Class 5 Literacy Homework for Tuesday 21st

To mark the end of our work on WarHorse, I would like Class 5 children to create a book review of the novel. They may use the format attached below, which they were all given a paper copy of on Friday, or they can create their own design.

This homework needs to be given in on Tuesday please.  They have not been given spellings to learn this week, as they also have Maths homework to complete for Mr Kelly for Wednesday.

Many thanks.

warhorse book review

Helicopter Visit

Just a reminder that we have the helicopter visit tomorrow so could all children remember to bring a coat to school please.

As requested previously, please do not park on Bicton Lane but use the car park at the village hall instead.

Thank you for your support.

Cake donations – Halloween Disco

We would very much appreciate donations of cakes and biscuits for the Halloween Disco on the 24th October.

Please leave at reception.

Many thanks

Class 5 Literacy Homework

In preparation for our next Literacy unit on poetry, Class 5’s task over the next week is to research one significant (well-known) WW1 poet. Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon and Rupert Brooke are a few suggestions. Think about what you could find out about them e.g. their life, their role before/during/after (if they survived) WW1 and any poems they are famous for.

You can present your research in a format of your choice but it will be going on display so think about presentation.  We will be sharing everyone’s research in class on Monday 20th.

Don’t forget your Christmas cards

Just a reminder that your Christmas card designs are due in on Monday 13th October.

Many thanks

Class 4 Trip – Chester

Please can I have all permission slips in by Friday, 17th October.

Bags2School – 21st October

Please start collecting any unwanted clothes or textiles (clean but in any condition).  You will be provided with a Bag2School plastic bag (bin liners are fine too) and they will be collected from school on the morning of Tuesday 21st October.

This is an excellent way we can raise funds for school whilst educating the children on the importance of recycling.

Further information can be found at


Special Menu Day – Thursday 2nd October

A special menu day is being held on Thursday 2nd October. The theme is ‘American Diner’ and the options are:-

HOT DIGGITY DOG – with onions and ketchup

HOUND DOG – sprinkled with cheese

DIRTY DOG – with BBQ sauce

GOOD DOG (V) – vegetarian sausage with any of the above choices

ATLANTIC DOG – fish fingers with the above choice of toppings

All served with fries or mashed potatoes, sweetcorn and baked beans, coleslaw and salad.


Weekly News 19th September

Lost uniform

The recent warm weather has seen many children taking their sweatshirts/cardigans off in and around school. Please could you check that all items of your child’s uniform is labelled and that they have not brought home uniform belonging to another child, particularly sweatshirts.

Letters home

Thank you for the great response to next year’s residential visit to Arthog for Years 5 and 6.  If you have not yet done so, please could you return the letter (and deposit if your child is going) as we need to confirm numbers with Arthog.  There are also still a few permission slips outstanding for Year 6 children for Bikeability.


Letters regarding the Year 3 and 4 visit to Stottesdon, in the Spring term, will be sent out in a couple of weeks time.

After-school Clubs

Thank you to parents who have helped out at different clubs this week; we are extremely grateful for your support.

School Calendar

We are planning on selling a school calendar this year and letters will be sent home early next week regarding permission for your child to be featured in the calendar, information on cost, etc.

Thank you all for your support. Have a nice weekend!

Mrs Johnson



Weekly News 05.09.14

The first week has ‘flown’ and the children seem to have enjoyed their new classes and are settling into their class routines well.


Football Club for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will restart on Tuesday 9th September. It will finish at 4:30 and children may go in to Film Club afterwards but will still need to pay £1:50 for Film Club please.

Please could we ask that any monies for Clubs (Craft, Film or Breakfast) be in envelopes clearly labelled with your child’s name and class.

We had a fantastic turnout at our Cross Country Club today and children who had not taken part before joined in very well. Thank you to the adults who accompanied us.

Hope you all have a good weekend and thank you as always for your support.

Mrs Natalie Johnson