Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Tonight children have taken home Maths homework to be brought back to school by Wednesday 30th September.

For the groups finding 2-digit number bonds to 100, I have asked children not to use the method modelled on the sheet but to use a number line and count on to 100. We have covered this method in class this week.

If there are any queries please do not hesitate to speak to myself or Mrs Foster.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Chadwick


Please could we remind all adults to only use the designated parking spaces, when parking around the island at the front of the school, and not block other cars in; there have been several occasions in the last week where parents and staff have been blocked in which has prevented them from getting their cars out and making them late for work or meetings.  Please could you also refrain from blocking other cars in when parking at the side of the school.  If the school car park is full, please use the village hall car park instead.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Class 4 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers

I have given the children Chapter 3 of ‘Stig of the Dump’ to read for homework. They should all have brought home a copy tonight which I would like them to try and read before the English lesson tomorrow. They can either read it by themselves or have it read to them. We will be focusing on the differences between Stig and Barney and how they work together. What can they do? What are they good at? I am not looking for anything in writing for this weeks homework.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Chadwick


Hello and welcome back!

We’ve got off to a great start in Class 3 and the children are excited about their new topics and all the learning planned for this term!

Please find attached a copy of the topic poster, identifying what we will be learning in each subject, as well as a letter informing you of some key information for Class 3.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to catch me at the end of the school day.

Autumn Topic Poster

Start of year letter



Welcome Back

The children seem to have settled back into school life easily and were all very keen to share their summer holiday news yesterday.  We have been very impressed with how our new Reception children have settled in so well and seem to be getting used to daily routines quickly.  Welcome also to Luca and Addison in Classes 1 and 3.

School Dinners

Please remember that your child is entitled to a free school lunch if they are in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, as part of the government’s Universal Infant Free School Meal scheme.

If you are in receipt of certain benefits, it is important that you still apply for free school meals as this may entitle school to receive Pupil Premium funding which can be used to support your child.  Application forms are available at the school office.

Flu Vaccinations

Year 1 and Year 2 children will be bringing home a flu vaccination letter and consent form today; please can the consent forms be returned to the school office as soon as possible. If you have any queries regarding the vaccination, please see the information on the small noticeboard at the front of the school or speak to Helen or Lisa at the school office who will try to answer any queries.

After-School Clubs

We are currently in the process of arranging after-school clubs for next week onwards and the website will be updated as soon as we have done so.

Many thanks.

Mrs Johnson

Thank You Message From Mr Davies

Mr Davies called in to school with a card, at the end of term, and asked if we could post his message on the website for you all to see:

To all the Staff, children, Parents and Governors of Bicton School,

Thank you all for your generous, kind and entertaining thoughts during the assembly.  I wanted to say more but, unusually, was stopped in my tracks by an emotional tsunami!

Thank you again for what you did.

I will miss Bicton.

I will miss you all.

Enjoy the break.

Best wishes


Weekly News 10th July 2015

Thank you to everyone who attended our assembly this morning and made it such a special occasion for Mr Davies.  He was overwhelmed by the wonderful tributes paid to him from the children and the staff were so proud of how fantastically the children performed and held it together when things got a little bit emotional! Mr Davies has promised to send a photo of whatever he buys with the kind donations received and we thank you again for your generosity.

Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly

As mentioned this morning, everyone is more than welcome to join us next Thursday at 10:30 to watch the Year 6s’ performance – tissues definitely needed!

Dinner Money

Please could any outstanding dinner money be paid on Monday.

Letters home this week

Uniform letter – whole school

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Mrs Johnson and staff