website calendar.  Please could we ask you to write a message in your child’s home-school/link book if they are staying for clubs; hopefully older children will be able to remember if they are staying! This will save Mrs Jones or Mrs Neal having to contact you if your child is unsure about after-school arrangements.

Free school Meals

Further to the letter you received from us before the end of last term, just a reminder that all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are now automatically eligible for free school meals.  Could we please ask that you still inform school if you are in receipt of welfare benefits, as this may entitle Bicton School to register for additional funding.

Many thanks.

Mrs Natalie Johnson


Thank you!

Thank you to parents and children in class 2 for your kind and generous cards and presents. I hope you all have a lovely holiday.

Jude Chadwick

Holiday Reading Books

We have collected all of the children’s reading and reading record books today and will send them home tomrrow with two reading books for the holidays. Please could you return them in September.

Many thanks

Jude Chadwick

Last Day!

I have told the children that they are welcome to bring in toys and games tomorrow for the last day. Please could you make sure they don’t bring in anything too expensive (electronic games) or with lots of small pieces.

Many thanks

Jude Chadwick

Games and Model Making Club

If anyone has any board games that are no longer used, Mrs Barker would very much appreciate them for Games Club on Wednesdays.

Thank you.


All medicine that has been kept in school this term for children will need to be collected from school on Thursday afternoon, the last day of term. Children who go home on the bus, any medicine will be put safely in their bags.

Any relevant medication will need to be returned at the start of term in September.

Thank you.

Celebration Assembly

Please could children in class 2 bring their school PE kit (blue t-shirt and blue/black shorts) with them tomorrow for celebration assembly. If they do not have one, could they bring something as near to this as possible. They may come to school in their PE kit tomorrow if they wish but please could they also bring their school uniforms.

Many thanks,

Jude Chadwick

Celebration Assembly

We look forward to seeing parents, families and friends at our Celebration Assembly this Friday at 9:25 a.m.  Please could we remind people not to park on Bicton Lane and to use the village hall car park once the School car park is full.

Thanks for your support.

Missing Sticker Book

As you are probably aware, lots of children have been bringing their Panini World Cup sticker albums to school recently.  Please could you ask your child to check that they haven’t accidentally taken an album home belonging to somebody else by mistake, as Parker in Class 4 has lost his book somewhere in school.

Thanks for your help.