Weekly News 21.11.14

Fantastic Footballers!

A huge well done to our U9s who all played brilliantly on Wednesday evening at Sundorne.  They came top in their group and will now progress to the next round which is due to be held on 10th December.  A letter will be sent out once details have been confirmed. Thank you to all the parents who went along to Sundorne and gave fantastic support to the children and staff.

Y5/6 Athletics

Well done to the Year 5/6 children who took part in the athletics event at The Corbet on Thursday evening.  They came 2nd overall and showed real sportsmanship, cheering each other on.  Thank you very much to parents who helped with transport to and from The Corbet and who came along to support us.

Home-link books

Please can we remind parents and guardians to write in home-link books if children are staying for clubs and/or if they are going home on the bus.  We cannot stress enough how important this is.

Jars and buttons needed

If you have any glass jars (with or without lids) or buttons, please could you leave them at the Office for projects being done in Classes 4 and 3 respectively.

P.E. Kit

Please could children remember to bring their P.E. kit, including trainers/pumps, into school at the start of the week, as we are having to lend kit to children more frequently at the moment.

Letters home this week include:

Stottesdon residential visit (all children in Years 3 and 4)

Milk (free school meals children)

Hockey (for Year 6 children involved)

Update regarding Mrs Johnson’s acting head position and Mr Davies’ secondment

Xmas raffle tickets have also been sent home


I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson



Weekly News 14.11.14

Children In Need

Thank you for your support with our fundraising efforts today for Children In Need. The children (and staff!) looked fantastic and we are so grateful for the efforts put into the various outfits/costumes.  We raised over £200 from the donations for non-uniform, the cake sale and the sale of Pudsey ears! This is an amazing effort and we will confirm the actual total on Monday.

Collecting Children from Clubs

Please could we ask that children are collected from the Hall on Mondays after Dance Club and not from the playground.  We have reminded children that they are not to go back to their classrooms but to wait for parents/grandparents etc to collect them from the Hall.


We have seen an increase in the number of children arriving late in the morning.  Please could you ensure that your child is at School for 8:55 when the bell goes as the School’s punctuality figures are monitored closely by the Local Authority as well as children’s attendance.  Thank you in advance for your support with this.

Classes 4 and 5 Carol Service

This year we have decided to hold a Carol Service where children in Classes 4 and 5 will perform in Bicton Church on Thursday 18th December at 6:30 pm.  Miss Barratt has started to rehearse with both classes this week and we would be grateful for your support to help your child learn the carols and any readings they are given (to follow in the next couple of weeks.)

Buttons needed

If you have any old buttons, please could you leave them at the Office for a project that Class 3 are doing. Thank you.

Letters Home this Week

Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics at The Corbet (for children who are involved)

Y3/4 Football at Sundorne Sports Village (for children who are involved)

Scholastic Christmas magazine

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson and staff

Christmas Baubles

Following last year’s success, we have been asked by the Co op to decorate the baubles, which will be displayed again at the Christmas Fayre and the Co op.  These will be given out on Tuesday, 18th November, with individual names on and need to be decorated and returned by Wednesday, 10th December at the latest.


Christmas Cards

Please can any orders for your child’s Christmas cards be returned to the school office by the end of the day tomorrow. Thank you.

Home link book reminder

Please could you ensure that any messages regarding clubs/picking up time are written in your child’s home link book each day. It is important for us to know if another person is picking your child up at home time and whether your child is attending clubs. If you child is to regulalrly attend a certain club every week, please could you write this in the home link book so that we can update our records. If there are any changes to arrangements, then please also let us know in the home link book.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs L. Conde


We have been keeping a close eye on the weather forecast for Friday evening although there may be a chance of rain we have decided not to disappoint the children by cancelling the event.   We hope that you will be able to attend and we look forward to seeing as many families as possible.

Don’t forget your marshmallow sticks, torch and gloves (and an umbrella)!




Weekly News – end of half term

Thank you to all our parents, grandparents and other family members who joined us to celebrate the children’s achievements at Celebration Assembly last week.  We are also grateful for your help and support since the start of term and for your comments at Parents’ Evenings.  It has certainly been a long half-term but the children have all worked hard and we hope they are enjoying their half-term holiday!


Poppies will be on sale from Tuesday 4th November, if children would like to purchase one for a small donation.

Cross Country cancelled – Bonfire

Just a reminder that there will be no cross country the first week back, due to the FOBs bonfire which we are all looking forward to and hope you can join us.

Music Tuition

Children have already been informed by their music teacher/s but just to confirm there will be no guitar or brass lessons the first week back after half-term.


To help prevent uniform being mislaid, please could you check that all of your child’s school uniform is labelled clearly with their name when we return to school.  Could we also request that all children are in appropriate school footwear.  Thank you in advance for your support with this.

Children In Need Dressing Up Day (and Pudsey ears)

To link to this year’s Children In Need theme of ‘Be A Hero,’ children can come to school on Friday 14th November dressed up as their hero for a small donation of 50p per child.   To help boost our fundraising efforts for the charity, we will also be holding a cake sale and any donations of cakes or biscuits would be gratefully received. We are still selling Pudsey ears at the Office for £2.50.

Class Trips

Thank you for returning the permission slips and payment for the Class 4 visit to Chester. Please can all outstanding permission slips for Class 5’s Cineworld visit be returned by Wednesday 5th November; children will not be able to take part in the visit if we do not have your permission.

We are looking forward to seeing all the children on Tuesday with news of what they have been up to!

Mrs Johnson and staff

Scholastic Book Club

Please can I have all orders in by Thursday 23rd October, at the latest.