Head Lice

We have been made aware that there are a couple of cases of head lice in school at the moment. Could we please ask that you check your child’s/children’s hair carefully and use appropriate treatment if you find that your child is affected before they return to school.

There are leaflets available at the Office with the latest information on how to treat for head lice but if you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to speak to myself or another member of staff.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Johnson

Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

This is just to make you aware that your child should’ve come home with a piece of literacy homework today relating to writing dialogue. I am unable to put this document on the website so please let me know if your child hasn’t got one.

Also we will be having a  times table test every Friday from now on. I have told the children to choose a times table to learn each week (or for longer if necessary) in the hope that they will gradually improve as we continue these tests.

Thank you for your support as always.

Miss Barratt

Thank you!

On behalf of all the staff, thank you all for your support in the last week of term with all the events taking place. Classes 4 and 5’s Carol Service on Thursday evening was a great success and there were smiles and much laughter all around at the Nativity on Friday morning.

Thank you also for our many cards and gifts and we all hope you have a happy and hopefully restful Christmas!

Mrs Johnson and staff

Christmas Jumper Day – Friday 12th December

For tomorrows Christmas Jumper day the children can wear a festive jumper or outfit. For the children singing at Bicton Church can they please wear a festive outfit or their school jumper.

£1.00 donation for Save The Children.

Thank You.

Father Christmas – Tickets

Santa will be visiting Classes 4 and 5 between 1:00 and 2:00 on Thursday afternoon, before the Christmas Fayre starts, so please can you ensure they bring their yellow ticket with them.



Bicton School Calendar

The Bicton School Calendar has arrived!

They are available to purchase from the school office and the cost is £8.00 for one calendar or £7.50 for two or more.

Santa’s Grotto

Just a reminder that tickets are on sale (£2.50 each) at the Office for Santa’s Grotto.  Santa will be visiting Classes 4 and 5 between 1:00 and 2:00 on Thursday afternoon, before the Christmas Fayre starts so if your child is in either of these classes they will need to have purchased their ticket before he arrives.

We look forward to a great afternoon and would like to say thank you to everybody who has helped in the preparations so far.

Christmas Fayre Raffle Donations

We would really apprecite any raffle donations for the Christmas Fayre on Thursday 11th December.    If you would like to make a donation please hand in to Reception.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you all at the Christmas Fayre.


Father Christmas


                          FATHER CHRISTMAS

Tickets to see Father Christmas will be on sale from Wednesday 3rd December in reception.  Price per child – £2.50.

Cooking club

Just a quick note to say that cooking club for my usual group in on tomorrow after school until 4:15pm, unfortunately it isn’t on, onThursday 4th December. Sorry!
Miss Edwards