Celebration assembly – Class 1

Please can all Class 1 children bring in warm clothes to wear for the celebration assembly on Friday as we are sharing our topic work on Polar regions.  They will need their coat, a hat, scarf and gloves.

Many thanks,

Mrs Thomas and Mrs Conde

Cross Country

Cross Country is ON this Friday 20th March, but is not on 27th March.

Weekly News 6th March

Usborne Books

Thank you to everyone who visited Usborne Books in the Hall on Thursday. We decided to spend the £500 we had left from last year out of the £1500 FOBs donation for new books and, together with the commission earned on sales to parents yesterday, we earned over another £500 of books. This means school has been able to purchase over £1000 of new books so we are extremely grateful for your support!

Comic Relief

Remember it is Comic Relief day next Friday and the theme this year is Make your face funny for money! Children can come to school in non-uniform wearing anything they choose and, hopefully, with a funny face and £1 for Comic Relief. 

We would also like to do a cake sale at Friday break time so any donations of cakes, biscuits, etc would be much appreciated.

Letters out this week

Year 4 girls netball letter – please could all reply slips be returned by Monday at the latest.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Grand total!

We raised a staggering £410 last Friday from wearing non-uniform and from the sale of cakes.  This has far exceeded our expectations and is a fantastic start to our defibrillator fundraising.  We will be sending a cheque for £205 to the British Heart Foundation this week as half of the money raised.

Thanks again to everyone.

Mrs Johnson

Wear Red Day – Cake Sale & Baking Competition

Just a quick reminder that it is wear red day tomorrow, please bring a £1, and there is a cake sale and baking competition.

Valentine’s Disco – 13th February

Tickets are available from Reception for those parents who would prefer to buy tickets before the event.

Ticket prices: £1.50 per child or £3.00 per family.

We would also be grateful for cake donations which can be left with Reception.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please be aware that your child should’ve come home with a piece of literacy and maths homework today. The literacy is linked to spellings this week and the maths is linked to measurement. Please let me know if your child has not got one.

Thank you.


Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child has been given a homework relating to verb tenses this week. Please let me know if your child has not come home with one so I can ensure they recieve one before next Friday.

Many Thanks,

Miss Barratt